Which Way Does She (Do You) Spin?

isn't it interesting to consider the things you've always "known" about yourself, but haven't ever really analyzed too deeply.

"why am I the way I am?" "why are you who you are?"

take a quick look at this picture:

from your perspective, which way is the woman spinning? clockwise or counter (anti) clockwise?

the good news is that there is no correct answer. the way she spins all depends on your perspective. this is an unshaded 2D image, so it's all you baby!

if you are left-brain dominant you'll notice that she spins anti-clockwise. if, on the other hand (or brain hemisphere) you feel she is spinning clockwise (as I do) then you are right brain dominant.

it is also possible to be able to see her spinning in both directions? do you? or to see her spin to one side and then back by watching her leading foot. (i'm not there yet).

why does all this matter? it doesn't really. it's just interesting and may help you answer some questions about yourself. at the very least it's a bit of fun. here is some information on the differences between right and left brain dominant people:

Early experiments on the brain showed that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body (the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body). These researchers also discovered that each side of the brain specialized in certain things.
The left brain is responsible for most of our verbal ability as well as order, sequence, logic, and memory for words. Because 80% of the population is left-brain dominant (fewer than 20% of all people, throughout history, have been right-brain dominant)

{this would explain a lot of the confusion i felt when i was younger, or until i learned to accept who i am. i often felt and still do feel non-plussed by the way in which most people process information}I understand how they're thinking, but don't know WHY? 😆

our educational system is based on developing left-brain skills: reading, writing and arithmetic. We are urged, from childhood, to use our right hands to perform most routine tasks, including writing, and western civilizations read from left to right because our writing is based on letters which form words (rather than symbols which form sounds or concepts, as in many Eastern languages).

The right brain houses visual images, intuition, emotions, music, physical manipulation and our perception of space and the world around us, our connection to nature, and higher mathematical concepts (such as geometry).

{interestingly this was the one area of maths which i DID enjoy}

Notice the difference between arithmetic, a left- brain activity which is simply different ways of counting, and higher math, which involves visualizing complex mathematical structures. There is a close connection between ability in math and musical talent.

Schools reinforce left-brain dominance by the arrangement of desks in rows, the placement in universities of the writing surface extension of the chair on the right side, and the reliance on a specific order of classes and subject matter, reinforced by outlines, time-tables, alphabetical listings, and charts.

{get pillows! -I always said} gumbaya a bit too. can't be a bad thing 😆

Any right-brain tendencies among children are thereby discouraged, and the minority who are right-brain dominant often have a difficult time learning in this heavily left-brain environment. No wonder so many exceptionally creative people, including Einstein, Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Bill Gates had trouble in school!

{i didn't have trouble learning, i was just more interested in the rest of the story}I was the irritating kid, asking: "why", ok!

Less than 20% are right-brain folks! So! all this would explain a lot for me. like the endless irritation I visited upon countless teachers (not because i was slow at school- i was just the opposite in fact) but i did ask a lot of questions the teachers either enjoyed or hated answering and when I said i hate maths, i really meant it and it wasn't always because I couldn't do it. it would also explain my approach to everything people tried to teach me: "and the POINT of all this is?" i'm not trying to be difficult. i really do need to know what it is, or i just won't care!

It also explains why I enjoy photography more than writing and love the immediacy of physical things. and why "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" (a book by Betty Edwards -if you're interested) didn't present a problem for me. Apparently I was already there!

What "brain" are you? Was any of this interesting or helpful?

Thanks to UNLISTED from whom the picture and it's basic analysis was stolen! Take a look at his blog. He's an interesting person. Thanks James!



93 Replies to “Which Way Does She (Do You) Spin?”

  1. and more: when I was reading through this to check the spelling and so forth, i looked at the picture and NOW, she was spinning counter-clockwise. then i read it again to check if i was explaining myself clearly and if the concepts were working and she was spinning clockwise again. i must have flipped back and forth within seconds. that was very, very WOW. 🙂 to somehow see that in action in some graphic way. (!)

  2. Hey that was interesting! 🙂 The first time I saw it, it was going counter-clockwise but only for a few seconds. Now it’s clockwise always…I guess my right side was still sleeping when I opened the PC!I see many similarities with what you said: “perception of space and the world around us, our connection to nature, and higher mathematical concepts (such as geometry).” I loved geometry/trigonometry but only that! I never liked maths otherwise. I was also known as “Mr. Why?” what for? In the purpose of? But I like reading and writing and I suck at music…. nothing is black or white it seems.

