
Captain's log. Stardate, 2006, Burblesnitch Sector.

A strange lethargy has settled on the locals of Poop City. Despite repeated attempts to communicate with them, they have remained motionless.

On the couch.

Watching cricket and back-to-back episodes of The Simpsons. Water and air samples have revealed no environmental anomalies that could explain this strange behaviour. However, soil samples show trace amounts of fecal matter, possibly belonging to an omnivorous cloven hoofed animal.

All possible attempts have been made to motivate productive behaviour but their responses so far have been mysterious. We have attempted to decipher their strange language but have not been able to locate the highly illogical phrase "eat my shorts" in the captain's dictionary.

7 Replies to “Untitled”

  1. hi wickedlizard. you’re confused by this post? no worries. you’d have to be a fan of The Simpsons tv show or Star Trek to get this one. I promise to also post things that make sense to the general opera community. so stop by again. I’m just about to visit you 🙂

  2. I think it made perfect sense. Still dealing with the pig shit huh?Are they laying down fresh poo daily or what? It seems that it would dry up and cease to reek after a couple of days…

  3. yeah, they’re doing some landscaping. so it’s every few weeks, i think, different sections as they plant. it is getting less hectic. but you need to understand the wind here! This house is very exposed and perfectly situated to get it right in the schnozzle! what happened to ordinary compost?, even fish-based feed i can stand, but.oh jesus! LOL!save me! take me to audubon? you’re so Neil Young-ish in that song

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