it takes one dreamer to recognize another. but dreaming is not a bad thing. dreamers have changed our world and often this has been for the better. even if they did need more practical souls to carry out their ideas. i'd like to think i've a little bit of both in me, but the truth is i'm really a dreamer where it matters, where it hurts, where it breathes.
Anyway, this one was penned for all the creative people i know, a few years back. I think my poetry has gotten worse since then.
The Final Word
The gentleman was confused
by my fervour and, said he,
“I’ve wondered what it is
you do, your fingers flying
as water on the keys of
that box of light and circuits?"
Said I, “That prism of insight
flashing through my brain,
needed release and
there it is, I did it
without even thinking!”
“How wonderful to be driven so”
his head cocked to the side
He snorts and lifts
the teacup to his lips
We are quiet, the only sound
the rain whipping the gum trees
into frothy, dripping monsters
with branches like rotors whirring
Said the gentleman, “Of course
you’ve considered that nobody
really notices all this effort
and really life is about practical things?”
Says the lady “If that were true kind sir, there
would be no violins or chocolate”
The rain drips down like exploding
popcorn, the gentleman purses
his lips and the cup clatters
in porcelain rhyme
Says the man, “I have heard tell
of many writers and poets
pledged in marriage to their art
who died by their own hand in
desperate obscurity in dark
and lonely rooms overlooking
inspiring lakes”
“Perhaps” said I,
my fingers beginning to
flex in preparation,
“They had nothing more to say
nice poem! :up:and I am a dreamer… even if it kills me sometimes…
yeah… tell me about it… drives me nuts sometimes.
thanks girl. yeah it’s nearly done me in a few times too. it’s about balance. dreamers can be bad at that.
i sometimes don’t recognise when my vibration goes to high. this is because, as i bet you already know, i secretly enjoy the rush! like this last week. getting back on track now though – slowing it down considerably to free up some energy. how’s things there?
I know exactly how you feel.
me, gettin my ups and downs… Christmas isn´t my favorite holiday… but I do it for my kid, to see that smile is the best thing in the world!
I wrote a post on my blog on why (friends only)… but I´m ok…
WL, i don’t know why i’ve not added your blog to my feedreader!? that is part of the scatterbrain syndrome i’m, talking about. i’ll remedy that so i can keep up with you too, and your beautiful photography. Christmas stirs up lots of memories for me too, mostly uncomfortable. the last several xmases i’ve either not been near my family or been too poor to really celebrate it properly or been working. but yeah its special for children. lovely to see those eyes light up brighter than the tree! i’ll remember to add you as a friend.Dillon> i know you do, we’re kindred that way. take a break dreamchild. you’re lovely.
to both of you.
Cool!I am bad at balancing my life… :(That’s really bad. I like being a dreamer, though. :PGreat poem lovely M. ;)Love,Dan
hello Danny Boy! :)thank you! I also like being one. That is the problem. well it’s not a problem, just has to be realized that self-discipline helps to enable that side of you into something good not something destructive. avoiding self sabotage -it’ll make you into the best dreamer ever! one who can actually start to REALIZE those dreams, not just drift on them.if anybody is interested read: Life Strategies – Stop Making Excuses, Do what works, do what matters – bv Phil McGraw. I love me that Dr Phil! I know it looks like POP psyche. but it’s actually an extremely helpful book. Changes my life when i stick to the Life Laws…but I’m naughty…so freakin naughty!
Cape,You are naughty! And I love it. :PLove,Dan