Dear Online Predator

Neverland is a fictional place in a fictional book. Dream on, if you like, but know this:

55 Replies to “Dear Online Predator”

  1. Damn. I feel all empowered now.Having problems with some creep? I’ll beat him down. Nobody, but nobody messes with my Capey!

  2. well i could do it myself. :ninja:but you know how i feel about wasting valuable energy on pointless pursuits. this was just closure. you also know how i enjoy rituals.

  3. yes. first we take some serbians and cut them into pieces. then we light the fire under the cauldron… :lol:rituals for closure. i promise i’m still blonde and my candles are white. there are no small mammals or birds waiting for sacrifice he he.

  4. ha ha! yes you DO!for me sending feelings into cyberspace is sometimes a way to close emotional chapters for me. that’s what i meant about rituals. i think i like to do a physical action at these times..but to share it with others too. a “post-it” for the soul, possibly 🙂

  5. freud was a very biased doctor…if you’ve read his history? that’s my opinion anyway and i’m sure he’d have made something out of even there’s a clever man…and freud would definitely not love me. i’ve been blogging my emotions for years. it stops me from getting a tummy ache 😀

  6. Freud would love that. :devil:.But seriously, I’d say that’s a very good way to deal with that excess emotional energy.We all need coping mechanisms and rather than pay some over priced quack for instructions, it’s usually more effective to do something that you know works. :up:

  7. i really do not love Christina. but the song is illustrative. what? did you think i was that narrow as to not make use of whatever tool works? :lol:i promise i won’t post the one where..something about candy…:rolleyes:

  8. I like the images of the video… 🙂 But I’m out of the topic you have here. I don’t have a clue about the lyrics / sense of the song.:bug:

  9. it IS a very creative video isn’t it?the song is basically saying that the hurts of others do not have to crush us. instead we can use the way people have hurt us to become more of who we are. to become wiser, stronger, better! to evolve into learners and do-ers not’s also placing the focus on our role and responses to hurt. instead of blaming, shaming others or trying to get them to take responsibility (which some will never do..and certainly not because you ask them)it asks how WE will respond..and i’m not about to become all bitter and untrustworthy myself over somebody’s elses dysfunctional approach to living.incidentally, thank you to everybody who commented here in support whether they understood it or not. that means a whole lot to me.:heart:

  10. Thanks for this video. You mind if I use it. I wrote a poem about something in my childhood and this video fits it perfectly. and you are right, you can’t let yourself become bitter and hateful or it will tear you apart. good message. 🙂

  11. darko> you really amuse me with these pictures, you know! :lol:christy> sure of course not, it’s not mine to control! please do! and i’m glad that it can be of use to illustrate your poem. send us a link to it later, or share it here so we can all feel empowered! i did get your e-mail and i’ll respond shortly. i am, as usual, not keeping up with my e-mails! 🙂

  12. Let me know how to insert pictures too. I have no idea. And gdare you should stop by my blog when you have a chance and see the swordfighting equipment I put on there. My brother in law teaches the proper techniques of swordfighting and those are actual swords, not play toys. Someone asked me if they are sharp and yes I wouldn’t touch them. 😀

  13. “img=” you need this inside square brackets and without quotes just before http://……the form is [ img=http://…. ] as one word without spaces, I put them just to show youBut I am not sure how did you put it on right side 😆

  14. i knew somebody was going to do that. :lol:christy i’m sure darko will let us both know, or i’ll let you know when he does. the men on this blog are so full of…! isn’t it great?:D

  15. yay i did it!! i was confused when you put the img in inverted commas (“img”) i thought that was part of the data.thanks so much honey! now i can fight back!:knight:

  16. Opera user Nopanic taught me how to do that so I feel that I must spread the knowledge to whoever ask me 😀

  17. ok for anybody who doesn’t know how to add an image to the comments section:1. find an image on the web that you want to add.2. click on “see full-size image”3. copy the address.4. insert the web address into the comments section.5. add the prefix: img= (so img=http://) etc.6. place all this into square brackets […..]7. it should look something like this:thanks to darko for helping out the techno-fools! 😀

  18. I taught myself the hard way. I used mms blogging to put an image on my page and then I went to edit blog to view the code. :left:

  19. Michelle,This did not work for me. Could someone please explain it a little easier. I was lost after number 5. :(Maybe it was the picture I tried, I don’t know.

  20. qlue> good for you!Rhona i also just ask these days 🙂 quickest way, often. Sure teach us how to word link. wow. we’ll all be smart soon enough :DI sent you e-mail Christy!

  21. It must be the link only to picture, not to a html page with text and all other things. When you google something, you will see a link in the upper left corner “Images” on results page. When you go there you will see a lot of pics, pick one, click on it and in the middle top there is “see full-size image”, click on it and copy the whole http:/… lineGo to the comments where you want to post it, paste the line, add img= at the beginning and put square brackets [] at the both sides. NO SPACES!!!Now it should work. I will post a pic on your page so you can see the whole form if you click “edit” button under my comment.

  22. :up:Don’t put any spaces in, i’m doing that so it won’t link and u can read it :)eg.[ url= ] Michelle [ /url ]That’s it 😀 The link word is ‘Michelle’ and the destination is her blog.

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