hehehe.. I was just making fun of ripp2002 ( a good Meerkat would do the same right?) Of course I meant the “hair and arms position” but why am I losing my time writing this?YES BUY IT ! It will fits you perfectly… I suppose. :right:
D: i always loved your sense of humor i think it would really bring out the color of your eyes.ripp: your computer’s not broken, obviously that wolverine is a hacker ;)martin: nice try hackerdarko: just because i can quote shakespeare, doesn’t mean i can’t rock this outfit :lol:should i buy it?
Well buy it and post pictures so we can make sure it fits correctly. Wouldnt want you to wear it and it not fit correctly. We will give you an outsiders point of view.
LOL Darko, only if you and that carcajou come along.D>>> the post was titled “one size fits all” where, I mean, WHERE else could it have gone. lollers.
Meerkat, I’m always in for a bank… specially if all you wear is a sock on your head! A smooth a pleasant robbery, bank director: “come again, have a nice day and watch your step in the way out” The success is assured. :eyes:
gdare> with your sword!meerkat> cover me i’m going in…. heemarcus> i hope so, but now i’m broke and have no money left after buying a washing machine. and no sexy clothes to wash in it. whatever am i to do?LC>still? ok, i’m putting a sock on my head..now :devil:
I think they are awsome. Not scary just have that slight amount of question. Is it a smile or it is something else. In your case always a smile. :D:devil:Just think of it as devilishly charming.
LC this is true that devil face is not really evil, just mysterious and naughty. although….:devil::devil::devil:hmmm…..marcus..hmmm again…none at present, i’ll have to buy my own or go neked :devil:(there he is AGAIN!)
the women in my country are underestimated. we do NOT just drink and take our clothes off. we also take drugs and get tattoos. when we’re not praying to Satan.
For some reason after firing or dismissing around 100 people from my last job I was often refered to as Satan, some called me the dark lord. I am not sure why, I was doing all those people a favor. :devil:
Satan is such a strong word. Some were fired for not doing their job, some for stealing, some for lack of quality in work, some for not showing up to work, some for leaving work before it was completed. The list goes on and on. It was for a contractor company so there was a wide assortment of people that came to work for us.
i think such people should make way for those who do want to work, and appreciate having a job. years ago in conservation slacking used to be unheard of but now, this sort of thing is filtering down from the top in some places. terrible. especially considering the world has such need. still a few folks are still very committed.
Its just become the norm. Its sad to say but the majority are lazy, the majority have no desire for greatness, and the majority are winning the battle. All the wussy people in the world who complain about the equal right (NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT RACIAL, WOMEN OR THINK ALONG THOSE LINES) to be mediocre and its not far that athletes or smart people get treated differantly are holding back society and making soceity a lazy place. At least that is the way I look at it. :devil:
Looks like it would fit me perfectly.
hrmm ok whats the catch?
It’s obvious… look at her pic (Michelle’s) and this one. :)You can clearly see they have the same breast size.
Hrmm ok, well I think my computer is broken cause I cant see Michelles breasts. Only her eyes.
Michelle, didn`t you say you are reading poetry these days?:lol:
hehehe.. I was just making fun of ripp2002 ( a good Meerkat would do the same right?) Of course I meant the “hair and arms position” but why am I losing my time writing this?YES BUY IT !
It will fits you perfectly… I suppose. :right:
D: i always loved your sense of humor
i think it would really bring out the color of your eyes.ripp: your computer’s not broken, obviously that wolverine is a hacker ;)martin: nice try hackerdarko: just because i can quote shakespeare, doesn’t mean i can’t rock this outfit :lol:should i buy it?
yeah, yeah, try and squirm your way out of it :pi think i will. it’s just my size! :right:
I just ordered it for you. It’s in the mail along with the nettie pot…Just don’t rock them both at the same time.
Yes, buy it. Or let someone buy it for you
D: :lol:that would create all the wrong kind of slippery :pDarko: i’m pretty sure anybody i know would buy something in much less fabric. :right:
Well buy it and post pictures so we can make sure it fits correctly. Wouldnt want you to wear it and it not fit correctly. We will give you an outsiders point of view.
