Twice Tagged

I've been tagged by Darko in the 5-Media Tag and by Marcus in the 5-Jobs you would never do tag. So here it is:

1. Last book read – Zen Speaks by Tsai Chih Chung

2. Last t.v. show watched – Medium (She sees dead people too)

3. Last film watched- APOCALYPTO!! It is BRILLIANT and if you haven't seen it yet then you simply MUST! But check out the link first since it may not be your cup of tea. Be aware that the film is intense-there are NO light moments. My favorite line from the film (well there were many) but:

"I am Jaguar Paw, this is MY forest, and I am NOT afraid!!!"

Apocalpyto is directed by Mel Gibson, check it out:

4. Last Song I heard – Bear Necessities from "The Jungle Book" 😀

5. Last game played – Play wrestling that turned ugly. I landed on the floor and my opponent had three evil scratches on his shoulder. It was a fair fight.

As to the jobs I'd never do-any job except conservation and or writing/art I think. That was easy.

I'm not tagging anybody else because:

I am Capegirl, this is MY blog and I am NOT tagging anybody!!!




Hugs lovely people


82 Replies to “Twice Tagged”

  1. he/she who feels they should always be available/contactable have problems letting go. or very much like to be the center of attention 😀 i have no such devices either, but i do keep a cellphone loaded with pesos for emergencies..since the phones go down here and you don’t want to ever drive on a SA road w/out some sort of communication device. ever.

  2. Sounds familliar to me. But, about 20 years ago, we didn`t lock our doors too, during the day. Everything was opened and nothing ever happened to us…. or we were poor enough for potential robber 😛

  3. lol yep..well ZARS..which are worth a lot less i am sure 😆 we often call money pesos here (my family)..not sure when that started up..but my family is pretty weird like that :eyes: yes SA is a dangerous place. Last night I was watching “Bowling for Coumbine” remember that Mike Moore documentary?They were talking to people in Canada and they said they don’t lock their doors::eyes: :eyes: :eyes: ????*cough* i feel strange… :lol:really?in SA we are constantly on the alert…but in the subconscious like:walking down the road: how many guys at that doorway..where is escape route..did i lock the car door, got airtime on phone..did i take my jacket from back seat/remove radio put on steering lock or tracker etc..but all buried deep in the mind so we don’t even know it happening anymore really. so many heart attacks here! :faint:

  4. no unlocked doors in SA, now, that is for sure. maybe 20 yrs ago. but not in my house, even then 😆 my dad loved to lock doors 😀 always safety conscious.we’re not really worried about our’s our lives we’re protecting. we’d be lucky if they took things and left us alive and unviolated. lucky. but we can’t think like that all the time, or we go we just have these precautions in the back all the a cd or something..playing softly.

  5. lol no. well we also would have been glad about the rain but the more usual response would have been:”have you lost your mind!!!? living large dude!

  6. hehe… yeah. Different from place to place. :)Here, I know half of the time the doors aren’t locked at night… I just forget most of the time.

  7. I remember some years ago I woke up one morning and I realized I left all my windows open in my car and they keys were in the contact too… but I just thought “I’m lucky it didn’t rain” (the sunroof was wide open too)I never thought about the fact that it could have been stolen… -which of course could have- 🙂

  8. 😆 Michelle, it’s the same thing in are paranoid all the time. We have been really lucky that nobody has ever broken into the house, or even assaulted us. It has happened to almost everyone that I know, or their families. When you take a taxi you just hope that you won’t get kidnapped or something like that :insane: I have to say I feel a lot more peaceful here! you can go out at 11 or 12 at night to take a walk during summer like nothing, peaceful. In Mexico you just DONT do that, you dont go out like that after 7.And yes, we don’t worry at all if the doors aren’t locked 😀 :cheers:

  9. martin> “nice parking space you’ve got there” HA HA! sarcastic SA humor..we use it on everything like ketchup.marina> here too. well people do go out late..but not to remote locations late at night. not anymore really. maybe the very young people. the other day i suggested to a friend that we go and see The kakapo-it’s a shipwreck not far from here..”ah! yes there have been muggings down there..a woman was pulled from her horse”i get really frustrated with this. it’s like we can’t go anywhere anymore..and i grew up roaming the nature i feel a bit cheated..of course i could go..and take the risk..what fun is it after those thoughts are in the mind? and the danger really exists so it’s just stupid to toy with it all the time.

  10. My parents always locked the door. I never bother. My truck is always unlocked (that way they dont slice the top while they TRY to steal something) and while the front door is locked the back door is not. The 180 pound mastiff usually scares people away. If the dog pussies out and runs the H & K, S & W, Colt, will stop whoever tries to get past the stairs. :whistle:I agree totally that people should always be aware just not be psycho about it and make the second nature.Capey, again very impressed.

  11. Here, it was dangerous to visit some places during night, or some parts of town and it started during 90s. But I am happy that we can go in whatever part of town we want even very late in the night.

  12. Marina, yes, but there are still lots of good things in the world :)(:left: :right:) LC, your alarm system sounds pretty comprehensive. they steal old cars here too, for joy rides or parts..mostly there are syndicates that target the new models-specific ones and they usually kill the occupants.i try not to think about any one thing too much. it’s not good for my brain. 😀 *my poor brain*Darko, i’ve always rather envied that. we really are not night time walka-bouters here as a culture and i always thought that was bad. if you’re walking around here at night you’re usually suspected of being up to no good. i mean i loved walking at night when i was young with my parents sometimes on the pavilion at Sea Point. 😀

  13. During summer nights me and my friends used to hand on in some of the parks in center of a city or by the river :up:Now is better than 10 or 15 years ago. But certain places must be avoided :left:

  14. 😆 my brain carries on conversations with itself and I end up drooling all over the table :whistle:

  15. darks, i did too, as a teenager and i really WAS up to no good. 😀 ha ha!LC, my brain and i have an understanding. i don’t overload it and it doesn’t overload me. once a year we go into torpor. we’re both happy.

  16. Yeah don’t you know ripp like porn were he can see two men in police unifroms and he get pulled over…right RIPP

  17. :doh: Damn what kind of comment did I leave? I type for shit. It was supposed to say. “I was going to give up the thought of giving up porn”…:(

  18. 😆 I wish I had that as an excuse; nope, just my lack of typing skills or even my lack of knowledge.How have you been doing? Thanks for stopping by and posting. :devil:

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