A Boy, a Girl and a Whale of a Trail

for K.S.

Ah! Our Whale Trail! A 55 km five-day hiking trail found at De Hoop Nature Reserve, near Cape Town. This precious slice of coastline protects southern right whales when the time comes to calf, mate and frolic in the safe surge of surf and kelp. Cape Vultures, Eagles, and seabirds whirl and dive, calling, always calling: then falling silent as they glide on the breeze. I'm sure I heard them call out my name, at least once. If you listen closely you can hear your future in the wind.

Here, flowers smile, beam, glow, seem to whisper…proteas, ericas, vygies, their grace is unique and unparralled. Perched on a comfortable rock, you can see into forever, your forever, the one you're creating right now.

But! This, isn't a story about whales! Instead it is the story of a boy, a girl and a dream. We'll call the boy LovelyOne and the girl well… you know her as Capegirl.

LovelyOne and I mapped and constructed much of the Whale Trail. Each morning CapeGirl and LovelyOne set out in their big truck with a team of 9 men (grumpy, happy, snoozy..well you get the picture..) and began the task of finding a way to promote nature while making sure it was protected. The maps were anchored with rocks against the bluster of the south east wind as we imagined, imagined, imagined and then walked. We walked those km's all of them, often doubling back to reconsider, adjust and imagine some more.

At tea time we sat on a rock together and ate sandwiches, drank cheap cooldrink from flasks and coffee, always coffee, enjoyed just in time, to coincide with perfect coffee temperatures. In the mist, we sat, in the rain we sat, feeling the sun begin to peep through the clouds, hoping we'd remembered the sun cream that day.

And how we talked and talked, arriving breathless on one outcrop after another we chose the best routes, the best views, the best Zen winding paths we could dream into being, marking them out with endless reams of red and white hazard tape, guiding the cutters through the bushes over the bushes, into valleys, onto rocky outcrops, onto sandy beaches, through spiky thorn bushes and crumbling cliff edges. Careful, be careful don't slip!

Then the construction began, the poles, endless poles, and boards and nails, the blisters, the sweat, the heat, the aching muscles, the smiles, the laughter, the talking, always talking and wishing it would never end. My heart was glad, always glad, there was nothing to do but work and enjoy the beauty and bounty of one of the most heartwrenchingly secret places on earth.

All too soon, the powers that were my bosses at the time, summoned me back to my base in Hermanus. I won't go into that to protect the not-so-innocent. With sadness I told LovelyOne I wouldn't be coming back, I was needed elsewhere. You can't know how much I rued missing out on that helicopter ride.

Six or so years later, on this very night, I remember that time when LovelyOne and I dreamed a dream of a trail of whales. A time when I was purely, innocently happy. A time when I can honestly say I felt free. Now I know by now, you're all thinking that LovelyOne and I were lovers. Aren't you? The truth is he had a wonderful girlfriend and we were nothing more than colleagues, who became friends. I haven't seen him since, though I heard he's done some work saving our national bird, the blue crane.

The special thing about LovelyOne was the way he treated people, especially women. In my mind he lives on as one of the few people, I've encountered that treated me as though I had something to offer, not something to prove. There is no measuring that. No way to quantify the extreme care and respect he lavished on me, in his easy, gentle way.

There are some things I'll never forget and one of them is this: when soon after, it was discovered by my doctor that this sort of lifting and hammering had damaged my body in places too precious to mention he said "why did it have to happen to such a wonderful person?" Thank you LovelyBoy, that meant a lot. I esteemed you ditto.

I blossomed when I was around him and there was no real way to explain that. We worked as a team and it was probably the best working relationship I've ever had. So LovelyBoy wherever you are now, without these wonderful memories, this night would have been a lot less gossamer. And to answer your question: "So I could hold onto the memories, when I needed them most. May you always be downwind from a fire and never be pecked on the nose by a penguin, go well, LovelyBoy"

p.s. click on the "Whale Trail" link for more pictures and the route, if you're interested.

thanks for reading my little "thank you" and for still being here, Opera buddies and hold on to those good people and memories when things get a tad chilly, as they are wont to do at times. :heart:


11 Replies to “A Boy, a Girl and a Whale of a Trail”

  1. I`ve never heard anybody describes his best friend that way :-)Well, you “sacrified” yourself to something you believed. And, hopefully, still believe. This is something to be respected, because in world we live in, it`s no longer common thing among people.Good friends are rare.

  2. Hi CapeGirlWeird and wonderful how we make special relationships with certain people in our lives never to see or hear from them again. And to think of them and remember them years later, sometimes fondly and other times with great yearning.Thanks for a great reminisce.Love, JCL.

  3. thanks sarah, that’s a pretty avatar. glad you liked it. it was a sweet experience, followed by many others, some hair-raising in their strangeness ;)gdare, i pwomise i did not crave his bod. rather i now really rather appreciate his character even more than i did then, now that i’m keenly aware of the dark side of the coin. yes sure i still “believe” i just let it out a lot more slowly now. and i heart myself with the same intensity now :)the warrior of “old” is a rarity these days, that is for sure. those that hang in there are a bit banged up, which is not to be wondered at ;)hello JCL of the sexy lips. it is indeed an oddity. possibly these things become more meaningful once we realise how rare they are or how we’ve sought fulfillment in the “wrong” places. but of course they’re not wrong, rather just right for learning our lessons. the one thing i love about doing some of the things i did is the sense of pride that goes with them. not the boastful kind, just the sense that i have done one or two things that mattered and impacted on the world in some small but positive way. and they also fill the photo album and give one a sense of meaning in life 🙂 nice to see you here on opera again, JCL 🙂

  4. Mich,I really enjoyed reading your texts (even though I had to run and get my dictionary here and there, as the text is very lyrical).There’s no other way to define your text but say it’s “brilliant”.We can see the passion of a friendship flowing with the words, and I feel glad that you have such experience.Enjoy, and may you have other encounters like that one.Love, and lots.Dan

  5. Very lovely story and memories Michelle. I’m sure that where ever he is, he remembers and feels the same to you 🙂

  6. awwrh. thanks dan, you’re too sweet as always. i’ve been concentrating on inner journeys for a while now, since they became necessary.*as you WELL know* turns out they’ve been just as WILD! :yikes:thanks marcus. could be, who knows. i’ll see him again some time, i’m sure. i’ve bugged far more people than i’ve endeared them, you know. because well..i’ve a big mouth and am very direct.

  7. I have read and imagined everything. Pictures just came to my mind one after another. That was wonderful. Thanks for sharing such bright memories.

  8. thank you very much M. i must get back to some creative writing soon, i’ve had a bit of a dry spell, which makes this compliment quite meaningful. hope you’re doing well.

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