Temporary Suspension

I will not be blogging here for a while. As I am sorting out some personal issues. If you don't have my regular e-mail address and would like to keep in touch with me please mail me via opera and I'll let you have my other address. If you do so, please also leave your regular snail mail address.

Good luck friends, wherever your paths may take you.


26 Replies to “Temporary Suspension”

  1. i’m still reading everybodys blog and i’ll comment if i have something to add! I just won’t be blogging for a while 🙂 but i’m still here.

  2. Glad to see that you’re still here and will be commenting on blogs Michelle :yes: Hope to read your comments soon 🙂

  3. we all search, don’t we? for the things we think we do not have. only to find that we’ve had them all along. and always will. we could take a lesson from the birds and the bees on this – who do not begin each day wondering if abundance will be there. they already know it is – which is why they find it. :)perhaps searching is based on a lack we do not have, then, so it’s remarkably futile for that reason. acceptance of our gifts then, might be a joyous understanding of what it means to have life.

  4. zerog! :heart:indeed, indeed, except of course for the all important purpose of such realisations! they are coming thick and fast these days. it seems something has swelled and opened within. i doubt i’ll go back, now i’ve found this particular brand of combined comfort and freedom. but i’ll blog again. sometime, i’m sure.

  5. thanks marcus – i appreciate that. i’ve been spending less and less time online. at the moment i’m watching the cricket world cup in my free time. you know, when i was growing up my parents despised cricket broadcasts on tv. of course i *automatically* agreed. during my 30s (well i’m still in them but i was about 31)i sat down one day to watch a world cup game and decided i’d try to find out what everybody loved so much about cricket and sports games in general. to my great delight i discovered just how fun and enjoyable they could be. sometimes we need to let go of the things we THINK we know about ourselves and life. and find the people we really are underneath all we’ve been taught by rote or picked up from fears and held onto for too long. like the rest of nature we need to bend. there is nothing wrong with that concept. nature knows, it’s a life saver sometimes. but i’ll keep checking in here with y’all!hugs and heartsmichelle

  6. I can’t believe this, CapeGirl! You’re leaving just as I am making my return. I hope to see you back soon, and that your personal issues resolve themselves. Take care.Love, JCL.

  7. honeybunny! hello you! I resolve my issues, rather than they themselves do! that is why i take time offline to focus on them! but often i just watch cricket instead..just kidding (the last game nearly broke me). i’m doing a lot of self-therapy at the moment or..always but intensively right now and making some plans for some nice changes too! i’ll pay you another visit too, soon – so glad to see you back, lovely! :heart:

  8. Well, up here spring starts warming days, april is a month of a new beginnings, bringing more light to my eyes :-)What is it like down there?

  9. gdare we’re in a heatwave right now, with gales in the evenings. most strange, really. tonight is really still though and it looks like a fog will have rolled in by morning. i’m quite close to the ocean, by car anyway, but usually can’t smell the sea breeze, but it’s been drifting this way for the past few nights. lovely!so autumn has arrived in it’s strange way, and winter will soon follow- a different time of the year for us, now….one to do warm things in heart and body and eat soulfood. :)enjoy your springtime. nothing quite like it! 🙂

  10. Best Wishes to everybody for the Easter holiday. I hope you all find meaning which is positive for you during this time.hugsmichelle

  11. happy chocolate egg day to you too Marcus. my niece and i were visiting disney online today and she drew me two lovely pictures now on my kitchen wall. i look very smiley and rosy cheeked through her eyes. 🙂

  12. “i look very smiley and rosy cheeked through her eyes. “So, it must be true…:-)Happy Easter, Michelle!

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