Away for a Bit!

I'll be away for a while, offline that is, I mean. My internet provider has messed up my bills or somebody has hacked into my computer. Either way I have a huge bill that is quite clearly incorrect. I'm asking them to suspend my account until I can sort this out. I don't know how long I'll be away – hopefully not long, since I'll miss you all tons!

In the meantime, keep the faith, remember you don't have to get it right all the time and take extra special care of your wonderful selves.



13 Replies to “Away for a Bit!”

  1. We are gonna miss you, all of us who visit your blog. If your internet connection is broadband the error will be discovered soon, because this virtual world is based upon ip addresses – ISPs know that!!! Even if you are on dial up, just more time will be needed…Anyway, I wish to see you soon here. Good luck.

  2. …i’m still here for the moment. thanks lovely people, but do you know what i’ve learned about things that go wrong? they’re often the best things in the world! some of you that read this blog know that i’ve had health problems in the past. during this time – a time when my body wouldn’t give me what i wanted and i didn’t give it what it needed, i fought with it, i wanted to make it behave the way i wanted it to and during this time….something wonderful happened!my body fought back until …i learned to LOVE IT the way it was! i learned to love it so much that if anything even flexes in the direction of threatening that love …it gets axed. and now it loves me back just as much!i love my beautiful body because it and i have one mission: to get me where i need to go.this, then the lesson of crises, i think. to turn it into something positive. this after all is the reason it’s, while i’m gone, go forth and do that for yourself. turn it all around and make it work for you. take it all..all the shit…all the sad…all the crisis all the stuff that doesn’t work..take it. and use it to build a heart so strong and beautiful that you can use it to do the things that really matter. the things that make you wonderful.thanks for listening to all that! :heart:

  3. Is that post about you’re leaving community? No))So it’s not a time to say bye, even for a moment. As for me, I prefer so called “english leaving” without saying “bye-bye”)) and even for a moment in time ;)Situation of yours is often happens to me at the start of the new month. It’s good that this month and the previous are exceptions:) My provider likes to bug me that I’m not paying, ha-hah))) My internet costs 800 rubles for now, it’s about 27 U.S.Dollarz a month…. well, as long as it’s cheap I’ll be having slight problems from time to time.P.S. I like your blog. Nice design!M.

  4. sonam> my bod and i thank you. we’re fine and you’re funny :)occhi> i’ve not left. hope I don’t have to. the usage seems to be stable now. we’ll see about the huge bills though…your blog has the cutest animal pics ever 🙂 i wish you great success with your vet studies!michael> what do the english say then? 27 US? in our wildest creamiest dreams here in SA! that just isn’t going to happen. the blog design is a standard opera template. i have no interest in appearances. spend 5 minutes with me and that’s the first thing you’ll notice.zerog> i miss you, dude!

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