I Wanna Have Your Babies!

Before I lay me down to sleep I…do 50 military style push ups.

No- I can honestly only do 5, so instead, I read, listen to music or watch music videos on TV. I just can't find any consistently quality music on either MTV or VH1. I really can't understand why they can't cater exclusively to my musical tastes! :p Still, this makes me smile and laugh every time I see it. I think we need more of this approach in music videos, don't you? Humor, a little openess and a lighthearted approach. We don't need to be deep soul searchers ALL the time, do we? (ah! you know i'm just jiving you…i, most of all, know we're all unstoppable on this score).

Thank you to everybody who still visits this blog or pops by to check if i've written anything. i really appreciate that.

And-in the interests of ceaseless soul searching:

"What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that
the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the
garment with which it is clothed?"


Huggly Wugglys to ALL.


14 Replies to “I Wanna Have Your Babies!”

  1. HI Michele,You’re great and you know how to take care of YOU :)Keep writing I have missed seeing you here.:love:Fati

  2. zerog darling: i really do love that quote you know. it reminds me to always look beneath the surface of the things i see. of course this can also lead to madness. HYS too! and i love the new blog.fati: i owe you eeeee-mail. and i’m certainly learning how to do that better. great to see you back here too love.deke: i can only do 5, but i’ve only just started, next i’ll GI jane my hair. would you like coffee with that?

  3. I used to do 50 a night, but these days I doubt I could manage 5.Of course, if you do want to have my babies…

  4. Right now I’d take coffee with anything.Except maybe spaghetti. That would be a little gross I think.Yesterday we stopped a roadside cafe and my mother had “Coffee, with milk”, I, apparently still being the same fool I was two days ago, couldn’t stop myself asking for a capuccino. Hers came in mug. Mine came in what they probably thought of as a cup. It was a mug about ½” shorter than my mother’s. The machine made all the right noises, the guy pushed all the right buttons, but what I wound up with was half a mini-mug of steam heated milk with half a cup of coffee underneath it and a tab for 10p more than my mother had paid (Actually, just to add insult to injury, I paid both tabs…).You will not be surprised to learn that when I noticed as we were leaving that my mother had left a little cold coffee in the bottom of her cup I finished it off.

  5. you, deke, make me laugh. it’s a coffee conspiracy i’m certain of this now. about a year ago i decided to stop drinking so much coffee (to avoid late night chandelier swinging and sudden belief in aliens) and allow myself two cups of the real stuff in 24 hours. and let me tell you, if something gets in the way of that, i feel a machete moment coming on. we need to campaign for bigger cups in restaurants-i’ve always thought. real food would also be good.

  6. i’ve even heard *but let’s keep this between you and i* that there are actually real human beings walking among us. can you imagine? i know how you feel, i have to put on make up just to look old ;)thanks for making me laugh, you.

  7. Right. Real food comes as an afterthought. Good to see that you have your priorities in order.Now then, what’s wrong with a sudden belief in aliens? I get them all the time. It explains so much.You are not alone in finding me funny, whenever I look in a mirror I find myself giggling something rotten.Thank goodness I don’t look like that guy…

  8. I have to wear my corrective shirt so people can see me. I took it off once and went for a stroll in the lady’s locker room, but there was one thing I’d forgotten, and suddenly this cry went up “Who does that thing belong to?”.Real human beings walking amongst us might explain a lot as well. That pesky war in Iraq for instance. I bet they were responsible for that. You know what this means? Everyone’s crazy except you and me…And actually you’re a bit weird too…

  9. deke-i can’t take you anywhere you know. how many times do i need to tell you to keep your antennae hidden? jeez. must i do everything!? isabel- and he could paint a bit too. 🙂

  10. If I keep my antennae hidden how will I find my way about? You know full well that Gorbian extrensionism does function on this planet. As a matter of fact it doesn’t function anywhere in the universe. I suspect the idiot only invented it for the prizes he won from people who thought they were the only ones who couldn’t work it.Michaelangelo? He could sculpt the odd antenae pretty good (Although as transmitters go they were pretty rubbish) but alas he was a mere zombie compared to the genius that was Leonardo (Although I believe that he has a touch of the ‘flu at the moment. Everyone seems to be talking about ‘The Da Vinci cold’).

  11. I really surprise how any one can deliver only with push ups without diving deep ? It requires thought over the matter. Aniruddha

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