an outstretched palm
he coiled his hand into a fist that day and yet, did not place it around her heart.
instead, as darkness settled into secret, raw places, his fingers lifted the ringlets off her cheeks. his neck arched forward, and the motion was slow and unsullied by configured grace or charm.
he kissed the coiled loops that lay over his knuckles and the light from the tiny window that fell on them. she did not look at him, and did not move, but her breath lingered on his cheek for just a moment. he felt the warm air lift and then vanish into the world, no longer part of her.
i do not think he knew what he did that night, as hours passed and the stars dissolved into skies the color of flamingoes. the city began to stir and with it the filth and waste of progress. she lay curled against him and slept, her bones touching his. and on her arm, from wrist to shoulder, 107 different versions of his name.
it is not always a beautiful thing, this world. but if beauty is to be found it exists in the moments when we find an honest place to be. i wish for you, such places.
(February 23, 2006)
Have a good night everybody.
I am speechless, Great!!! I wont even ask for pictures!!!:devil:
sentimental old fool
thanks, LC. i’ve been leafing through my old journals. when i started unpacking, it was like my life laid before me. some boxes had been in storage for a while and i found all sorts of memories. but i am wondering who else travels with beach rocks *they’re not small*….and packets of birds feathers….
Hrmm, pack rat huh? :devil:
Wow! that was great, you have many more like that? It’s just a beauty to read.I don’t have my partridge feathers anymore but I still have my beach rocksin the basement of my new house…….:rolleyes: and I’m sure mine are bigger than yours!
Very nice. 107 different versions of a name…..
sentimental old fool is a great quality and usually means pure of heart. :devil:
martin> they’re not huge (mine) but who packs up their “rocks”? you and i apparently!
thank you for the cheerleading…you…rock? :PLC> a genuine compliment, thank you.
but still the devil lurks… :PDarko> thank you!’s interesting the parts that will stand out to each person who reads something…:)
Did you know that Eskimos have 30 different names for snow….?
I had a problem with throwing things away. Getting married solved that! 24 hours later and only ten percent of my goods remained.:cry:Only problem was, in the end she decided to get rid of the source.
ha ha ha! looks about right!
wow! really? i can understand why, however. that’s like the way South Africans have many different ways to invite somebody for a BBQ. it could be phrased in so many different ways, but it all means. come and throw some meat on the fire, bring your own beer! we’ll do it even if it’s raining, gale force…it’s on! (not you of course, free beer is still available for the man who’ll help me reach the tall cupboards)
But, then, how high are your ceilings? :eyes:Painting them must be pain in the ass :left::lol:
Imagine putting that through a systran babel fish :rolleyes: But seriously, that was beautifull.All South Africans a sentimental old pack rats. (well almost all)
yes i think that’s true. but i am truly ridiculous about throwing things away, qlue! ridiculous! my organisational skills are VROT when it comes to this! i just want to get stuck into the garden too, now…i’d rather be out there…i’m glad you enjoyed this piece of writing..though
i’m only 1.69m remember!
Who paints there own ceilings? Hire someone!
:lol::right:you look psycho?:left::eyes:
lol@qlue. relationships are SO not easy. takes a man and woman of steel to make it work. if it’s meant to be that is…it takes time to know that..or maybe some are lucky.darks> i can reach the cupboards if i stand on my toes and jump around like a nutter aiming for a spot in the general direction of where i want it to go. do i want to do this? no. do i look psycho? yes. do i care. no. do i need a step-ladder? hell yes!!!
Wow, a nice story, Michelle! :up You’re 5 Ft, 6 in tall then