The Christmas Blues

so, nobody wants to play letshavechristmas with me.

listen up: bitter and twisted family members it's christmas you'll be having!

you don't have to buy into the hype, forget gifts and forget how everyone's forgotten the baby jesus. you'll not fix that! but come to my house sit at my table and it's Christmas you shall have.

my mother is an overwhelmingly negative woman. if you thought i had my negative moments, you haven't met my mother.

hi mom, how're you?
just ok, mom?
what's wrong mom?
just hate this time of year….i closed the door but i can still hear them singing christmas carols.
(trying not to break into sardonic laughter) you have a problem with good will to men, or something ma?
yes, i think so
why not open the door to joy?
i don't know

It really is a wonder i'm this sane.

Sure i have my share of Christmas blues. So what. I'll be having good times with those i love despite them.

So if you're in the Christmas doldrums. Stop it. Just stop it now. Move on from wherever they take you. Think about now, instead of then and make new memories. Better ones. Now if we could just find a guitar player. The party would be perfect.

4 Replies to “The Christmas Blues”

  1. Yeah, I like Christmas too. I like it well done with potatos with no Santa on top of it.You got the idea right though. If you make it out of the hype then you have many chances to have a nice time.

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