Swiss Air Force Vid

This video shows the Swiss Air Force in action. More than that…it kicks some seriously cool ass! Thanks to ZENYAfrom whom i stole it. Thanks girlfriend!

54 Replies to “Swiss Air Force Vid”

  1. martin… let’s get a matching set nobody can bomb the hell out of their neutrality, of course! i MEAN if i was going to sit in a corner and never take sides i’d have myself a really big baseball bat to make sure it stayed that way..

  2. Yes, but you have to choose who will you ask to sell you baseball bat because you cannot make it by yourself – then, you will have to choose side(s) :devil:

  3. yes, your point was clear, but this is an ideal situation 🙂 what will happen if swiss government decided to buy russian Su-27? it is much cheaper, with better flight performances than eurofighter or F5,…their wish for independency from sides is in some other area, more financial and monetary than political :Dthis is my opinion, maybe this will read someone from swiss, I would like to hear another opinion :up:

  4. well, yes, my point was that if you wish to remain neutral you’d better be kick-ass at maintaining your own survival, since needing to choose sides is sometimes a result of the benefits associated with that, often. material or psychological. if you’re self-maintaining you don’t have to side with anybody, since you don’t need anybody. you could still choose to, i suppose just because you can 😀

  5. there are no ideal situations, not really, sure. maybe a swiss soul will fill us in. i would reckon it’d be easy to buy things from just about anybody if you didn’t ever piss anybody off, no? i remember on 911 they maintained a neutral stance, also, i could be wrong but i seem to remember no condemnation press release from the swiss government. also they are financially strong and that is very useful. do you argue with your bank manager? LOL oh i dont know ..there are some stories about their involvement in WW..that suggest maybe the weren’t all that neutral and yet nor were they partisan. in fact they did what served them, and i really can’t argue with than in a survivalist sense.

  6. the only arena of their government that i’m anywhere near familiar with is their work on renewable energy and they seem way ahead of the rest of us in that realm…so when that oil dries up and we start fighting over it…they get my vote for smart country management anyway, quite frankly. whether you choose to make a moral issue out of it or not-they’ll likely survive…just in terms of relative independence. while we’re having moral arguments, they’re working at changing the way they do things all the time…yay for the swiss, then!

  7. Also about the planes.. I think we can see 2 different kinds no?Maybe they chose both sides after all. :)If it’s just to defend your airspace, the Su-27 (probably cheaper yeah..)is far to be the best right now. The F-22 Raptor would be my choice.Or the F-35 Lightning II… for the future.

  8. The Swiss and the Spanish were not totally neutral, I’d rate them 55% / 45% for the “bad side” – and I’m conservative. But that’s only my opinion based on my readings. 😉

  9. Martin, you are right. It was recently discovered that in WWII some companies from USA were making business with German companies over the Swiss and the bank accounts both sides had there. And I think that was mainly the reason why Germany let them be neutral. Money is money. Although I am not sure for Spain and Sweden.F22 and F35 may be a good choice but I believe more in Russian airplane technology 😀 In Serbia (as in former Yugoslavia) russian airplanes were base of the combat fleet for more than 35 years.

  10. I have checked, one of the planes in this video is Northrop F-5E Tiger II and the other, with delta wings, is Dassault Mirage III, not Eurofighter as I thought at the beginning. 🙂

  11. Yeah.. it’s true you are from Serbia. 🙂 Oh well, it’s like guns it’s not only the equipment but who is behind and the faith you have in it! I’m sure the “star pilots” from both sides could win a fight against any plane with an average pilot…..And yes, seems like a Mirage. Not a fan of them…

  12. oh he’s not bad! not conventionally attractive but…something BETTER. we don’t have that show here yet. is he a vampyr? does he need saving? i’ll “turn” him ha ha ha!! 😀

  13. LOL 😀 you can probably download it on the torrents, it’s a good showmy sister was sceaming at the video when he was doing pushupslol I guess we are never to old to go yummy over.thanks for viewing the video..

  14. i’m pretty sure my computer won’t let me, though..i’ll have to wait..are there better things than men doing push ups i wonder…oh yeah washing the dishes. :p never to old GF..i know i won’t be…

  15. LOL I hear ya !Well I hope you can get to see the show soonI will put a note into my favorite site :DCheck your email todayhugs to yaFati

  16. thanks Fati..i’re up on e-mail :Dmarcus>glad you liked it porno surfer :devil:NOTE TO ALL: since opera made their albeit fabulous changes I can no longer add a new post to my dear little blog! i’ve sent them an e-mail and i’m hoping that won’t be the crap shoot i think it might be…i may have to start posting in the comments section :eyes: 🙁 🙁 more soon. *hopes*

  17. 😆 They keep coming and perving my blog up :faint::no: They better fix that soon! We gotta keep having those wonderful posts you do, Michelle! 😥

  18. or get notifications about comments..or..why is the list of recent comments on the page not being updated? bah! and the page is so slow to load here… 🙁

  19. Only thing that happens to me is that sometimes I have to log on again even though I didn’t log out :left: It logs me out by itself :eyes:

  20. I have bought new keyboard just because of that kind of typo :lol:*ccokies, koccies, sockccie, cockies :eyes:*:lol:And I have not deleted cookies :left: but I got that kind of bug… I suppose it is some kind of bug…..

  21. still… it is possible for the cockieroach to survive very intense heat-such as that generated by a nuclear explosion or even an implosion. or both.

  22. There’s a known sub-specie called “cervicalum” which can be identified by the obvious extra shield around the neck.

  23. really? i’ve never heard of it. is it bigger or smaller than the ordinary cockieroach? what does it eat and how often does it need to feed? where can one find such a cockieroach?

  24. It’s a sporadic specie, mostly in Nordic countries that’s why you never heard of them I guess. I know for sure they’re present in Canada but I’m unaware of the exact population elsewhere.It’s bigger than the common cockieroach.Because of the higher metabolism activity it feeds almost continuously.

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