5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

I never iron. EVER. If I can't wash and wear it I don't buy it. EVER. May the gods pummel me to death in front of an episode of Dr90210 if I ever use an iron.

I'm a liar. I have in fact used an iron. To make toast.

At Scripture Union camp, I did not pray. Instead we (a gang of girls) lured a group of boys over and massacared them. Nugget and toothpaste was involved. K.L. I am truly sorry. You liked me and I was mean to you with nugget and toothpaste.

I've never smoked a joint. Did I miss anything? (quite possibly an episode of paranoia). Oh wait there was that pizza…. THEY SAID IT WaS OREGANO! So I may have eaten it…and let me tell you tequila and oregano do not happy bedfellows make.

I once (in my youth) belonged to a church where people fell down and spoke in tongues. When I couldn't speak "THE TONGUE" I was told I wasn't really saved. So I saved myself and ran all the way home-never to return. After that I wasn't afraid of anything I couldn't speak. "How dare they tell me what I am and am not, have and have not" was what I asked. Proclaim me an unbeliever, in fact, call me anything you like. Go on, I dare ya. If God loves me, he'll love me in my jammies.

How about you? List me a list of some things I don't know about you, right here in the comments section or on your own blog, just for fun.



90 Replies to “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me”

  1. You’d best warn them that South African beer is 5%alc and not 3%alc of american beer. Also ticke into account that for most South Africans three beers means three quarts of beer and not three pints of beer. :devil:

  2. And if you are to swing by ‘die ou transvaal’ you can wash that down with a tot of mampoer. :devil:.If you’re still standing after that we’ll teach you some seven aside. You’d make a good prop. :devil::devil:

  3. LOL@mampoer!i SMELLED it once and nearly passed out! OMG! LC is welcome here anytime, but after the witblitz and mampoer we’ll put him on a mini-bus taxi. :devil:

  4. Is mampoer like moonshine? I think I have heard that name before but couldnt tell you what it is. Do you have a comparison of those two? I am too lazy to search at school and the connection is far too slow. My brother brought pineapple moonshine back from South Africa that was pretty tasty, not as strong as I thought it would be, it lasted about for about 2 nights worth of shots :whistle::devil:

  5. pineapple moonshine? who made that? the NGK? ha ha ha? (church) you’ll have to ask qlue for the exact details. i live very rustically but as yet no backyard still! LOL mampoer would these days not be the worst thing coming out of here i think, we use anti-freeze in our backyard liquor these days.i heard.back in the day the tribal africans used to make beer in iron pots. then you could add iron poisoning to your party :eyes:

  6. Witblitz is moonshine made from peaches. mampoer is similar but is made from any combination of fruit that may be available. Commercial versions are 43% proof so as to comply with the law. Private backyard variaties vary between 80% and 90% proof. Pineapples are usually used for pineapple beer. It’s more a kind of wine than a beer though and sits between 10% and 30% alc.Witblitz translates to english as white lightning and is only made from peaches. Some illegall liquor been made these days contains battery acid, clorine, lead or any other deadly poison you’d care to name :yuck::rip:

  7. Lc and marcuslol now we’ll get all the drug addicts coming here as well as the pervs.*mainlining* *how to cook meth* *boobies*

  8. :eyes: boobies :left::eyes::right: I dont see no boobies :eyes::doh: Michelle you seem to be caught up on all the modern drug terms :confused::devil:

  9. :left::eyes::right::doh: you shouldnt make ASSumptions :whistle: boobies :left::eyes::right::left::eyes::right::devil::left::eyes::right:

  10. oh MY HELL!!!LC you sure are picky! i’m South African. “we don’t just say no” not me of course… :p i say no a lot.Marcus> maybe i should just post a picture.darko and qlue> the fact that you knew how to make those… :lol::rolleyes:

  11. :doh: so I take it you guys believe in the saying “any port in a storm” :rolleyes:square nipples arent my thing. 😆 Not sure they exist on an actual female human being :rolleyes:The fact that I do not like square nipples doesnt make me picky :whistle: just makes me more honest!!!:devil:

  12. and i quote:those nipples seem to be sagging quite a bit those nipples need to be surgically corrected for sharp corners how would you like your nipples, sir???:devil:

  13. nipples shouldnt face the floor nor should they be square 😆 just nice round ones that are fairly normal sized. I dont really like the ones that look like fingers either :whistle::devil:

  14. I think that design and shape of fonts that appear here depend on design of blog template. I have seen slight differencies between blogs here 🙂

  15. On my phone they are very round. Sorry that your computer and my phone aren’t more compatible but then it doesn’t really matter since they are not getting married any way (at least not if I’ve got anything to say about it :devil:).You can probably change the design of your fonts on your computer but up phonies are pretty much stuck with what the manufacturer have as to start with. :whistle:

  16. :doh: I am glad we got that settled, I wouldnt want to look picky about my tasting of boobies :doh: I mean preferences :whistle:qlue, my laptop is not interested in mating with a phone :doh: that is like a mastiff and a poodle :whistle::devil:

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