Twice Tagged

I've been tagged by Darko in the 5-Media Tag and by Marcus in the 5-Jobs you would never do tag. So here it is:

1. Last book read – Zen Speaks by Tsai Chih Chung

2. Last t.v. show watched – Medium (She sees dead people too)

3. Last film watched- APOCALYPTO!! It is BRILLIANT and if you haven't seen it yet then you simply MUST! But check out the link first since it may not be your cup of tea. Be aware that the film is intense-there are NO light moments. My favorite line from the film (well there were many) but:

"I am Jaguar Paw, this is MY forest, and I am NOT afraid!!!"

Apocalpyto is directed by Mel Gibson, check it out:

4. Last Song I heard – Bear Necessities from "The Jungle Book" 😀

5. Last game played – Play wrestling that turned ugly. I landed on the floor and my opponent had three evil scratches on his shoulder. It was a fair fight.

As to the jobs I'd never do-any job except conservation and or writing/art I think. That was easy.

I'm not tagging anybody else because:

I am Capegirl, this is MY blog and I am NOT tagging anybody!!!




Hugs lovely people


82 Replies to “Twice Tagged”

  1. yes darks, i DID think so…their world which had revolved around courage and a knife blade was about to split wide open into something so much greater than they would ever withstand. the bloody battle which made up the whole film, now becomes almost laughable..their world is not theirs anymore…except within.. perhaps…for some..and for the few like the family who ran a while longer..or yes..hid a little deeper..maybe the few that still remain undiscovered…?Jose, well thanks! I feel tired this week and not at all “jaguar paw”Martin, well i knew YOU’D like it of course 😀 did you have a favorite part?I am sorry for my absences in general online. I’ve taken on additional work or I don’t know how i’ll be paying for our 14% (already) plus probably another 43% electricity tariff increase..thats for about 4 hours less electricity on a bad day. er..LOL! gas also went up crazily etc..etc…and I am going to see my skinny little butt, unless i take on more hours…so…i’ll be more fluid in a few weeks i hope. right now i feel a bit under the weather..just in general :heart:

  2. Our electricity tariff is increased just yesterday, I am not sure for how much; they are talking about it in newspapares and TV, trying to convince us that it was needed and not unbearable, so it must be significant one :irked:

  3. tell me about it… :irked:we are facing elections in May, and after that, when greedy uncapable politicians get their positions, everything will go to hell :down:

  4. :awww: and we’re coming to winter too. well nothing else can be done here, wer’re in a state of national emergency. i think it will be a good thing to have times off everyday, maybe. it will force us all to lie in bed and read books..maybe even have conversations :eyes: :lol:food prices are also going up and it’s becoming really expensive to live here, as though it wasn’t already. wow. i sound about 100 years old now.. 😆

  5. Hey… Darko and Michelle, remembering the good old time when you were young? Prices were cheap, nature was still there… and no internet. :DAbout the movie..I liked the decapitations on the pyramids. 😉

  6. I remmber also playing all those games, like hide and go seek, or tagg. Simple games, but tons of fun. 😀

  7. Jose, those games were the best. if i close my eyes I can still hear us shouting and laughing and saying: “red rover, red rover, come over” and “again, again, me! me!” 😆 and the light falling in the evenings and the smells of cooking and moms all over the street calling their kids in from the lawn…and i was always itchy from the grass!

  8. ah yes..more birds and insects too…although there are lots here where i live…yes and time was focused differently..we listened to the radio more…played more, talked more….pornography still had nipple stars… 😮

  9. Martin that scene was most bizarre. when they were approaching from couldn’t quite see what was falling down at first..then you saw a body follow….Oh! Ah! :eyes: 😮 very freaky

  10. we had tennis bats and bikes, balls mostly. no hockey sticks on our street. we mostly couldn’t afford them. 😆

  11. Afford it or not here I think every little Canadian had one…It wasn’t a State law or something? “An hockey stick is required for everyone above 4 years old”:rolleyes: maybe not… but it feels familiar! 😀

  12. sure, it’s your culture! here all the girls had netballs..and a rope made from old stockings for jumping favorite. 🙂

  13. Wow…:eek:First time ever I hear about this sport!(Canada is a commonwealth nation but it’s not played in Québec for sure..)

  14. It seems to be pretty close to basketball. :sherlock: But i just read through it fast, so i might be wrong. 😀

  15. in SA every girl will have played netball at some point. :)Rhona I played Centre, GS or wing defence! 😀 my favorite was centre i think 🙂

  16. I loved too the jumping games! we had an elastic for that. Lots of fun!:yes: It was SO nice to play outside during summer vacations!! now kids spend all day inside playing computer games :awww: so bornig.

  17. Everyone will have it and then they will ask you to buy them too. They will not like to be different than other kids 😀

  18. i would never argue because i already know i’m right :DDarko is right too, those kids will whine and whine..and Marina is right the answer is no ‘cept for emergencies, no?Ha ha see i can be utterly yielding!

  19. well, at least I will kick them out to play with their phones in the garden, they will get some sun…:clown:

  20. yes in the garden with their phones..checking the built in temp gauge and barometer :rolleyes: certain forms of technology have not improved our lives. this clown makes me feel sad. he’s a sad looking clown.i am here LC, well here and working, so not here so much talking, but still reading…:)

  21. I agree…I don`t even have a cell phone, or a blackberry… I just don`t feel interested and I don`t like the fact that people can reach me whenever they want. I like my privacy and peace :cat:

  22. Yeah or you can do what i do and keep it on silent, so they still wont know were you are at. 😀

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