Capegirl Bruised

Capegirl is in pain. I mean…P-A-I-N! I have managed to bruise three ribs…somehow (psst..on my last CAPER! ha ha ha ha ). So far I have established that ribs are used in:

1) Breathing
2) Laughing
3) Coughing
4) Walking
5) Lifting
6) Crying
7) Bending
8) Un-bending
9) Typing….typing!?

So I'm sorry for being a little scarce. I have left some posts unanswered and e-mails too, which I will hopefully catch up with next week when I am once again as right as rain! I hope they don't make me check in at the Super-hero hospital because I believe they don't show much mercy there. What kind of super-heroine am I?

Love to all
CapeGirl The Bruised

9 Replies to “Capegirl Bruised”

  1. It must have been during one of your SUPERDUPERHEROINE activities that you injured yourself!Shame, CapeGirl, I think maybe you over-typed yourself into bruised ribs. I couldn’t imagine how that would happen – but then again you are an unusual specimen 😉 I had a friend who bruised her ribs but that’s because she fell off a fast-moving catamaran during some watersports activity.Hope you get well soon – it takes a few weeks before it will feel all better.JCL.

  2. Oh CB!,how on Earth,I sigh,did youget bruised?Was it a Skydive orsome otherthing?Have you beendemonstratingthat youare notthe Immortal Capegirl?Had you forgotthat evenyou,in Cape & Bootiesget black & blueif stuntsgo wrong?- as theysometimes do.Perhapsyou did notcarry outsome’wild attempt’,with mighty shout.Perhaps I unintentionallydisturb,the “Legend
    of MCG”,(and put myselfat risk, you see)if I suggestyou fellof a curb?Whatever happenedI await your story(hoping you emergecoveredin glory).Meantime, Mighty Miss,Get well soon…I send a kiss X:)lokuLovesCB 🙂

  3. Ahhwwwrhhhh! Loku! :)I thank you for this ode to me and this response I give to thee:CB thanks Loku for that kissand by explanation I offer this:I cannot accept this confabulationI hurt myself by WWF simulation!!!One night, looking for stimulationI marked my prey for assimilationA mighty leap I took for sureMy aim was sadly pretty poor.I leaped and lunged with bloodcurdling yelland now this story I must tellMy ribs are bruised and torn apartOf leaps and lunges I take no partI truly meant it all in jestMy wrestling skills I sought to testNow, in the halls of pain I roamThey truly meant “dont try this at home!”ha ha ha ha hee (ouch) :)p.s. This is all sadly TRUE 🙁

  4. Gosh!…. Capey,Is thatreally true?Did yougo outdressed upas Glue?Did youdecideto pounce?-and then,it allwent pfutzzz!dear Capeyhen?What sort of victimthen fought back?-Was itthe fabledPhartinmak?Did it shrug you off,with ease?I have to know-don’t
    be a
    tease!lokuFlummoxed :eyes:

  5. HI Capegirl.I hope you are ok and doing well. How on earth did you bruise your ribs or should I NOT ask 🙂 … Eve being devilish Take care and intouchEve

  6. Hi Eve and LokuI really DID bruise them play-wrestling! Honest injun! I leaped from on high, got grabbed around the ribs by my opponent and here I am! I have found that the only position that does not cause pain is flat on my back. So I took it! LOL Feels a touch better today. I am hoping that it is a sign of impending healing! Thanks friends JCL, Loku and Eve for the well wishes.

  7. Oh? And I didn’t even know because I neglected you, being too busy with too many other things. I hope that others have showed you care? And I hope that you are better now.I love to see that term: Friend access.

  8. Hi Troels, no worries I have only just added you to my feed reader because I forgot and am a fool :)BUT from now on I will keep updated and comment away on your blog! ha ha! yay!

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