5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

I never iron. EVER. If I can't wash and wear it I don't buy it. EVER. May the gods pummel me to death in front of an episode of Dr90210 if I ever use an iron.

I'm a liar. I have in fact used an iron. To make toast.

At Scripture Union camp, I did not pray. Instead we (a gang of girls) lured a group of boys over and massacared them. Nugget and toothpaste was involved. K.L. I am truly sorry. You liked me and I was mean to you with nugget and toothpaste.

I've never smoked a joint. Did I miss anything? (quite possibly an episode of paranoia). Oh wait there was that pizza…. THEY SAID IT WaS OREGANO! So I may have eaten it…and let me tell you tequila and oregano do not happy bedfellows make.

I once (in my youth) belonged to a church where people fell down and spoke in tongues. When I couldn't speak "THE TONGUE" I was told I wasn't really saved. So I saved myself and ran all the way home-never to return. After that I wasn't afraid of anything I couldn't speak. "How dare they tell me what I am and am not, have and have not" was what I asked. Proclaim me an unbeliever, in fact, call me anything you like. Go on, I dare ya. If God loves me, he'll love me in my jammies.

How about you? List me a list of some things I don't know about you, right here in the comments section or on your own blog, just for fun.



90 Replies to “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me”

  1. I am impressed with your list. Very impressive.I will have to put some thought into my list. 99.99999% of my life is not known here. Ok here is a quick list. But I will put some serious thought into a more interesting list. I have never smoked a cigarette. 😛 I have never taken a drug. I drink though. I also like tequila, wouldnt know if it is bad with oregano. I usually eat junkier food for the munchies when drunk. :yuck:This is a not so nice one; I used to play a lot of games when I went out. :rolleyes: I would go out, meet a women, convince her women that if she slept with me the first night that I would never call her, because she was be a slut. Then, when they told me they wanted to wait etc…, I would convince them they were special and that I would call them etc…. Of course we slept together and I never called or spoke to them again. :whistle: Yes I know what a charmer and it was not nice. Maybe this is the main reason I am single still, since of course “karma is a bitch”. Ok two more. I have had 4 entirely differant sections to my life. Great, horrid, great and horrid. Shortly, I am hoping for a 5th, again that would be back to great. Too many details involved in this one so I will leave it at this. I once rolled a boys house with toilet paper (ok, I meaning my friends and I and we did it to a lot of different people). The entire job took 260 rolls of toilet paper, 30 real estate signs (the large ones), about 20 small signs, and 4 hours to complete. They were at home; we rolled the front yard, back yard, the roof, we made a teepee around a tree in the front yard, we took 50 rolls and ripped them into little pieces and spread them around the yard. It looked like snow, then we turned on the sprinklers. Took almost a month for them to clean it up. :eyes: This one time at band camp. Oh wait I never went to band camp.So since we all know I am going to hell now :rolleyes::devil:

  2. I was going to say what is wrong with 90210 but since you were refering to DR90210 which is horrid. So I will shut up now. :devil:

  3. LC it truly is a bizarre tv show. i’m off to bed now so i’ll reply to this one later. thanks for the chat. i appreciate the time and enjoyed it :)NVN. hi and welcome. 🙂

  4. -I quit smoking 20 years ago… 21, to be precise, just before started practicing kendo;-lost a kendo match from a tiny japanese girl with big heart and fearless; never underestimated opponent again;-have a fear of dying from cancer; it is a shame what this kind of illnes do to a person, physically and mentally;-want to jump with parachute :D-have a sense to see when people are lying to me; politicians are among biggest liars…. no, they are the biggest 😛

  5. sure, show me one who says they’ve never told some sort of lie and i’ll show you a liar :)but lying as a lifestyle -i hate it with all my heart too.why did you have to take a lie detector test!?(see this getting to know each other better thing is working)

  6. They say everybody lies at some level but some people make it a lifestyle.I hate that with all my heart.Back to the topic… I can say at least 1 thing you didn’t know about me! Ironically:I failed a lie detector test!!! 😮 Really! AND I didn’t lie… Can you believe that? I swear to god (bad example) I swear on the heads of all my loved family I didn’t lie. I don’t know about cheating this “machine” but I’m the living proof of a “false positive”. 🙂

  7. LC i can’t believe you were so mean to girls. but most guys would admit to lying when it came to that sort of thing, i reckon. and that TP thing sounds like a work of art!?Darko> guys hate being beaten out by girls in anything. they don’t admit it always but they really don’t.marcus> so glad that truck didn’t get ya! 🙂

  8. Thanks Michelle… So you are an honest Meerkat? :)Indeed I know this TV Show, I didn’t know it was broadcast there.I’m applying again now, I’m more prepare and I’ll talk to the detective first. The important thing is to say it! No, taking trash is not stealing but if I say I did it. I said it. Mind clear. Polygraph stays asleep….;)

  9. At least I was being honest with that portion. See it would be something that most men would not admit to doing. shouldnt I get some credit for it. Gees. As for lieing, well I have done me share. I try to be honest for the most part, sometimes it is a lot more fun then other times. “how do I look?” :devil: “you look like shit, what happened to your fucking hair?” Ok Ok, I have been smart enough not to say that. See I am not that bad. :devil:

