Funfairs and Other Interesting Places

quotes, i find, are always worth scrutinizing, for the opposite of many such statements is usually equally true, which sometimes makes me wonder why we make pronouncements at all- but that's neither here nor there.

this is just a favorite, since it's so simple and yet so meaningful:

"you can tell more about a man in an hour of play than in a year of conversation"


which is a rather grand way of stating that:

talk is cheap.

i hope you're out there putting words into action. and choosing the best ones to bring meaning a step closer. personally… Jenga really bothers me…but I've become rather good at it. I'm also very accomplished at Twister. :whistle:

How do you play?



11 Replies to “Funfairs and Other Interesting Places”

  1. women too of course!:) i expect quotes just sound better when they’re gender specific. glad you enjoyed the quote-it’s always a good reminder for me.

  2. 🙁 well…start today!(i have not since my washing machine and clothes drier have decided to die at the same time) bah! no playing for me today.Jenga is a game played with wooden blocks in which you need to build a tower without knocking it down and twister is a game played on the floor where the players must place their body parts (arms, legs) on a certain area (you can google them both for more)

  3. “A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.”I like to play Poker lately… it’s a game no? :)Some say it’s a job…. for others it’s a drama.

  4. It’s all related to the eyes it seems…. :)I like when a woman moves her eyes – left to right – meaning follow me this way. :devil:No I don’t play for money, I play with my family. It’s all new to me, I’m not good at it also! 😀 I’ve never been a big fan of cards but when you play all the family together it’s a lot of fun.

  5. really? i thought all she had to do was move her eyes.:lol:sure poker is a game (or quite possibly an obsession) you play for money? i’ve never been very interested in that sort of thing for some reason..

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