
The week has whizzed by and the Cape is feeling much better. Next week, however I have resolved to do the following:

Catch up on long overdue e-mails.
Work less and play more.
Figure out why candy makes me crazymorethanusual.
Find out why massaging my little toe unblocked my right ear.
Make even less sense than usual in this journal.

That's about as much as I can handle this week.

There might be room for one more…any suggestions?

7 Replies to “Resolutions”

  1. Every year, when it is time to make a New Year’s Resolution, I vow to learn my right hand from my left. And I renew this vow every time someone tries to give me directions. Maybe this year, it will work out for me… You can borrow that one if you need to. K4Lost

  2. No suggestions but a help with two points:The candy one is easy but sad: Most likely it’s some kind and degree of allergy. I think that a decandyfication cure might help.The ear thing is easy too: You have given yourself zone therapy.

  3. troels: decandyfication??? Suffering succotash!!!!!!!! canna be!!!! Zone therapy?? hmm there goes the reflexology theory 🙂

  4. @ K2Hands: Your right hand is the one where your thumb points to the left. :angel:@ Capegirl: Zone therapy is the same as reflexology.

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