late last night.
i'm in the kitchen finishing up a few things before bed. as i'm leaning forward to close the window i hear:
CLUNK< CLUNK>CLUNK…as of metal laboring, then scraping very loudly, then, CRASH..the sound of glass breaking….
me: shoot! that's a car accident.
i live just below a bend on a mountain pass, which is basically about 5 metres from my driveway. as i'm looking out of the dining room window to see if i can see anything i hear what sounds like a hubcap spinning and then quiet.
(please don't ask me to reveal just why i know what spinning hubcaps sound like, just trust that i am familiar with the sound)
grab the phone and into the car. as i pull out of the driveway i hear the sound of a car pull over and the sound of two men talking. it's a few minutes later and i see a flatbed trailer parked on the side of the road. making sure i'm safe, i ask the guy if he's ok. there are no marks on the truck, nothing is broken and he looks fine.
"yes" he replies, "i'm fine" and starts the truck and quickly pulls away.
*so what was all that noise?*
i have a quick look around and find a car in the ditch, a few metres from where the truck was parked. it's tires are deep in the mud and there is not a scratch on the car anywhere! mirrors are intact, hubcabs fine, nothing damaged. no broken windows. the car is locked up tight.
intriguing. off to the police station to make a report, because this is just too weird. i mean, i HEARD IT!
anyway, they took it from there..pulled the car out and took a statement.
so, what happened on the bend outside my house last night? any ideas from the Opera detectives?
It’s definitely gonna take some time. Progress is competing with what’s become known as the “Thug Culture” that’s glorified in rap music, ect. I know plenty of white folks that are the same way. It’s not about race as much as it is about class. So, Michelle, sorry this has what it has. Did you find out anything about the mysterious accident?
Sounds like South Africa. :whistle:
ok, I will check it out; wouldnt want to get smacked in the head by a wing :eyes::devil:
yes all of this is true, my general perception is that not all measure equally in their understanding of survival mechanisms, however, this is not to be wondered at since this is not Utopia, it’s earth. and as such will always be subject to infinite varieties of things that fail to be fair. i also think we’d need to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes in order to pass judgement with James said things are beginning to change consciousness is gently shifting which i prefer over some of the rah-rah changes of the 50’s to 70’s which, while they had their obvious merits did happen too quickly for several related systems to quite keep pace, which caused a lot of the complications we are now seeing IMHO.possibly this gentle change we are starting to see, where people are beginning to understand links in the chain rather than quick fixes is just what the planet needs to thrive rather than just survive.
I have found this whole thing to be very amusing, and sometimes down right funny. It is also very interesting how you started out talking about one thing, and ended up on a subject completely unrelated. It’s almost like a word association game that I played with some friends via email.I would however be very interested to find out the answer the mystery of the car in the ditch, and the flatbed trailer.Excellent post Michelle. :up:
Thanks Larry! That happens a lot on my blog..the meandering topics. i rather like it :up: perhaps i should phone the coppers!
Do you think they would tell you what happened? I know that if you call the cops here, they would tell you nothing, but I have a brother-in-law, who used to be a cop, and he still has a police scanner in his van, so he tells us things that we would never hear on TV, or read in the news paper. Sometimes things we don’t want to hear. :right:
since i called it in they might be nice. if they can find the file or the person who filed it..or the filing cabinet..or their minds..
poor SA police force!!!
yes it can
I looked at the next page, with the stats for Western Cape.About 10-15% of those crime totals is attributable to Western Cape.I’m pretty sure that the SA police earn their paychecks.
Oh now, they can’t be that bad, can they? :confused:
and you just thought i was a whining alarmist
meagre though they are they do earn every cent. have you noticed how we like to bash each other and property around a the Western Cape? indeed. when we’re not jacking cars and doing meth.
Underpaid police?Rampant violence and vandalism? Carjacking and epidemic meth usage?For all that, Western Cape could be in the States.
a few of the states maybe, not most of them. the average criminal over there is a lot more genteel. :Dthere are these shows on tv you know…
which are beyond amusing especially the “crime” in Canada.
Yeah, I can just hear the exchange between a thief and his fellow Canuck ‘victim’…Victim: “Hey, officer, that good-for-nothin’ hoser stole a swig of my beer, eh!”Officer: “Oh, that’s no good. Don’t worry, buddy, he’s gettin’ a ‘time-out’!”Victim: “Okay! Can I buy ya beer for your trouble?”Officer: “Well, I don’t think… wait a sec! We’re in Canada, eh? ‘Course we can drink on the job!”
LOLLERS. well it occurred to me that if the incidents that made the directors cut were…”two guys drinking at the bus stop” (“eh, you’ll have to pour out that beer, huh? not all of them just the open one, yah?”) and “couple in domestic fisticuffs” then it’s a country i’d like to live in!
fer sure.
Maybe Canada is cool because it’s stoned? :rolleyes:Urban Dictionary: Vansterdam Slang name the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is nick-named this because it is said the pot smoking is as open to the city of Amsterdam in Europe.Vancouver + Amsterdam = VansterdamBut the American DEA isn’t too happy with us:,2933,122789,00.htmlOn top of that, gay marriage is legal here…
They are scared to death now. I think we are next right after Iraq!
HA HA! so THAT’S your secret. you’re all stoned!”marijuana seizures have tripled” (up to about 3 a year now?) LOL!wow dope and gay marriage! such EVIL!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!i just came back from my local cop shop. all was quiet there but the front door glass was totally smashed in which suggested it is not usually the case. i asked the officer behind the counter what it was like at that station:”BAD” she said. and somehow still managed to look bored by it all. i wonder if all South Africans have this sort of air about them? sadly i expect we do. a sort of resigned to crime air.
Yeah, it’s not like America is a backwards country or anything. :rolleyes: One of my friends is heading up to Vansterdam next month to marry her girlfriend. It’s a shame that they can’t just get married here, but I’m excited for them. :yes:
yes. good for them! and good luck too! :up:
Why those harlot Philestine, twisted, infidel lesbians, taking advantage of the lax, liberal, free-love, drug-addled legal system in the north where it’s too cold for the human brain to function properly….It says right here in the Right-thinker’s Translation of the Bible, in Newteronomy 69, v. 901 “Cast all those who practise witch-on-witch action into the waters of the sea and let them not out again until their nipples are all hard and they cry out for real US hetro lovin’.It’s in the book.
ahhh Deke you’re too funny.yah get out the stakes.would you like fries with that?
Being a vegetarian, I misteaks.Tell Frie he can have them, I’ll cook my own.:chef: