
One day
these lips, this hair
this skin, these teeth
this hand, this foot

these bones, this mood
this giggle, these words

will be

a poem
blowing on
the wind

a photograph


If I'm lucky

a memory
over morning

3 Replies to “Immortality?”

  1. That’s a really nice “pome”, CapeGirl. I really do like it. It says so much about the passage of time and how everything and everyone in the end becomes much like a distant memory. Sometimes I think of it like that – and it is sad, but it is also very freeing to know that one day you can leave it all behind.JCL.

  2. Hi Eve and JCL – I guess the feelings I have about my own life and death feed off the feelings I have around those who I have lost, if that makes any sense? I guess the point I was trying to make is that maybe the most valuable aspect of living is how we touch the lives of others – and for me, If I can do that in some small way I might have lived a good life…thus the ‘memory over morning coffee’ is a symbol of that..I’m not sure I feel that I would be freed when I die. I am kind of a “rage, rage, against the dying of the light”, kind of girl 🙂

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