Chip n’ Dales

So the Chippendales are in Cape Town. These men with long hair and tweased eyebrows don't do it for me on the whole, but I did perk up when one of them admitted he was an ex-marine. I can work with a dancing military man (when it's real). Apparently they have a section of the show devoted not to undressing, but getting dressed instead. This might be a nice twist. I might go to the show, after all.

Are there any uncommon things that men find attractive or is it just boobs and bums, in the end?

23 Replies to “Chip n’ Dales”

  1. I tried scanning myself in a ‘suggestive’ pose for your both. Unfortunately my 12 inch screen was waaaaay too tiny.

  2. Two uncommon things I find attractive in women. One, an ability to play chess. Two, a willingness to sleep with me.

  3. I do agree that some of them are not that nice – but there are others who are good enough to be eaten 🙂 I am thinking specifically about the one with short, dark hair!


  4. Maybe there’s a reason why he calls himself CityFIST



    P.S. CityFist please send your semi-nude and nude photo portfolio to CityBabe & myself for review. We will stare long and hard at these photos just to ensure that you make the grade 🙂

  5. Well, I don’t know how he expected his entire body to fit on a 12 inch screen. He’s obviously got some small expectations! 😆


  6. … CapeGirl, you should rename your journal to “Stop, Drop and Drool”? 😆

    By the way the Marine Chippendale’s name is Charles Dera. And he is Xtra-Hot 🙂


  7. hee hee hee, Good one JCL yes the marine is ok, but the guy you mentioned is better! I think we should get fist to audition?

  8. Is he thinking about taking us both on JCL????
    yes we want you, of course we do! was that you flying overhead today? I thought I saw your name on the side of that plane…the big one with the bells and whistles.

  9. ha ha ha yes and we want all the appropriate poses too, no half measures please! Ah JCL I just can’t wait, can you? Please make sure that the photos are a decent size so that I can see them from my bed. CityBabe? LMAO!

  10. Do you really think he will audition? At least between the two of us he would get the hetero girl AND the gay guy scoring 🙂



  11. ha ha ha ha ha yes the perfect evaluation! What more could he want, huh? He could be the chess playing, writer porn star type, yummy! hee What portfolio photos those could be!

  12. Bitches, yo. You so want me. Next time you look up into the sky and see what you think is a jumbo jet, check it’s not a huge boner reaching over the world from England, just for your tasty little butt-holes.

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