I’ve Been Tagged! (too)

By Dan (ever-loving-dan-the-man).

Here's my list of unknown high-5's:

1) From the age of about 10 to about 17 I sang in the choir. In a little white dress and held candles at Christmas. I can still remember some of those latin verses. To this day. I actually MISS singing in that choir! For I was a nerdy choir girl who loved being one.

2) I am a night owl. I mean seriously. Even though I'm awake, I'm useless before 4 p.m. As soon as the afternoon arrives i feel energised. ("ooh what should I do?")I love wondering around at night. I go on secret night walks that nobody knows about and take really bad pictures. "oooh look at those grasses in that light, looks like fire….snap…snap…snap!"

3) I have little to no respect for authority. I honestly don't. And I bend the rules for what I regard as "higher purposes" i.e. the good of the human soul, nature etc. I don't like rules and regulations – they make me see red. I don't like people who try to control me or others. When they do, I become a horrible little charging bull. Not so sweet anymore. Most times I take a gentle approach. You'd have to do something like hurt the defenseless.

4)I've been a redhead. It looked GREAT!

5)I would do anything for my dog, I'd die for my dog. I LOVE my dog.

so now for my tagees:

JCLfor old times sake 🙂
Song Catcher
Zenyasuch a lovely woman!
ZEROgcoolness of note, man!

I need 5? i don't know five people on opera anymore. poor me. it'll be four, then.

19 Replies to “I’ve Been Tagged! (too)”

  1. Hi Michelle,Poor me, 😆 I wouldn’t taking some of those walks with you if you don’t mind some company 🙂 Do you have any pics of you as a redhead?Thanks for the cool info:)Marcus

  2. I was also in choir and loved it, but I didn’tconsider it to be nerdy…all the popular girlswere in there, that is why I joined. LOL Greatpost. (and I think you do know more than 4 people) 😉 Sarah

  3. Yeah! Nightwalking is exciting. Although I rather prefer nightcycling. I though I was crazy, but now I see that I’m not %)

  4. WL> your journey is one of light though. i can see that.marcus> ok we’ll do that. no redhead pics i’m afraid. i gave them to a special guy and he died with them. 🙁 sorry.sarah!> thanks friend! oh we were mostly nerdy. but nerdy isn’t bad. i know some wonderful people who might be considered ‘geeky’and the rest are total hippies – what that really means is they’re too cool to be mainstream. woo-hoo!dan> wow. i’m gonna have some good company on my walks from now on!!!!!

  5. Thanks for tagging me dear CapegirlNow I have to reveal 5 things about me, right?Hmmmm…(So you’ve been a flaming redhead with no respect for authority? Gee! :cool:)PS: Btw, Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho

  6. yes. at present i’m ok with cookies and milk in my pj’s. merry christmas to you too. your five things were wonderful.

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