A Peaceful World

And we're all equal?

Well we've been trying

Thanks to everybody for all your lovely comments. I'll be back to answer them soon!

In the meantime some good reminders in this song. In particular:

"I'm Alive"

And while you are, make the most of it.



20 Replies to “A Peaceful World”

  1. wow. your comments aren’t all showing up on the opening page!? what’s wrong with Operaland i wonder. I’m also not being notified by e-mail anymore about messages and comments. I’ve been a bit mentally scattered these last 2 weeks. I wonder what that’s trying to tell me. whatever it is, i might just cock it a big fat deafie so to speak, just for a change.Thanks Fati, Gdare and Marcus (i owe your blog a long overdue visit) everybody, you’re all great. Back Soon.

  2. this happens to me too GF and it usually happens with the new post you have to check it always 🙁

  3. i had to click on the sidebar link for this comment to show up here for me, though the number of comments listed is now correct. not sure what’s going on here now.

  4. I am finding that Opera is messing up even in my browswerI have to click it a few times to send the comments and then they send many :DI know Opera usually acts up when there is an upgrade coming

  5. and yet here i am again :doh:doh! did you know this is now an officially recognised english word. Oxford dictionary i think. not sure though. along with:”bootylicious”all is lost-I’m tellin ya!My English teacher must have had an apoplexy.i’m ok with Doh for some reason. but bootylicious?

  6. What is the world coming to when “bootylicious” is a recognized english word? The end of the world is near 😆

  7. do you think we should start stockpiling baked beans and candles? or is it too late for this? i’m definitely taking my simpsons dvd’s to the secret underground shelter. but not collins or oxford or whoever added bootylicious! what’s next!?

  8. Think I need to start building an underground shelter, who knows, they may add more slang words to the dictionary :faint:

  9. well you know… there are lots of those dictionaries around and we will need something to build a foundation with. since all the trees will be gone by then.bookylicious!

  10. I think it’s Collins dictionary that’s added the new words. They just do it to get free airtime because there’s really no other way of competing with the OED.Mind you, it’s a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, because if everyone keeps talking about it b**********s will be in the next update of the OED.I think we should be allowed to vote on it.

  11. yerp. i was thinking before bed that it could never be Oxford. Then i remembered it was Collins, in fact.I vote that b**********s is struck off the record of life for the sake of future generations. and especially me. most especially ME! Also I must remember to stop saying “frakkin”. As in, “What in the name of frakkin history is Collins thinking!?”

  12. I say ‘Fargling’. What is it with these pseudo naughty words? It’s not like God doesn’t know what we really mean. Heck, even the spider in the corner of the room knows what I really mean.He’s nodding.Yes he is.

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