Taking a Sweet, Little Break

The earth whispers and warms me into taking a different view for a while. I'll be quieter, internet-wise. For in all the world I love nothing so well as spring and her honeyed songs.

I plan to catch up on some reading that I've neglected for, well, years and just take time to be aware of my life, my inner voice and my favorite thing, love. I've forgotten how much I enjoy music and poetry and I plan to immerse myself in those too. I'll be working a little, but not too much, because money buys many things, but I am not one of them.

I'll be outdoors a lot too, since the leopard toads are breeding and we're going to be counting them. They've been singing around the house for about a week now. The males gather into groups and call to the females, to prove who is stronger, smarter, better equipped to make the release of her eggs worth all that effort. A better lover perhaps? Who could say? Nature is simpler than we know, and more complex. So are we. For all that we do and say on earth, who is to say what is worthwhile, prudent, clever?

Perhaps it is time to just listen, in the way of the toads, and come over to a song we like, just in time, or all in good time, or when the time is right. Sometimes it's hard to hear with all that competition, isn't it? Still there's a voice that fits us all. That's not as flighty a statement as it might appear, you know.

For, all life needs the flush of renewal, and all renewal starts with love, doesn't it?

You are loved more than you realise, blessed more than you know. When the fireworks arrive in your life, notice them, won't you?

😀 and love to you all


3 Replies to “Taking a Sweet, Little Break”

  1. Ooo. . . Hooo . . . ! I love wandering in the midst of dense green observing wonders in the nature . U r lucky , got time . Ill’ Wait for ur litrature . Have a nice time . :heart: Aniruddha from INDIA

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