The dream:
I am at a party when a man unzips his pants and takes out his penis. It is a very thin thing, about finger width, BUT it is also about 30 metres long. The man flips his penis around the room at all the guests like a lasoo…and then I woke up.
Does anybody care to interpret?
what am I up to!?
Zenya! The people were a mix of men and women!
JCL: That is hysterical! You wild beast! I might well be scared of being enslaved by men though, does that work for you?
Fist: glad it made you laugh. But you know we can’t trust these head shrinkers, now can we? Marshalling forces…with a BLOG??? readers, don’t have any yet, only loyal friends
… you were scared of getting ensnared by sex?
I also had a very strange dream the other night. I dreamt that there was this hot guy and I was making out with him in a bathroom/toilet (I don’t think it was a toilet cubicle) and then he takes off his shirt. It was like he had no skin covering his flesh, it was raw exposed muscle. I had been making out with fillet mignon!!!!!
I was totally revolted the next morning. I can’t even bear to think about it!
Do you remember anything about the other guests? Were they men, women or both?
… I have no interpretation. However, that is frickin’ funny.
That’s why it happened in a dream; you’re not yet conscious of what you’re up to!
My office mate (who is training to be a psychotherapist) reckons that the man represents a masculine, ie doing-part, of you, like you’re marshalling forces and so forth. So it represents setting up your blogs and getting readers.