  3. i’m beginning to wonder about this test :lol:i know it’s making it all too simplistic. but it’s just for the sake of curiosity.i think the real reason i love to ask why, is because i like to answer the question and when i do… i like to answer it from inside. i rarely enjoy looking up what others have said, great thinkers have thought, before i’ve thought about it myself. from the gut is where i like the answers to come. personal answers matter a great deal to me. it’s more important to me, what MY answer is, than what others will try to tell me is the “right” answer. i do this as an exercise all the time quite naturally.i also like reading and writing but probably enjoy gardening or nature all the more, in a pure sense of the word: “enjoy” that feeling of freedom or connectedness. mine continues to flip back and forth. but that is also how i feel most of the time. like i am switching quickly between the two all the time. it has its drawbacks! thanks for being here martin 🙂

  4. I think this is interesting. I have seen it before and it always left me feeling confused since I see it both ways back and forth depending on where my eyes focus. am not sure this is a complete test of what side of the brain you use since if you look at the shadow below you can make it change direction and back again by looking at the top women. Either way, great blog. Maybe I am just broken and only use the brain in my pants :doh: it is hard to learn something in 12 seconds :whistle:Thanks to James for providing you the inspiration or whatever to post it.:devil:

  5. p.s. there’s an old zen proverb that goes:”Before enlightenment scrub the tub, after enlightenment scrub the tub”it always makes me remember balance. i think they had/have the market cornered on left/right brain activity and how to not lean too far in either direction.i’m off to sweep the floor 😉

  6. LC i tried focusing on different spots in the picture and it didn’t change anything for me. when i looked at the shadow it did indeed change direction. but this is possibly because staring into space or focusing on an object exclusively changes brain rhythms-which is the whole reason meditation works.and the top of the woman has boobs so we all know where thats going!ha ha!but it’s interesting how we’re each having a unique experience with it, isn’t it? and one that’s not fitting nicely into either left or right consistently. i’m not sure that’s so unusual though since we’re probably using both all the time, in unique rhythms. and also to note that we can change it by what we’re doing, thinking, focusing on etc.earlier it had settled into clockwise for me for quite some time, then i got really upset with somebody(tree vandalism and throwing of poisons without informing people who own animals was involved) -did i mention the bit where if you mess with my dogs safety you can expect whoop-ass? anyway, i gave them a tongue lashing from the bowels of hell and then it was very definitely spinning counter-clockwise.it’s funny when i was considering what results the folks who visited this blog would have, I thought Martin would be very definitely right-brained, but wasn’t sure about you. thinking it would be between the two for you. 😆

  7. Everybody is reacting to this the way that I’d hoped: they see different things at different times and analyze it further.To me, answers are only interesting if they lead to new questions.

  8. I’ll come back to check when I’m really pissed at something.. -Or else- It will be my “experiment post”. 😉 Because right now, head, boobs, feet or shadow won’t change a thing and the poor girl must be dizzy going clockwise non-stop!I’m almost obsess now to make her going the other way, like I said it just happened the very first time I saw it and no longer than a few seconds… It’s like the pursuit of an old dream or the memory of that beautiful girl you talk only for a moment and never had the chance to ask her phone number. 😛

  9. Oh, she is turning in counter-clockwise, just take a look at the shadow on the floor. I was in 3D animation for a few years back in 1996/97 (wow!!!) and once I was asked to make figure that runs at the same point – it turned really good and you cant tell if it was runing along the track or not, you could just see it running. So, first time I look at that animation, I noticed the shadow :)p.s. if the shadow was all visible it would be impossible to say which way the girl is turning.

  10. martin, focus on the picture, watch it spin clockwise. Close your eyes and make sure when you open them to are looking at the lower portion for her shadow only. She will then be turing counter clockwise for you:devil:Capy, if she had bigger boobs, I wouldnt care if she was spinning or not :whistle::devil:

  11. martin> ROFL! you’re such a righty! did you really want to be lefty? then stop obsessing! oh give up, you’re too far gone!:lol:i find that each type is actually quite comfortable with the positives of the hemisphere, but not always with the downsides (for want of a better word) right brainers might wish to be more structured or practical and left brainers long for more of a sense of abandon. always we desire what we do not have, while often not making the most of what we do. or something like that. i think friendships/relationships between people from “each side” are great learning experiences.and yes, damn those ones that got away, but won’t GO away. ;)darko> i figured you’d swing to the left, honey. although i think your answer might be contaminated by your experience!!! :lol:james> “To me, answers are only interesting if they lead to new questions”there’s another way!??? LC> or even if she had a head! but she IS pretty, isn’t she? the what you see is what you are (or is it?) spinning girl….