Yes put a hat on so the top of your head is hiden. Also socks on your feet, you might have nasty toes or something. :devil:
or i could just post a naked picture and you could tell me if you think it’ll fit.:whistle:
Mmmmmm…. no. Something must be hidden
It will fit, I know!!! :devil:
i shall cover my eyes.
:left: i’m still trying to get over the hat and socks visual!
I think you would be a strong visual image wearing a hat and socks. What are you clothists against hats and socks?
Then you will look as if you want to rob a bank
hats i love. socks not so much. alright i’ll wear a hat on my feet and socks on my head. does that work?hee.
This has gotten silly.
LOL Darko, only if you and that carcajou come along.D>>> the post was titled “one size fits all” where, I mean, WHERE else could it have gone. lollers.
To watch your back
Meerkat, I’m always in for a bank… specially if all you wear is a sock on your head!
A smooth a pleasant robbery, bank director: “come again, have a nice day and watch your step in the way out” The success is assured. :eyes:
Still waiting for the pictures.
Just thought I would throw that in.
gdare> with your sword!meerkat> cover me i’m going in…. heemarcus> i hope so, but now i’m broke and have no money left after buying a washing machine. and no sexy clothes to wash in it. whatever am i to do?LC>still? ok, i’m putting a sock on my head..now :devil:
:devil: just make sure you dont cover the face. That way we get the whole picture.
See if you can get Dillon to buy the sexy outfit for you, then send it to you, Michelle :devil:
LC these devil faces are starting to scare me :devil:yes Marcus where are the sponsors for my naughties?
I think they are awsome. Not scary just have that slight amount of question. Is it a smile or it is something else. In your case always a smile. :D:devil:Just think of it as devilishly charming.
I thought he was your main sponsor, how many you got?
LC this is true that devil face is not really evil, just mysterious and naughty. although….:devil::devil::devil:hmmm…..marcus..hmmm again…none at present, i’ll have to buy my own or go neked :devil:(there he is AGAIN!)
:devil: for you and a :cheers: goes along with it on the weekend. Enjoy your blogs, Thanks,
there he goes trying to get me drunk again:lol:
Do I look like the type of man that would get a women drunk? Nevermind. :rolleyes:
So they just get drunk on their own. Hrmmm, that could be a charming trait.
I heard somewhere that SA girls don’t need help that! :smurf:It could be wrong you know but……
the women in my country are underestimated. we do NOT just drink and take our clothes off. we also take drugs and get tattoos. when we’re not praying to Satan.
LOL, Aww how cute, the taking off the cloths part. Not the satan part. LOL.
For some reason after firing or dismissing around 100 people from my last job I was often refered to as Satan, some called me the dark lord. I am not sure why, I was doing all those people a favor. :devil:
:devil:Come to me, my childs…..
that made me laugh.LC: “I was doing all those people a favor”sounds like Satan to me.how come they got fired?
Satan is such a strong word. Some were fired for not doing their job, some for stealing, some for lack of quality in work, some for not showing up to work, some for leaving work before it was completed. The list goes on and on. It was for a contractor company so there was a wide assortment of people that came to work for us.
i think such people should make way for those who do want to work, and appreciate having a job. years ago in conservation slacking used to be unheard of but now, this sort of thing is filtering down from the top in some places. terrible. especially considering the world has such need. still a few folks are still very committed.
Oh I forgot some were just stupid, I didnt fire them for that but it made it easier when they screwed up EVERYTHING.
Its just become the norm. Its sad to say but the majority are lazy, the majority have no desire for greatness, and the majority are winning the battle. All the wussy people in the world who complain about the equal right (NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT RACIAL, WOMEN OR THINK ALONG THOSE LINES) to be mediocre and its not far that athletes or smart people get treated differantly are holding back society and making soceity a lazy place. At least that is the way I look at it. :devil: