Elementary, I Thought

When did we begin to dominate nature, rather than utilise and nurture it?

Progress is not the problem, I don't expect indigenous cultures to live the way they once did. The world has changed so much and some of it good. In quiet moments I wonder why very few people understand that this urge to dominate our planet, to rule, to conquer, to become great and powerful might ultimately be what renders it uninhabitable and its people very defenseless indeed.

African bushmen or San are the last of the original hunter gatherers. These quiet and peacable people have used Africa as their larder and shelter for many, many years. They use hand signs to communicate the nature of all the animals they hunt, and their hunting strategy. They have always understood how to preserve as well as utilise.

How much could you say without saying a word?

Now it is understood that one of the most intriguing African tribal cultures will soon be no more. Their language is being captured on audio so that one day we might remember the last of the hunter gatherers.

I feel a moment of silence is appropriate.

52 Replies to “Elementary, I Thought”

  1. If we really wanna understand, then start communnicating…2008…Communication is still largely one way… though vocubulary is now more lively…The voices that were unheard still remains unheard. In short… everyone’s knowledge now is a lot more better. but the fears in the hearts…well thats another thing…

  2. Some a lot more so than others and for a lot longer… Those that have done most of the ‘screwing’ are the ones still having the loudest voices…

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