What Happened to Joe?

It's as cold as a penguins fine, feathered fanny in Cape Town. Yes I know 7 degrees C isn't that cold. Would somebody please inform my feet? I'm only a recently recruited satellite television watcher, so that seems a good idea for such a cold night at such a late hour. I think I'd better stay away from "Penguin Safari", though.

My home is surrounded by many, many trees and when the wind blows it interferes with the reception, I'll need to have them trimmed next week because:

"Joe was a sailor who had an accident on his ship, Joe was impaled by…."


what? what? WHAT was Joe impaled by? For the love of all that is good, what diabolical object impaled Joe?

"Joe had several very serious injuries to his diaphragm and chest as well as his liver. The liver is an important channel for blood and nutrients. Joe's liver was….."


WHAT? What happened to Joe's liver??? What, oh, what became of it?

So not only am i freezing, I'll also never know what happened to Joe's liver. Luckily my good friend Tom sent me a copy of James Joyce's Dubliners. At least the livers in that book are mine to unravel.

Have a lovely night everybody and a happy day tomorrow.



8 Replies to “What Happened to Joe?”

  1. Hmmm.They said on a TV there is a snow around Cape Town… first in a 25 years…I would like our climate is good as it is in South Africa. I am the summer child.Hold on, find a blanket, mix coffee with some vodka and enjoy the snow. From a window, at least.:-)

  2. coffee AND vodka? i would then be a complete nutter. i only heard about the snow on the news this evening, but my feet, they knew!.the REAL snow is mostly in the eastern cape, though, i think. I love spring and summer and autumn is usually fine by me, but this one has felt like winter, if not worse than that. i really do not love winter, but thanks for the warm words, which added cheer to my heart πŸ™‚

  3. “Joe was a sailor who had an accident on his ship, Joe was impaled by….”A frost-frozen penguin.”Joe had several very serious injuries to his diaphragm and chest as well as his liver. The liver is an important channel for blood and nutrients. Joe’s liver was…..”Cooked in onions with a little tofu and mint.You don’t need satellite to know that.

  4. i heard that winter has started over there… today, itΒ΄s still a bit wintery like as a storm is passing through… but the rest of the days have been summery already… keep snug! :heart:

  5. Oh, CapeGirl! I can commiserate! The weather was awful in Johannesburg last week. My two dogs really suffered – especially the little one because I think she has zero percent bodyfat…like her lean owner :lol:When I lived in Claremont I would never go out onto my balcony in winter because it would face that South-Westerly wind. In fact, I wouldn’t even open my windows on that side of the apartment unless I wanted something broken or flying out the window.But at least this week has been better!JCL.

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