Opera Problems

I find the continuing problems on Opera to be rather frustrating. There seems to be some type of issue at least once a week. Now would it be silly of me to expect the server monkeys to figure it out? It is after all their JOB and their business. Oh I feel a tirade coming on. Not that I am taken to tirades about the internet…oh wait…yes I am….

I have tried to make several comments an various blogs but though the number of comments shows up, the actual comments don't.

I'm just venting and would love to hear your comments, but I probably won't be able to…or will I? ha ha ha! 😀

4 Replies to “Opera Problems”

  1. Hey CapetownGirlFrom what you are saying you may not ever see this comment. In your message you indicated that Opera gave you a problem once a week. I have just installed Opera so I see if I can get it to work smoothly. It must perform. I currently use Internet Explorer and Firefox on a Windows 2000 OS. Lately I have been having trouble with both. Believe me the bugs are not just once a week but they can be several times a day. I spend a lot of time at Yahoo… spades league. so that is where I encounter the problems. I had high hopes for Firefox but my patience are depleted. I installed Firefox with every new version they issued; after a few days or a week I would pull it off. Firefox has a lot of good features now if it would only run! I’ll give this thing a good test and perhaps if it doesn’t perform I’ll let you before taking it.Hope you better luck. BestLarry 🙂

  2. Very sorry. The monkeys didn’t behave correctly, so the monkey master had to step in. Just PM me with any problems you encounter. 🙂

  3. Hi Larry. I find the Opera browser itself to be reasonable and more so that IE, which is not that great. I haven’t tried firefox at all…I HAVE heard some scary tales of Win 2000 however! I run xp and it’s the best OS I have used thus far. Look forward to your joining the opera blogging community if you get it to run nicely!Stephan – Apology accepted. Things seem to be better now…so..let’s try and keep it that way, shall we? 😉 I will take the monkey master up on his offer so pm beware 😀

  4. They are fixing things as fast as they can, my connection is getting better and I don’t see to many proxy errors now too 🙂 and NO MORE MONEYS :)Eve

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