  12. Nirvana! I’m now a Master. I can make her spin the side I want at my will… :)Which means ?1- I’m a super perfectly balanced man. :angel: OR2- I love to have total control on the movements of a girl… :devil::lol:

  13. congrats on solving the graphic martinCapy, Having a head usually makes a women pretty, that is only because if she didnt then she would be a corpse and well nothing fun is happening there. On the other hand, pretty and smart have nothing to do with each other. A women with a strong mind is very attractive regardless of the packaging. Either way for me the power is in the eyes. n a different note some spinning girls are total hotties as they whirl around the pole :whistle:

  14. Pissed off with your mind? If you only play games then their anger could be understood. If you are just intelligent and they are threatened by it; shit it doesnt matter if they are pissed or not. As for the head, yes you need one because the head contains the eyes. 😛 Without the head there is nothing to gaze into, I will leave it at that :):devil:

  15. martin> i’ve created a MONSTER!!! now she’s naturally counter-clockwise?? what am i missing? a head!? oh now no LC won’t like me.LC> really? you’d be surprised how many men i’ve pissed off with my mind. practically thousands.

  16. LC> actually it’s often been because i wasn’t prepared to play THEIR games. imperfect though I am, I am not a game player. if i tell you something you can believe i mean it, or i just won’t say it. i’m not a panderer or manipulator. however i don’t take anybody’s wish to make me a pawn of their desires very kindly.Martin> quick! get to the left! it’s saner on that side! 😆

  17. being made a conduit for issues that should be sorted out within the person themselves is never fun, nor fair, nor honest. i’m not saying we all need to be uniformly strong or not need or rely on others occasionally-i’m talking about destrutive behaviors here. people seen as crutches and escapes rather than actual human beings. you will find that when you’re no longer available to be that to them, they’ll disappear and find somebody (anybody) else. quite simply it was never about you.there are games and there are games. there is nothing wrong with not opening ones heart 100% to somebody for example. to do otherwise is foolhardy. especially on the internet. 100% of anything (if it exists) is EARNED or given…not owed. (unless we’re talking about children, animals and other innocents. it would be nice if total honesty worked all the time, though. but there are all kinds of people in the world :(i personally have been involved with people who claimed to “never lie” be so honest etc. they’re the biggest liars of all. to themselves and others. (no offense to people who say that, who actually DO mean it-there are a few who try as much as possible to be up-front and i really appreciate them.again, not playing perfect here, just stating my case asI see it.

  18. You make it sound like a “pawn of their desires” is a bad thing, sometimes that can be fun :whistle: I understand your overall message.I think we all tend to play games in certain ways, shapes or forms; the difference is the outcome the person is searching for. Personally I tend to stick with honesty more, but then again honesty can be just as much of a game as dishonesty.:devil:

  19. :lol:that wasn’t touchy. would you like to see touchy?:lol:true! i had a period of self-questioning, but then decided that i did, in fact know right from wrong and what i deserved and wanted. and that i wasn’t going to get involved in anybody’s drama, the kind that is about them i mean (not normal support, caring etc which i am more than happy to provide, incidentally). and sure i’m not sorry about those experiences and am actually really pleased about the learning that resulted from it.everybody lies in one form or another. i don’t mind if somebody keeps something from me if they’re e.g. wanting to deal with it themselves for a while, don’t want to go into it right then etc, that sort of thing is usually easy to spot and i’m respectful of that. i am referring to bigger lies. ones that hurt.and yes, bonds are formed over time. through experiences shared, responses to things, communication etc. real friendships take time and effort and patience and lack of judgement and will imposings 🙂

  20. WOW touch crowd, I was talking about the more interesting pawn, a little role play, you know kinky stuff. Gees so serious all the time!!!I am however, sorry to hear that people have taken advantage of your charector as you described above. Usually, broken people tend to take advantage of who they feel are strong people, which usually leads to the strong person questioning themselves and their role in the relationship (this time not talking about kinky :P). Either way, I am sure you are a much stronger person now and therefore in a perverse way benefited from the experience. As for the lieing comment. Every body lies, we can only attempt to be honest and understand where that honesty leads us. I have never really been lied to that much, as I see it coming. I have trust issues, it takes a while to understand where the other is coming from so to speak:devil:

