they laughed, they cried,
they desired
to unbutton their shirts
and loosen their petticoat
and let soft things slip
between the forked paths
of their fingers
and where they wandered
they left traces.
shiny stones, feathered strands,
sticky, honeyed stalactites.
shadows, ghosts,
mirror mosaics, misted apples
all lost to them
subtly replaced by memories;
nestled behind the eye
very evocative and light. good writing kid.
reminds me of Corpse Bride. good poem
A feather of ZWEET bird?
Excuse me, Michelle. U wrote that? :eyes: :eek:U r truely fabulous!! Very sensual
:eyes::yikes: made my heart skip a beat :devil:
that is an awesome poem, i wish i can right as well as you can Michelle.
It’s very nice poem Michelle. I like it.
(with dots and commas and all – impressive!) 
*oh, everyone is commenting on poem except me*Ahem… Nice poem. Do you write poetry often?:D
Greetings, to the girl who loves coffee, hope all is wellin your part of the world, take care and keep drinking, “coffee”you should write a short poem about ,our most magnificent I told you in the past, my family cultibates coffee,:bye:
TO ALL: Does anybody else write poetry? I’m thinking of starting an Opera blog for poetry. Is anybody interested? I don’t care if it’s good or bad, just that it’s a form of self-expression for you. Maybe a poetry and photography blog would be fun? :DI could link us all up so we can all post on there, whatever and whenever we wanted to.Well let me know
Jose i left you out! :yikes:i bet you could write some
i just bet you could…
scott>>thank you so much! i’m glad you enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed writing it :)FP> Corpse Bride huh? I’ll take that as a complment then :DDarko> at least you commented on the picture
not the ZWEET bird, no…guinea fowl feather. the “KAK-KAK-KAK” bird :bug: kak-kak-kak-kak early in the morning. nutty birds. yes i write lots of all kinds, this was more a rambling or as i like to refer to it: a “tumbling” :DRhona? awwrh thanks love, that means a lot. sensual? i guess so. i was in need of a brain hemisphere shift i think. too much brain not enough heart never suits me for very long
i need vacations.LC??? LC??? are you still alive??? do you need CPR??? (oh lord, how long before the mouth-to-mouth jokes begin) :lol:Martin> i write poems both with and without punchies
the best things i write have none ;-)the fewer there are the more spontaneous i’m being at the time… :)Antonio>>yes! i DO remember about the coffee! i think i might have a coffee poem somewhere, 
J’en suis.
and for our first combined effort: “J’en Suis” by Martin and MichelleJ’en suisI am:bug:
Ur welcome :DNo poetry I’m afraid :right:
poetry? :doh: I cant even spell the word :whistle::devil:
Jared, come on, you are not the worst ever! Maybe the second worst to me but not the worst :lol::devil:
Sorry K i am not really into writing poetry. I am maybe the worst writier ever.
But i better at other things. 
I appreciate your effort Michelle…. :)But to cut the hair in 4 like we say here I have to specifythat I said. “I’m in”.Je suis= I amJ’en suis= I’m part of itVery small detail isn’t? A little “n” can change a whole sentence, Change a whole life!The comment and the comments following it are deviated God the title of the post may have to be changed too!It may create a misunderstanding bigger than the subject itselfBigger than the reason of the fight!Above the opinions of the crowd – as far as you can seeThis little “n” may move mountains who knowsOhhhh, Ohhhh, little “n”..Have mercy Ok.. I want to add, this is not a poem. (oh.. you knew?)Anyway, stay careful the little “n” still around…..:bug:
Tell it to the Marines, Frenchie!!!!If you want me to understand you, say it in English. Otherwise I’ll have to put it through the Tower of Garble and we both know that’s a crap shoot.:bug:
Lc, Rhona and Jose. you guys can post pictures! or LC can set up a joke blog for us, huh?
