gimme some mud, blessed, blessed mud

i had a great day in the garden today- i planted gazanias ( a south african wildflower)

they are very common, but still i love them and eventually they will spread over the banks and hang over the edges of the walls…:D!

and bulbines…

also known as the "burn jelly" plant since it has succulent leaves

that you can use on burns or bites (or herpes if you have it- i hope you don't-but if you do come get some sap, you sap)

i had so much fun digging in the dirt. where i was before i didn't really start a garden since i knew it was only going to be temporary. it was achingly hot today but i left any boxes that weren't unpacked… and spent it outside and now i feel much happier 😀 i really love feeling the earth between my fingers and toes. i was filthy and sunburned and annoyed by a lone and very agressive bee but very, very, happy 😀 :up:

Hugs everyone


6 Replies to “gimme some mud, blessed, blessed mud”

  1. Total happiness! :up:Gardening makes you live longer I heard. “filthy and sunburned” keywords only bring me good memories too. Funny.

  2. Lemmie guess! You go red and then peel back to white?:D Sun wind and salt air are the perfect combo. :(I can’t handle sun though.When I was in school they used to call of tomato boy:lol:

  3. It’s great getting your hands in the earth and doing something that you enjoy doing. :up: Good pictures and take good care of the sunburn. Some of those plants should be able to help, right? *hugs* 🙂

  4. Oh wow. Thanks a bunch for reminding me that I have to do some pretty hefty upkeep in our garden before spring breaks and ruins everything by encouraging stuff to grow. Item one. Decide which weeds to keep and which to dig up, again. Item two, dig up all the not so baby ash trees and plant them somewhere else, preferably not in our garden.That 2nd one always raises eyebrows.Especially if it’s someone else’s garden.

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