Which Way Does She (Do You) Spin?

isn't it interesting to consider the things you've always "known" about yourself, but haven't ever really analyzed too deeply.

"why am I the way I am?" "why are you who you are?"

take a quick look at this picture:

from your perspective, which way is the woman spinning? clockwise or counter (anti) clockwise?

the good news is that there is no correct answer. the way she spins all depends on your perspective. this is an unshaded 2D image, so it's all you baby!

if you are left-brain dominant you'll notice that she spins anti-clockwise. if, on the other hand (or brain hemisphere) you feel she is spinning clockwise (as I do) then you are right brain dominant.

it is also possible to be able to see her spinning in both directions? do you? or to see her spin to one side and then back by watching her leading foot. (i'm not there yet).

why does all this matter? it doesn't really. it's just interesting and may help you answer some questions about yourself. at the very least it's a bit of fun. here is some information on the differences between right and left brain dominant people:

Early experiments on the brain showed that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body (the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body). These researchers also discovered that each side of the brain specialized in certain things.
The left brain is responsible for most of our verbal ability as well as order, sequence, logic, and memory for words. Because 80% of the population is left-brain dominant (fewer than 20% of all people, throughout history, have been right-brain dominant)

{this would explain a lot of the confusion i felt when i was younger, or until i learned to accept who i am. i often felt and still do feel non-plussed by the way in which most people process information}I understand how they're thinking, but don't know WHY? ๐Ÿ˜†

our educational system is based on developing left-brain skills: reading, writing and arithmetic. We are urged, from childhood, to use our right hands to perform most routine tasks, including writing, and western civilizations read from left to right because our writing is based on letters which form words (rather than symbols which form sounds or concepts, as in many Eastern languages).

The right brain houses visual images, intuition, emotions, music, physical manipulation and our perception of space and the world around us, our connection to nature, and higher mathematical concepts (such as geometry).

{interestingly this was the one area of maths which i DID enjoy}

Notice the difference between arithmetic, a left- brain activity which is simply different ways of counting, and higher math, which involves visualizing complex mathematical structures. There is a close connection between ability in math and musical talent.

Schools reinforce left-brain dominance by the arrangement of desks in rows, the placement in universities of the writing surface extension of the chair on the right side, and the reliance on a specific order of classes and subject matter, reinforced by outlines, time-tables, alphabetical listings, and charts.

{get pillows! -I always said} gumbaya a bit too. can't be a bad thing ๐Ÿ˜†

Any right-brain tendencies among children are thereby discouraged, and the minority who are right-brain dominant often have a difficult time learning in this heavily left-brain environment. No wonder so many exceptionally creative people, including Einstein, Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Bill Gates had trouble in school!

{i didn't have trouble learning, i was just more interested in the rest of the story}I was the irritating kid, asking: "why", ok!

Less than 20% are right-brain folks! So! all this would explain a lot for me. like the endless irritation I visited upon countless teachers (not because i was slow at school- i was just the opposite in fact) but i did ask a lot of questions the teachers either enjoyed or hated answering and when I said i hate maths, i really meant it and it wasn't always because I couldn't do it. it would also explain my approach to everything people tried to teach me: "and the POINT of all this is?" i'm not trying to be difficult. i really do need to know what it is, or i just won't care!

It also explains why I enjoy photography more than writing and love the immediacy of physical things. and why "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" (a book by Betty Edwards -if you're interested) didn't present a problem for me. Apparently I was already there!

What "brain" are you? Was any of this interesting or helpful?

Thanks to UNLISTED from whom the picture and it's basic analysis was stolen! Take a look at his blog. He's an interesting person. Thanks James!



93 Replies to “Which Way Does She (Do You) Spin?”

  1. I never tried to tell you anything, I never tried to control you ever.I’m so misunderstood in life… *pity phase*ok… I’ll take the pills. ๐Ÿ™

  2. Hey babe, if someone needs help here it’s you. I’m not weak or anything!I’m super happy, the world’s mine to take.*double personality*

  3. no, no, no the world is MINE to take. somebody like you will never amount to anything. the only way you’ll ever succeed is to catch the drips from my robe of gold and light. i own you.*narcissistic personality*

  4. (martin the comments must have crossed at exactly the same time LOL, that was for Darko, obviously).who said anything about therapy??? i never said anything about therapy. you’re always accusing me of saying things, i don’t say. are you trying to CONTROL ME??????*paranoid delusion**persecution complex*

  5. i cannot spin. i cannot do anything for i am laughing too much at the idea that you think i’d actually do anything you said.:devil:

  6. awwrh! let me help you, i can save you from this pain, from yourself, what can i do to make it better, oh please let me help you. it would make me feel so valuable.*co-dependant personality”

  7. and the back up oxygen*very, very old married couple* LOL i’m off to bed now. it’s nearly midnight here. thanks for the fun, Martin ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. yes, yes, yes. I want to crawl in front of you while you hit me in the backwith your whip and make gold dust mark on it.I’ll lick your shoes and …*submissive**sexual deviant*

  9. I am out of town on Thursdays and return late friday. Sometimes I take my laptop and log in while I am away. I didnt this time. :devil:Just dealing with the new addition and the problems with her.

  10. darko! come back. we’re not that scary are we???:insane:martin i was laughing long after bedtime :p:LC, wondered where you’d been. you’re never to old to be insane here on my blog.

  11. capy he is refering to you being scary, not the rest of us, just wanted to make sure you understood that. :whistle::devil:

  12. foolish earthling! i have already left your planet and am presently enjoying a nice tube of querxin from the…*bekook! nearly gave away the home planet!*why did they choose me for this mission???

  13. Remember that senzor that warned you of a “strange behaviour” in cargo area? What do you think I am doing now?*message to Arecibo Space Observatory: confirmation of discovery of alien planet -stop- waiting for your expedition -stop- send me some mustard, I have spent all -stop- you don`t have to hurry -stop-*:lol:

  14. earthling? are you still alive?martin..so funny to see those old blog posts. when i started this blog it was just for a laugh. i never thought i’d write more than a few sentences/jokes on it and now it’s 2 years old or something….wait let me check…

  15. iยดm left-brained as she seems to be going anti-clockwise always now. but the first time I saw this image she spinned clcokwise… :eyes:

  16. isabel> i worry about this test! :lol:martin> it was wasn’t it? but just think about all the places it took us after that? lots of fun ๐Ÿ˜€

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