A Little Ditty. A Pretty Little One.

I'm not sure if anybody will love this as much as I do. Freshly Ground is a very South African band who produce rather universal music I think. The video alone is so adorable (it might even be better than the music) that I'd really reccommend giving it a viewing. It's off their latest release :"Ma Cherie". The song is called Pot Belly. 🙂

Things in Cape Town seem rather unsettled this week. The spectre of broken appliances strikes again, too. My oven (4 1/2 months old) won't turn off. It's now official everything I own has gone to pot. Even as I speak my bedroom lamp is flickering. Now it's gone out.

woooooooo! I'm not as perturbed as I should be. There's blood on the moon, by all accounts.

Give the video a watch, it really is terrifically sweet and so creative. Btw, my computer is not quite operating again tonight. When the wind blows, my internet connection never works. I really am only a small step up from the cave. So if the video doesn't work will somebody please tell me? Thanks!

21 Replies to “A Little Ditty. A Pretty Little One.”

  1. No Video…… :(nah kidding! I liked it! :up: The 2 colors “thing”, it’s funny when she just throw the red one on the floor. 😀

  2. Since I am at school, it loads way to slow. I will check it out when I get home. Right now I see green peas in a bowl and nothing else. WOW great video. LOL:devil:

  3. Hey D- It’s so cute isn’t it? long months no speak, huh? i knew you’d like it. the literal lyrics and the artiness :)how are things in NOLA? and with you? genuinely..everything broke. it really did. all within a space of a few months. the washing machine’s been replaced and the DVD is being repaired, that’s about it right now, it’s all so expensive 🙁 ah well, what can ya do?Martin> that’s my favorite part too. It’s about accepting the love that’s there I think, and not always imposing our will on it. May the saints give us lessons and preserve us when we fail ;)LC> they’re bloody jellybeans and there’s a bloody RED one in there too. Bloody American boys :devil:

  4. CG, Did you not read the portion that stated the school’s download was so slow that I could NOT see anything? After 15 minutes, yes 15 minutes there was half a bowl of green shit, green shit, I could NOT see anything because the download was going that slow!!! I waited 15 minutes for your blog and I get a lecture for being an American boy. :doh: where is the love? :whistle: Where is the deep admiration? Where is the respect? Where are the manners? :rolleyes: And you tell me I am a Bloody American boy. :doh::devil:

  5. Marcus> glad you liked it and thanks for always commenting on my silly music videos :)LC> 15 minutes? I feel honored! No seriously. Really. I should stop joking. Soon you’ll believe nothing I say. Are you already there? :devil: Glad you found it funny though! the video i mean. oh boy.Hi Isabel> long time no see. There is such incredible attention to detail. When I went to do an aptitude test once (i was about 18) they told me i should seriously consider a career in TheatreCraft (or veterinary science) {or quite possibly stage decor for animal theatre companies} :lol:What? said I? In SA at that time, I’d have had a fat chance of getting a job anywhere. I felt so unemployable after that! I’d have loved to design something like in that video, though. Such fun.

  6. The funny thing is that the color of one of the houses makes the story line completely unrealistic in certain niches in society; at least in the US that is. I am not sure if colors have the same meaning in other countries. If so, are they making fun of that niche? It does not matter to me because I refuse to wear that color.As for the joking! Did you actually say something serious at one point? I must have missed that comment :doh: I will try to pay more attention :whistle: I must have had really bad gas that interfered with my f285cpque tech-4310 (bullshit sensing) meter. I will work at resolving the issue so there are no additional misunderstandings on your part. :rolleyes::devil:

  7. i must have missed the “importance of color in society” lecture. good lord, what niche eeeeeez this? i’m thinking about painting my living room a muted but warm shade of yellow. what caste does that place me in?what happened to the Bullshit-max?? broken already? i TOLD you, it can only take so much data! foolish Illinois boy! i’ll have to rethink that spanking and give you the whipping you truly deserve (want) :devil:

  8. silly girl, whippings are too fun :devil:Yellow not sure. Only one color that I know of and it was on the video, so you have a 50/50 for getting it wrong. No no bullshit-max still works but I was using the older model because the new one worked too well. It startedto get me confused on the meaning of life, the reason why toilets go backwards in the southern hemosphere and why beer is better when drank quickly :doh: I didnt need moral lessons this early in the afternoon :devil:

  9. or why a man knocked on my door this morning and asked: “is this the american embassy securicor (they have an office next door) but:here’s a hint: I’m wearing eeyore pajamas.:faint:

  10. Hi, as mentioned before, I cannot view any videos,my isp sucks and just simply refuses to load anything up! But I bet they were super.Awesome and funny post, by the way! Had me laughing when I needed it most.. 🙂

  11. jessecat, mine too, it takes about 10 minutes to load any video from youtube. 🙁 thanks for the award! i’d like to thank…..:lol:LC> i thought maybe he had pizza! real women DO in fact wear pajamas!

  12. Hrmm, if you say so, I have never witnessed it.Pizza in the morning? Why did your order pizza early in the morning. :doh: YES I am a perv!!! :devil:

  13. Just coming by to say hi and thanks for the comment on my other blog! I am going to keep my blog,and perhaps take it in another direction…though where that may lead to, who knows?? 🙂 Jesse..

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