Oooo… u always have good ideas Michelle
I know nothing about jokes :doh: Michelle, I was wondering, in the picture that you just posted; what did the girl use her tonque for? :eyes:a snow cone or a taco? whistle::devil:
you don’t know american sign language? you know…ASL :bug: :devil: who knows..windowlicking?
That might be the single most universal sign in the american launguage. I wonder do you know what it means? :doh: Or just think you do? :whistle:ASL (meaning, hrmm):A slow lickAss suck and lickA Stupid LoserA stunning lickerA standing lineA Sucky LoserA Sucking LoserA stupid LephrechaunA Stunning LadyI could go on and on. If the picture was of you I would know which one of the listed it is :whistle: Since it is not I will pick number 4.Of course that one would be :doh: I forgot.PS, there is no drool so it can not be for window licking. :devil:
i only know what it meant to me:a “cheeky, i love ya” to Martin. just a gesture of solidarity. i’m not an American so i don’t really care what it means there or how it’s been distorted.i hope nobody was offended by my ignorance of the seedier side of life.
Yeap K you always do have good ideas. Oh i just got my new phone with a camera that has 1.3 miga pixcels.
Hey do you mind if i add you to my freinds list. 
oh great! then you can take some pics, now! lovely. sure thing. i’ll add you too
:eyes: do you know what a web cam is, streaming video, still shots? :whistle::devil:
blackout curtains :devil:
who knows anymore darling
i think the gangs use it upside down or something..but i’m so far from a gangsta it’s just not funny. possibly it means just the same to them in some even weirder sense. i’m going to take a bubble bath and chill 
:confused: old man here. How the sign has been distorted? Interesting way of thinking about that. The sign is nothing bad but ok just the same. :devil:
sweet!!! that way I will be the only person to see. You are so smart, I am glad we think along the same lines :whistle::devil:
great poem I hope you submit it to a magazine :)Thanks for sharing
:rolleyes:Red hair?
Ripp, who said that photo is not Michelle? :whistle: They use it to the side Michelle
Oh yeah, maybe Michelle :right:
Her user pic could be a ploy :right:Or she might have coloured it for the fingers photo :left:
thanks Fati. maybe i will, indeed! :)thanks for the support!Rhona, aren’t those the gangsta rappers? to the side? i meant the real gangsters. the syndicates, cuban, mexican etc. hardcore gangs.i saw on a documentary them using it upside down. or maybe that was an inverted devil. no gang know-how here….i own a red bandanna. that’s about it :left: and i bought it to support cancer research… :right:all these pics might be a ploy. i might really just be a typing head-learning how to blog with my far as i know this means “I LOVE YOU” though i think the hand is supposed to be the other way around. not sure. the photo is tagged with: “I love you” actually. and was taken at a Love festival. in SA sign language we have a similar sign for “party” but it’s not quite the same. :right:
Nothing says love like a woman with her tonque hanging out waiting for a “blowpop”Not sure about the head-blogger. I was thinking more along the lines of a 800 pound transvestite with a hump on its back.:devil:
:lol:’Blowpop’? Honestly Ripp, where do u learn these things? :rolleyes:
you know last night as i was feeling very old and nerdy, (what, the hell, i wondered have i been doing all these years, that has left me so ignorant of smut slang?)….i wondered the same thing. then i realised it’s not me who’s CRAZY. do you make these things up Ripp? because if so i suggest you quit your job and start a website or write a book. you’ll make millions. and i’m actually being quite serious
Make it up? He trains them !!
that is so funny
back later for this one..working
get a ghostwriter! thank you very much for desiring to not be more crude
Capey, you might not have missed too much for not knowing “smut term”, it probably means you have been educated correctly or have “more morals” then I. How in the world can I write a book? All I hear is the constant whining about my lack of punctuation, spelling, and everything else regarding the written word? rhona, I am sure someone used “blowpop” far before I wrote it down yesterday. It just fit with the sentence and my desire NOT to be more crude. :devil:rhona, your link doesnt work. You need to increase the bandwidth at my school so I can view it :rolleyes::angel:
ghosts cant write :confused::devil: