The Tatoo

I've decided to get a tatoo. So today I phoned the tatoo parlor to find out what one costs. Depending on the detail of the design and whether you want one specially created for you it can cost in the thousands.

A coin sized tatoo will cost about 250 bucks.

So do you like it? It's a green dot.

6 Replies to “The Tatoo”

  1. body art as a means of self-expression is part and parcel of our species you know! In times when tribes wore few clothes they were an important means of expression and communication. And I would much rather have one than express myself by means of a cell phone strapped to my ear for example. Having said that I doubt I will ever really do it because it is definitely going to look ridiculous when I am 90, if I live that long, which I probably won’t.

  2. I once read about this tribal ritual where to become a medicine man, you have to spend twenty days locked in a tent doing nothing but eating your shit and drinking your piss, and when you weren’t thirsty or hungry, you smeared yourself in them instead. I hate tribes.

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