Let’s Have Some Fun!

more that you didn't know about ME!!!!!

c'mon play with me!

It is moon year XX90-6P003.

A team of explorers, led by Captain A. Trex, has been sent by the underground government of the planet Xestron 12 (Coprosmia sector-8) to decipher the code that holds the cure for the dreaded nerve disease Hara-X.

A dusty log book has been found during a top-secret expedition to the wreck of the Forgon space station. Could the space station, long since abandoned by the team of scientists, aqua-chemists and doctors, once so dedicated to finding a cure, hold the answers they seek and who will try to stop this army of dedicated men and women?

Hara-X, the result of the mass destruction of fields of hydroponically grown vegetables by General Rhjotin, has plagued Xestron-12 for fifteen moon cycles. In his quest to destroy the livelihoods of the Sazque people, an ethnic group descended from Esa-15 slave colonies, General Rhjotin has not only crippled them but unleashed a deadly biological weapon that is no longer confined to this small group.

No longer controlled by didactogon suprius, a small insect that feeds of the dreaded bacteria, it spreads rapidly. The destruction of the hydroponic fields has taken with it the larvae of this life-saving insect and the only known means of counter attack.

Its relentless attack on the population has left 60% of its people unable to work as they fight off the hallucinations, tremors and paralysis caused by the infiltration of toxins into the sensitive motor neurons of the brain. The rapidly mutating bacteria are spread through close physical contact and passed on to helpless children through the bloodstream of their mothers.

General Rhjotin and his Xoberul army are close on the heels of the space exploration team.

Their mission:

Stop the team from cracking the code and allow him and his army to run rampant over Xestron-12. With its weakened army, the planet will soon be in the hands of the enemy and with its entire population eradicated by Hara-X he will have free reign to mine and harvest the rich stores of Denegar – a mineral used in the manufacture of high-end artillery used by the Xoberul army.

Your mission:

Stop General Rhjotin and the Xoberulites from infiltrating the space station Forgon, crack the log-book code and find the secret to the cure for Hara-X. At all costs you must protect your team of doctors, scientists and biologists.

Your team:

Cadet Lucia Xry – mutant from planet Sideroxylon and special weapons expert.

Cadet Viscaria Dodi – earth soldier and hand to hand combat specialist.

Cadet Roella Nevil – species –Y-bot soldier and specialist in stealth techniques.

Cadet Olan Lythrum – genetically modified species from Gar quadrant and your communications expert.

Your Weapons and space-craft:

DS210 assault craft – custom-made assault craft from Delphi quadrant: laser proof, stealth shield and 1000 siks of ammunition.

UME-78 stealth droids – microscopic remote controlled spy-bots used to investigate and gather information.

VOL-GAS – a colorless, odorless gas used to render the enemy unconscious and delirious.

SILENE-CRYSTALS – bio-tech mites used to gather sensory information from their hosts i.e. your enemy.

Rules of combat:

Any injuries you sustain will result in weapons being removed from your arsenal.

Using more than two silene crystals to gather sensory information about your enemy will render you disarmed until your soldiers redeem you by destroying three Xoberulite droids.

Attacks that damage your DS210 craft will result in its stealth shield being compromised.

Vol-gas attacks weaken your own soldiers as well as the enemy – use it wisely!

Twists and Turns:

One of your team members is a double agent. Root him out and you will uncover several clues to the log-book code. Fail to recognize this traitor and you are on your own!

The time is 12-F5-24. Assemble you team, synchronize your palm-X. General Rhojtin is 12 nassers away, starboard sector. Good luck Captain Trex, you are going to need it!

© Michelle Burke

Anyone want to finish the story? Possible outcomes?


One Reply to “Let’s Have Some Fun!”

  1. Dear Michelle: Your photograph entitled “Joy” was published in Illuminations: Expressions of the Personal Spiritual Experience last fall; we have been trying to contact you to send your contributor copies. Please email us at editor at evolvingeditions.com asap! Meanwhile please visit our website, IlluminationsBook.comThank you, The Editors, Evolving Editions

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