  10. Almost 2 years ago my job was very insecure (indeed.. The place is now closed!) so I decided to apply in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (let’s say it’s the “Canadian FBI”) I passed the written exam, the physical exam, the interview (very hard one…) I was on my way to go where so many are refused…Then arrived the polygraph, the guy explain all in details how it works. AND told me how a false positive could be possible! :doh: Basically it happens somehow if you are too honest. Well, not exactly but almost…The question that made me fail was “Did you say ALL about the things you stole in your life?” In a micro second, the brain thinks about that empty cardboard box you took in the recycling/trash. I didn’t stole it / they don’t care anyway / It was garbage, etc. But I didn’t ask, no needs….BUT it’s kind of a trash stealing no?Right away the polygraph get crazy, the detective CAN’T know why. Is it stupid mind worries or is he trying to hide that car he stole ??? Of course he asked me but I was trying to find myself what happened.I was pissed when I received my “no sorry” letter and swear I won’t try again! “They don’t deserve me if their screening system is so useless”, bla bla bla.etc.I lied, I just called them again…

  11. Awww, thanks Michelle, I’m glad it didn’t get me too! If it had, then I never would’ve met a wonderful girl like you! 🙂

  12. marcus> you are such a charmer 🙂 the road accidents here are so awful, it is scary and sad to think most of it could be avoided.martin>in this case i am likely to fail it too. this is a funny story but also sad that you didn’t get in 🙁 i know the mountees from that tv show “Due South” do you remember it??? you should apply again and this time don’t be so hard on yourself..! we’re allowed to “steal” trash.

  13. I didn`t have a problem with admiting it, she won in that match because she gave a best from herself to beat me up, and it was my weakness because I underestimated her; just simple as that :left:

  14. LC-I ain’t judgin ya! 😆 you’d fit in well with South African men.the humor i mean. and everybody’s done “stuff” :devil:Martin I am generally brutally (even stupidly honest.) It’s only recently that i’ve realised the underhanded levels people will actually stoop to and now i am less trusting with my feelings-which is a bit unfortunate since i enjoy sharing them with people. I generally know when I’m being lied to, like Darko and i rely on my intution a lot. or my dog will let me know. He’s never been wrong before. 😉 In SA we get a lot of Canadian productions. I bet you’ll get in this time. I think you’d make a good mounted policeman.Gdare> good for you, Darks. not all men are comfortable with that sort of thing, you know.

  15. i’m not a judgemental person, you know. I have strong opinions and the two are sometimes mistaken, but my opines are my own-applicable to me and my life. if i’m going to tell person x what to do or how to behave, then they’ve equal right to do the same to me. i don’t drink those sort of milkshakes ;-)and hate being told what to do, how to live my life etc.

  16. That is good. I would give you a compliment and say that you seem to have the right idea about life and strong beliefs; however, you would think I was trying to sleep with you or something perverted. :rolleyes: So I will say. Gees, why do you think that way? You should have a different perspetive on life. :whistle::devil:

  17. awwrh thanks, you. i wouldn’t worry about that-if i thought you were being insincere, i wouldn’t be talking to you. and there are still plenty of issues i’m working on too, same as everyone 🙂

  18. Oh there you go teasing me :whistle: next you will threaten me with :right:whips:left: :right:chains:left: :right:hand cuffs:left: I am quivering in anticipation :doh: I mean fear. :devil:

  19. :doh: predictable response??? :rolleyes: :devil:Well a girl telling a guy he needs a spanking is a fairly common thing (at least in my experience). There are only so many answers that are acceptable from a guys point of view. Its not like I am going to say “Oh please dont it will hurt”. So whips, chain, and hanfcuffs is one of the few almost manly responses to give. Plus there is the fact that it shows compassion for your fetish on my part. Weirdo. :whistle:Plus there is the fact that my smileys looking left and right at the words was less then predictable. So maybe the general idea might have been predictable but the written form was not. :doh: I should get partial credit. :devil:

  20. This post had me in stiches, so I decided to give you the coolest award ever…come get it on my opera blog!! Thanks for making me smile so much 🙂

  21. I don’t get the point of ironing! I couldn’t care if my clothes are wrinkled or not. However, my mum does care and she insists on ironing everything-including Pjamas!

  22. hi kimbers! my mother, also, is an excllent housekeeper, she irons, and does things up right. my sis too, is far better than me. i think i’m reasonable. i don’t like a huge mess, but i can tolerate some disorder, mostly because i’d prefer to do other things. i mean..what’s the big deal? lol i have a few weird issues like…towels not hung up, bath not washed, coffee circles on the counter, or clothing on the floor that bug the hell out of me..but that’s it really.

  23. sacre bleu! :eyes: :faint:that’s way too much, even for me! that sort of thing would drive me psycho. i’d just close the door and go live somewhere else! 😆

  24. darks> it’s a house. a big house. 10 rooms. in total i mean. i just realised how big it actually is. there is no way on earth i’m cleaning all these windows. martin you can come and help (bring your compass) and you too darko you can reach the big cupboards at the top LOL

  25. Im in for free beer, but I dont own a mop or any other cleaning supplies :doh: I just checked the local stores, they are all sold out as well so I can clean on the next trip :whistle::devil:

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