Be careful what you click on, online. You might die laughing!
93 Replies to “One Size Fits All!?”
i think life and the world is more complex than a straight toss up between greatness and mediocrity, though. these are also defined differently by different people based on myriad personal circumstances and ethics. but yes, i think a mistake was made when we were led in the direction of “good jobs” rather than the fulfillment of dreams, passions, callings etc. i always found that people who were lazy and uninspired in a job didn’t really want to be there but were afraid to choose differently.what is failure? for me, it’s never being who you really are during the lifetime you were given. among other things.i expect you’d get a different answer from each person you asked-and that this would change with age and experience.
Great response and I enjoy your view on what a failure is. You are such an inspiration with words. :devil:So where is the inspiration picture with the socks on your head????:cheers:
I was not even thinking of “tittie shots”, I was just hoping to see the beautiful smile and the wonderful eyes of Michelle :left::right:All of you pervs should be ashamed of yourself for thinking such thoughts :whistle::devil:
i think my eyes AND smile are on this blog..somewhere! the day i post boobie shots on the Net is the day i…well..i don’t know..the day i have finally succumbed to madness.
Is your avatar a picture of you? ? If so that is the only one I have noticed, but then again it is not like I have searched every inch of your blog for pics either :left::eyes::right::devil:
Jesus H. Christ. I get an email everyday from this post. All of you over here, gallivanting and carrying on with your smilies and what-nots. I’ve half a mind to stop watching this damned thing. And I know for a fact that Michelle’s tits appear nowhere online. I’ve looked..a lot… not that I’m a stalker.
Again, why am I grouped with the perv’s? :doh: did someone say titts :left::eyes::right: :doh: I mean what a wonderful human being you are Michelle :):devil:
i think life and the world is more complex than a straight toss up between greatness and mediocrity, though. these are also defined differently by different people based on myriad personal circumstances and ethics. but yes, i think a mistake was made when we were led in the direction of “good jobs” rather than the fulfillment of dreams, passions, callings etc. i always found that people who were lazy and uninspired in a job didn’t really want to be there but were afraid to choose differently.what is failure? for me, it’s never being who you really are during the lifetime you were given. among other things.i expect you’d get a different answer from each person you asked-and that this would change with age and experience.
Great response and I enjoy your view on what a failure is. You are such an inspiration with words. :devil:So where is the inspiration picture with the socks on your head????:cheers:
trolling the archives today, huh?
Well, If there’s nothing new you have to dig a little deeper. :lol:.There’s bit of cape town on my blog now. Grab some popcorn and take a seat
You notice she never answer the question about the picture with the socks on her head :rolleyes::devil:
Of course I do, avoidance is never good :whistle::devil:
:eyes: you mean you didn’t see the photo’s…Too bad, she’s deleted them already. :devil:
avoidance? i have a life you know! yes i deleted all of those titty shots :devil:
You gotta move faster than that to catch peep
ha ha LC is a big softie. god knows what sort of traffic “titty shots” is going to generate marcus!
I was not even thinking of “tittie shots”, I was just hoping to see the beautiful smile and the wonderful eyes of Michelle :left::right:All of you pervs should be ashamed of yourself for thinking such thoughts :whistle::devil:
i think my eyes AND smile are on this blog..somewhere! the day i post boobie shots on the Net is the day i…well..i don’t know..the day i have finally succumbed to madness.
Yeah right, like we really believe you.
Is your avatar a picture of you? ? If so that is the only one I have noticed, but then again it is not like I have searched every inch of your blog for pics either :left::eyes::right::devil:
:eyes: :eyes::right::left::devil:
WOW now you need a i and two p’s and you can spell my name with smilies :devil:
That’s easy.:rip::p
You are missing one p in the grave stone :p:devil:
close enough:devil:
Jesus H. Christ. I get an email everyday from this post. All of you over here, gallivanting and carrying on with your smilies and what-nots. I’ve half a mind to stop watching this damned thing. And I know for a fact that Michelle’s tits appear nowhere online. I’ve looked..a lot… not that I’m a stalker.
You know I am. I’m listening to a song about you right now.
i really enjoy how you’re all so genuinely interested in me, you know, as a human being.:frown:
D, are you still awake? get some rest.
take a breath.
I’ve always thought about you as a wonderful human being, Michelle! :up: Unlike those pervs (LC, etc.)! :p
Again, why am I grouped with the perv’s? :doh: did someone say titts :left::eyes::right: :doh: I mean what a wonderful human being you are Michelle :):devil:
@ LC
*coughBScoughBScough* excuse me!
hrmm BS, you have a Ballsack in your throat? :doh: guess that explains your swing that way comment :whistle::devil:
:no: That BS is for your Bull**** that you gave in your :angel: comment! :rolleyes:
:doh: I must have misunderstood that :whistle: it seemed more likely then bull**** :rolleyes::devil: