You know you're a hippy when:
1) You wore bellbottoms in 1976, 1986, 1996 and will wear them in 2006.
2) You still wear flowers in your hair.
3) Somewhere in your home lurk pressed flowers and leaves.
4) You sometimes start and end sentences with "man" as in: "No way, man!"
5) You wish your dad still had his VW bus.
6) Your idea of a cool holiday is a road trip and camping.
7) Dining out is a picnic blanket strewn with flower petals.
8) You make mobiles and dreamcatchers.
9) You own music by Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin.
10) You are able to make lists like this on your journal.
Peace and Love, man, Peace and Love
HEY THere HIPPY GIRLFRIEND,I think you were meant to be born back when :)the 60s was the best of times out of all my years.I want them back !!!! stamping my feet :)Eve
i lived for those years. funny, considering i wasn’t even born then. i’m a frustrated flower child.
Eve: I was definitely meant to be born back then, however since I wasn’t I just do it anyway! I am happy with who I am really.Trans: frustrate yourself no longer. Wear a tie dyed t-shirt, show a peace sign out of the cab window and in the moonlight with a tambourine girl
Road trips are cool! I have never done one but would really love to do one sometime. I don’t think there is anything 60’s about road trips :)JCL.P.S. What happened to CityFreak? Do you think he fell down a hole into Atlontis?
Road trips are ultra-60’s! You can’t be a real hippy if you have roots ;)Shame! dear City Stud is without internet access I think. Bummer to the nth I should think, we all would not survive without our daily fix of each other. I think if he has fallen into Antlontis we should send in a rescue team, or should we just leave him there?
I just had a brilliant idea! What if we pretend to be a rescue team going in to …uhmm… rescue him and then instead we give him a spanking and leave him behind?! The tears would make it worthwhile… well, that and the photos we take of him looking like a teary, snotty two-year old!:lol:JCL.
Wow I remember “ROAD TRIPS” we use to drive from Brooklyn NY to the country just for a cup of coffee .. 3 hrs later and to many beers we would finally get the coffee :)JCL.. that sounds like fun ;)Eve
yes Eve our family too. In my dad’s VW! Driving just for the sake of it and stopping anywhere and everywhere along the way. What I most remember is thinking, “anything could happen” and “wonder what we’ll see next?” We used to play games and sing songs along the way and mom would pack us lunches. I can still remember the smell of onions filling the car
HEY GF, On the fly driving is the only way to be with children it shows them there is nothing to be affaid of but FEAR itself.I use to make grocery shopping an adventure :)I am happy to see it’s anywhere not just US.Dance the dance of living.. go girl go girl. Eve
I just wish gas was cheaper in this country. At the moment we are just driving to the corner and back for a road trip!!! hee We have had such radical price increases lately that it is scary. We’ll be paying in gold next in which case I will be riding my bicycle!
crap man. this is me.. to a tee.. except i refuse to wear bellbottoms. i hate tight jeans.i really love your artful pastel photos.
hello again Sarah! yes well modern day bells are not that tight on the thigh…well actually I have no thighs so what would I know! but welcome fellow hippy dippy chick!!!! Thanks about the pics but I realised tonight that my html skills are a write off. I may need your help with buttons!
Re “Hippy Dippy”…I wore all that stuff when I went to see The Stones’ concert in London’s Hyde park in ’67, and I also wore tie-dye t-shirts, painted flowers on my flares, listened to The Mamas & The Papas (still do) and loved the ‘feel’ of those days so much… Me and my girlfriend, who is now my wife, were ‘flower power’ personified, back in those ‘golden days’ of our younghood -but of course, we have never grown old since then, only more experienced and more fulfilled
love & best wishes,lokutus 
Re “Hippy Dippy”…I wore all that stuff when I went to see The Stones’ concert in London’s Hyde park in ’67, and I also wore tie-dye t-shirts, painted flowers on my flares, listened to The Mamas & The Papas (still do) and loved the ‘feel’ of those days so much… Me and my girlfriend, who is now my wife, were ‘flower power’ personified, back in those ‘golden days’ of our younghood -but of course, we have never grown old since then, only more experienced and more fulfilled
love & best wishes,lokutus 
….I caught sight of JCL and you discussing ‘road trips’. I don’t know why I suddenly thought of Cheeh & Chong’s movie ‘Up In Smoke’ (it’s not a ‘road’ film) but if you are able to get hold of a copy (the movie was made in ’78) you should watch it -it’s absolutely hilarious and so ‘catches the mood’ of those times in such a fun way that it should have you laughing your socks off.:)~lokutus
Hi Lokutus!Yes Cheech and Chong’s “Up in Smoke” I know it well. I am a hippy remember :)I remember watching that for the first time when I was about 16. I am 34 now and it’s still funny to me. A weird sort of classic in some circles. As far as tie-dyes are concerned I still wear them. I have t-shirts, skirts and even a red dress like that hee To me they are an expression of a natural ethic in some silly and fun way. And each one is different, no two are alike and that is nice for me.I am so glad that you and your wife are still flower children. That is a lovely way to view yourselves.:)