Morals or…not?

Every human being, no matter how moral or honest, has his or her area of corruptability…a specific set of circumstances that may (or will) cause them to behave in a manner which is out of character, morally reprehensible or even evil.


"Every man has his price. It just depends on his currency".

Think about this carefully and then tell me whether you agree or not. I would love to hear everybody's opinions.

13 Replies to “Morals or…not?”

  1. HI CG.You are right each person has a limit and sometimes they feel they don’t get their deeds then they take matters in their own hands right or wrong they feel they are DUE .We all are capable of corruption, we all have differnt levels of patience and morals. Some fall quicker than others , some don’t fall at all.Hugs,Eve

  2. Hi both…I think Eve’s right that some don’t fall at all. Rare creatures indeed and myths are built on such things. But greed and corruption undoubtedly works against the greedy and corrupt… they end up inhabiting a world where they are the despised, and so see the world as hostile and dark.The moral creature sees the world clearly. Hence the metaphor of ‘light’. Most of us get some flicker, I guess.And on a wholly different matter, you might like this site:

  3. Hm…area of corruptability? Yes, maybe. But I usually call this area a breaking point, a point over the limitation of a person… We all have this point(s). When one reaches such point, everything is possible, even some behaviour out of any morality. I think so…;)

  4. HI CG and Words,I love that site of the polar bears thanks so much 🙂 Yes some will fall and some feel they didnt get what’s coming to them so they take and take.. of course it’s not right however, greed as you stated overtakes any moral judgements :(Eve

  5. Hi Cape.Sometimes we try to create an invironment around us, that some might call it ‘utopia’. I love living in my utopic world.In fact, I still believe there are people who still live by their instincts and family concepts.Not only money buy people, which is one of the great aspects of the qoute in your post (at least, I got this from it).I strongly believe that I would never ‘sell’ myself, or my opinion for money or material stuff. But I do have to confess that LOVE buys me very easily. When I’m in love I can see myself clearly changing some particular aspects of my life and mind in order to fit into the girl’s life and tastes. I know it’s a very bad thing, but that’s the way I am.When I realize that I’m going to far, then I start putting my foot down and try to reverse the process.It’s not a rule for me. It does not happen on 100% of my relationships, but it’s a serious problem.In a nutshell, I do beliebe that people have a price. Price can be defined by an amount of money, iPods (:P), favors, warmth and love.It may sound as ‘lack of personality’, but I totally like selling myself for some LOVE. ;)Hope I could make myself “understandable”. ha!Listening to Pearl Jam – ‘Betterman’Love,Dan

  6. Decades with experiences of carefully watching myself seem to suggest that there are fields of life where I am totally uncorruptible while on the other hand there are also fields where I am in constant danger. (A bit like Dan?) And I believe that I see the same in many other people.

  7. *whisper* I am reading and enjoying everybody’s comments on this topic. Let’s wait for some more discussion..shall we?

  8. Hello CG!Corruptible? Of course. Aren’t we all? And aren’t we all incorruptible, too?The circumstances will often dictate how we act, don’t act or react. I am a little like Dan, too. Love will ever be my downfall. When will we ever learn?But then, falling in love is the greatest thing. I just hate it when love has to end.But,K4LovesCapey

  9. I definitely don’t have any moral fibre. And I can even quantify my price in monetary terms, it’s about R14.4 million before tax – or approximately R7.2 million after tax 🙂 The true hedonist.But seriously, I too, like Dan, always thought that I would do anything – become anything – for someone I loved or thought I loved. Turns out I was wrong. There are some things I just could not do – like give up my beliefs for someone else. And maybe it’s just a side-effect of getting older – you become less compromising and less naive about what you can and cannot accept. That’s why I think it’s easier to fall in love when you are younger and it becomes that much more difficult the older you get. Too late for me, I guess :)JCL.

  10. Hi JCL.Good point there.Anyway, I’m 100% sure it’s never late to fall in love.(or maybe I’m just being naive again) :lol:Peace,:up: Dan

  11. Dear Capegirl,Let’s not judge ourselves very harshly. Social values are only there for our convenience; we are animals inside. And almost everyday we rebel. We find outlets for our tribal instincts in games and movies and fiction. If we don’t need to steal, we are very lucky. If we lived in a below-the-poverty-level slum, we would be forced to steal to survive.And who is bad and who is good? A terrorist is a freedom fighter for his cause. The enemy soldier who sacrifices himself for his country is foolhardy, while my soldier who does the same deserves a medal. A boy steals an apple for his girl, he is a thief in the gardener’s eyes and a hero in the girl’s.Guess society has designed these morals for convenience. No society; no morals. Animals don’t have morals; one doesn’t judge them.Anyway,Ashok

  12. While I think that it is definitely possible to be incorruptable in some manner, and never fail, I do not think man has ever done so. Quite simply, most people have a price, but some people, if they are honest and good enough, have a price so high that only heaven could pay it.Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone sins, but some have a lower price tag for corruption than others.

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