
Hi Guys!

Thanks so much for expressing love and concern.

I'm fine! Or if I were not fine, I'd be dealing with it you know!

Ha! Ha!

My computer does seem a bit oppressed though as does my online banking account. My bank has so many security measures now that even I can't get into my account. I really can't. If I owe you money, I'll have to pay you in sweet and sour lamb chops made with apples, not sugar. Sorry I'm all organic and stuff.

I should have kept the sock and the pigeons.

Also somehow all my Opera mail has been deleted. This happened shortly after I tried to delete some spam. (Linda Morgan aka spammer et. al. may you burn in hades).

I swear I had nothing to do with all of it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Computers are far too expensive in South Africa. It makes me wan't to rob a store a la Dick and Jane.

HUGS ALL, keep the faith.


15 Replies to “ComputerSaurus”

  1. I will buy new one in a few months.:lol: Banks are really tricky these years – I have had a similar problem few months ago, it appeared that the permissions were set too high, by mistake, and not only for me :)Wonder what were they doing with my money for this particular day :down:

  2. Martin: I’m driving! But we need nicknames if we’re going to do this properly. All the best crime duos had them.Darko: wow. that’s great 🙂 In SA we have a unique PIN code for each and every online session sent via cellphone. This morning I got about 16 on the phone-all useless by then of course. But i really DID need to pay people on a deadline-lucky they were understanding South Africans who all know we’re criminals here 😉 I told you we’re all crooks. 😀

  3. Michelle, ok you drive! this time… 🙂 hehe..Yeah we need nicknames, I don’t know, we both like animals no? One from Canada one from Africa… a weird mix to let them think while we drive far far away.

  4. Pin codes, yes, of course, but it was something f…ed up on a server level :)If you want to rob me (to get money for a new PC), don`t waste your time, I still don`t have enough 😆 But if you like, you can have my old one, just spare my miserable computer-addicted life 😆

  5. I need a new PC too, since you are driving, you coming to get me too? :lol:Organic sweet & sour lamb makes me hungry just thinking about it 😀 Opera has been messing up with the messages, it deleted mines, then returened them later. Have a great weekend Michelle 🙂

  6. the people who visit this blog are very nature loving, and technologically challenged. do you see a pattern here?Martin i’m choosing “meerkat” no..”THE meerkat” how about you?Darko is it a laptop? i know that praying cat is the cutest little snowkitten i’ve seen in a long time. I once had a white cat -her name was Duchess.Marcus, i sure will and i’ll bring some lamb chops-they are most excellent! but you must bring the coffee! yes! my mail came back too. wowser and weirdness.

  7. No, it is desktop 🙂 You don`t like desktop PCs? 😀 Phew, lucky me :lol:”meerkat” what does it mean?

  8. THE meerkat…. excellent choice! I like so many here… THE meerkat & Muskrat duo would sound nice. 🙂 But I’d prefer to be THE mysterious Wolverine! Or better, “LE Carcajou” ! yep… that’s it. :up:”Carcajou is the old French pronunciation for Kwi’kwa’ju, the name given by the Micmac People to the wolverine, a small and fierce carnivore of the Canadian wilderness. More clever than a fox and as strong as a bear, the wolverine is the stuff of legends. In the Micmac People’s tongue, Kwi’kwa’ju means “evil spirit”, because of the wolverine’s uncanny ability to elude hunters and to escape if caught. It is above all a survivor.”Gdare: I guess you don’t watch “Meerkat Manor” on Animal Planet ?! 😀

  9. Michelle, I’ll bring you coffee and gladly enjoy your lamb chops with you 🙂 Got me drooling thinking about the lamb chops 😀 Cool that your messages came back. Another Opera bug.

  10. darko, you simply must watch Meerkat Manor. It is such a well done show! i’ll leave the mystery up to you to solve hee :DMartin: “Carcajou” what a fabulous word. Meerkat and Carcajou! not bad for a pair of raiders. what shall we steal first?Marcus there are strawberries and kiwi fruit for dessert today with yoghurt but if you’re good you can have Ice Cream! or cream…my head has been feeling quite wonky of late. i wonder why.

  11. Meerkat! 🙂 We need computers! Now you go to find the most expensive place in your town, we want to best of the best. ( Or anyway the most expensive 😀 ) :bandit:

  12. :doh: carcajou is the brains of this operation 😀 off to Incredible Connection we go! to rob them of all their overpriced goodies. woo-hoo.

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