as night fell, the Goddess
lost her spiked tongue
and nestled, instead, into arms
that had corners neither
soft nor hard
but the perfect shapes
to shelter her softness
have a peaceful night, everybody.
Just another Userblogs Sites site
as night fell, the Goddess
lost her spiked tongue
and nestled, instead, into arms
that had corners neither
soft nor hard
but the perfect shapes
to shelter her softness
have a peaceful night, everybody.
namaste! :up:
Another cool poem!Keep up the good work, Mich. :)Love,Dan
thanks Dan it was written for somebody special. shall i write you one? ok, here it is:Daniel, that sweetest of menhas a brave souland a seeker he ishe’ll find what he’slooking forsee, i’m supposed to working.naughty! naughty!
Hey Capey!Pretty poem.That’s some lucky guy.Bye loveDillon
yes he is, but so am i. perhaps we’ve found our four-leafed clovers.