Frisky Chicken Joke

**** This is a bit rude, Please don't read if sensitive****

There once lived a chicken who had a very high libido.

This chicken lived on a farm.

So horny was this chicken that he had to get it on with everything in sight.

He drove the farmer crazy with his incessant harassment of the other farm animals.

Into the hen house he went and had the hens.

Into the pig pen he went and had the pigs.

Into the barn he went and had the cows and horses.

Into the fields he went and had the sheep.

There was no end to the chicken's sexual appetite.

One day the farmer went out into the fields and found the chicken dead.

Vultures were circling overhead, ready to feast on his flesh.

"Now look what you've gone and done!" said the farmer. I told you that the body just can't stand up to all this sexual activity!"

The chicken opened one eye, pointed in the direction of the vultures and whispered:

"shhhhh, they're getting closer!"


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