The number of years spent on this planet (if you don't count the 9 months spent in the womb). I entered this space at exactly 9:02 a.m. on the 20th April 1971.


I could begin a monologue about the significance of 36 years spent in the world, but instead I'm going to wear a funny hat and eat cake; which i think is a far more productive way to spend the next 36.






Please feel free to send cake. 🙂 or hats 🙂

13 Replies to “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!”

  1. Hi my dear!Congratulations and happy birthday!Hope you enjoyed one more year in your amazing life.Lots of love,Dan

  2. Happy birthday!! :hat: :hat: sto lat sto lat sto lat niech zyje zyje nam (that’s Polish meaning: 100 years, 100 years, 100 years, shall he/she live) I’m also from 1971…31 january in fact. :cheers: 🙂

  3. pkmink> 1971 was a very good year! polish is an interesting language to look at it seems. thanks for the beer and the smiles :)danny boy> thank you my friend for everything.marcus> more beer! lol thanks so much for taking the time to wish me some wishes!yokey> wow. thanks for the forever wishes too!zerog> thanks so much, friend in orbit. hope you’re enjoying a nice break :)gdare> in serbian no less! another interesting language to look at. thanks so much for visiting and wishing me Srecan rodjendan!isabel> hello! thanks love for the b’day wishes!thank you everybody for your sweetness. i had a lovely day. :heart: to all!

  4. I can’t believe this! It was your birthday and I missed it! And to think I was actually in Cape Town at the time :)Belated Happy Birthday, O Mighty CapeGirl! I hope you had a wonderful day :)Love, JCL.

  5. awwr, no worries sweetie. and you’re here now, so thank you! *and there’s bound to be another one next year! you were in CT? how come? holiday?

  6. Hi CapeGirlI was in CT for a friend’s 30th Birthday. It was kind of like a rush trip and I haven’t been back in five years – so I felt like a kid in a candy store 😉 So many hot men :lol:Just kidding. There was really so much to see and do. It was an amazing holiday spoilt only by the SAA flights I travelled on :(JCL.

  7. hey dollface. sounds like a good holiday. but CT men ARE cutie pies. what happened on the plane? *i hope not snakes* lollers. and at least you missed the storm-it blew my windows out today!

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