  21. Oh! So you are referring to lies like: WOW your hair looks great :whistle: for some women that hurts a lot!!! :PI do not understand drama at all. What is the purpose of someone who constantly needs to involve every single person on this planet in the misery? That level of neediness is a complete joke and I just dont waste my time. I know harsh words but I think that older generations are more reserved in this area. Anything of value takes time. :devil:

  22. “perpetuate the chain of pain”I understand self-expression, but there is a complete difference to that and the person that follows you around, calls you constant, finds you and then bothers you with their endless problems. Once they are done with you then they find a friend and do it all over again. That is drama and a waste of time.:devil:

  23. once i cut my hair and my boyfriend at the time was just so mortified that i wished he HAD lied :lol:i’m quite tolerant of human weakness, just not of human cruelty. all of us will or have at some time needed a little extra support and our behavior then will likely fall short of any kind of standard! having problems though does not give us license to endlessly hurt others and thereby perpetuate the chain of pain that we are trying to erase from our own lives.i’m a fan of self-expression though. many people have blogs that act as journals and i really support journals as a life-management tool-if they work for you. but of course that’s personal to them and there’s always pressing “X” to close the page or leaving the room, if it’s not your cuppa. evidently the younger people these days are proposing marriage and ending relationships via text msgs. huh? 😆

  24. i think it’s become easier to talk (if not communicate) because of all our gadgets. which makes us, possibly think less before we speak and also, expect others to be there as sounding boards at a simple click of a button. if we had to knock on a door and ask if the person had time etc, i guess we’d deal with more on our own steam. the accesibility of the net, i think has blurred personal boundaries a bit. and expectations and behavior most of all.i like to notice these days the sensations in my body after I do things to gauge if they’re ultimately positive. all discomfort is not bad, but one gets a very different feeling from a challenge than a negative hurtful experience.when aliens begin to fly out of her belly or her head starts spinning around on her neck like Total Recall, we’ll know for sure!:lol:

  25. Hrmm, watching too many movies are we? Your talking about aliens and things popping out of your body and then add in “sensations in my body” :doh: are you watching porn?I would tend to agree that too many personal boundries have been waived due to modern technology. WOW, I could throw so many sarcastic things into this comment :doh: I will be good since I have work to do and limited time to reply :cry:Not completely sure I understand about your comment about “sensations in my body to gauge if they’re ultimately positive”. I tend to make that decision prior to screwing something up just for a feeing. Not sure if that is applicable to what your intended meaning was. :devil:

  26. I think its a a growing portion or trait in society, which is a sad thing. I agree that people should communicate to relieve stress etc… But there is a difference between that and simple drama. One has a purpose and one is a perpetual strain on self and the people around you.Bunch of whiners. So are your saying the girl on this blog is spinning cause she is lost in drama or did I just pull that one out of my ass :whistle::devil:

  27. i just meant the mind-body connection and how what’s happening in our bodies can reflect our inner experiences (yes i’m watching porn):lol:right now i’m feeling….that you’re going to get fired due to this blog talking up your work hours!i’m about off to bed now, so work, work and we’ll catch up tomorrow 🙂

  28. I can not get fired from work since I do not work. I am going to school again to gets me mo smarters. I know highly unlikely but well I can wish. I knew you were watching porn with all that body / feelings / moaning / groaping / animals / etc… that you are writing about. Ok maybe you didnt write about it all but I can read between the lines :whistle:pleasant dream porn queen :devil:

  29. I think he’s studying a diverse and subtly beautiful language: American.English doesn’t do you much good here in the States.

  30. but there is no more bizzarely beautiful language than the South Africanmixture of 13 official languages all rolled into one strangely unique communication style!

  31. wow. almost all my visitors are right-brainers. but i’m thinking those boobs need to go because they are definitely creating bias!

  32. Anoher Zen question (koan):Is it girl spinning or your mind is spinning?:lol:Thanks Jessethecat for reminding me on this one :yes:

  33. let’s not and tell everyone we did! are we walking, because i don’t think either of us should get behind the wheel of a car, carcajou! lets just take the pills.

  34. Originaly, the story is about a zen master and his student. They are watching a flag, waving on the wind, and student asks master what is moving: flag or wind, and master answered that his mind is moving.:D

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