Just an Ordinary Day

Walking into the study this morning, I opened the window, sat down at the desk and clicked on my blog link to view any new comments:


Suddenly I heard a terrible sound. "ZWEET, ZWEET, ZWAYT!!!! ZWEET, ZWEET, ZWAYT!!!!"


"woot the heck???"

I look up and to the left, out the window….

(as you can see the moles are now killing the grass which has solved the rampant problem but not the death one)

I spy a strange bird in the tree.

"Woot the HECK are YOU??"

Funny little bird, half bald, grey head, patchy feathers, sticking out all over, looking crazy..squawking madly, frantically…rufous(red) back and longish tail. Then a bigger bird joined him, and they both flew quickly away…with an insect in the beak of the older one….ahhhh? HUH? hmm…

I grab my bird book. (Yes I have a bird book-two really, Sasol and Roberts.) I'm not the "twitcher" I once was, but I'm still one. 😀

Thumbing through it I find this little guy:

I'ts a Paradise Flycatcher! The one I saw must have been a juvenile, what with all those feathers sprouting about his head. I've only ever seen an adult bird and only a handful of times. But they're not resident here, only a summer visitor. So I was pleased to know that they're visiting me. 😀

meanwhile some strange sunsets again:

…and just enjoying home :D:

Have a ZWEET-ZWEET-ZWAYT day, everybody!


55 Replies to “Just an Ordinary Day”

  1. Oh, I can see a summer in every photo you put there. And I like the last photo :)ZWEET-ZWEET-ZWAYT to you, too 😀

  2. Hey… I miss summer! :)This bird looks like one we have here but yours is more colorful! (Tyran huppé)Feeding on flies mainly. It’s flying like an helicopter when looking for bugs. Very funny.Beautiful pictures. :up:

  3. LC you’re SO GRUMPY!!! come and have dinner too at the sunflower table 😀 :heart:Jose> i went to school with a lot of Jose’s. nice to see a new face on the blog 🙂 i’m a nature lover, so here the moles win :D. i have plenty of moletraps gathering dust in the garage.i like that they are here really. it’s just grass after all. 😀 i co-exist…i co-exist… 😀

  4. Sorry to hear about your mole problem, i had the same problem here also. Even if you tried poisoning them or putting up a trap they are still hard to get.That bird looks awesome. 😀

  5. it’s a really funny bird martin, you’re right. less graceful than it looks, i think :)i think they all look quite similar. the Asian one also is similar. are you also coming to dinner :Ddarks> you can have anything you want. I’ll cook it!

  6. Wow, that sunflower looks so real it could be plastic!! :eyes:Did u grow that Michelle? Lovely sunset view! 🙂

  7. darko> SA food is very varied. i depends who you are and where you live..but in general i’d say a BBQ is about the most general festive feast. if you came to my house you’d almost certainly get one and love it! and just so you know..we don’t BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs! Usually lamb chops, beef steak, coriander or chili sausage…corn on the cob, onion and herb variations, and some sort of bread .in my case wheat free, and some assortment of salads and potato dishes…whatever we feel like….if it’s a very special occasion you’ll get a Spit BBQ-rotisserie? over the open fire…however, in my house mexican, meditteranean and Cape Malaysian food are also favorites. and my sweet and sour lamb chops :)if you were at the coast you’d almost certainly get a fish BBQ, or lobster, perlemoen or even oysters.martin> in Cape Town we don’t eat much venison as a general rule. you’d have to go further inland or up the coast to see that on a daily basis, though it is served to tourists at the hotels etc. 🙂 my family certainly didn’t do much of that…jose> they’ve never done that *that i know of* in any of the places i’ve lived-though SA homes are built differently to U.S. ones..who knows, they might be having a party beneath me :eyes:LC> you are always welcome at my house :DIsabel> it’s so sweet and nutty that bird!qlue> i prefer mashed potatoes always with my sausages! but i’m down, i mean DOWN with the tomato and onion!Rhona> i actually got it from one of the guys that have been helping do some repairs on the house. They did so much and all without complaint or even PAY. so on 2 Feb they’re coming for a BBQ..so I can say thanks…evidently they are bringing ME a present…i said: “i’m trying to thank YOU” lol such a great bunch of people…they’re not wealthy either..i know them from my conservation work 😀 hard workers, tough people 🙂

  8. Sounds like they are in deed invaluable. Dinner anytime :startsthegerbilrunningonthewheelFUCKhetrippedwheelstopped:The BBQ sounds impressive. We usually grill out 4-5 nights a week althought it is much harder when it is -2 etc… with 5 inches of snow on the ground. We usually have steak, Hamburgers, brats, potatoes, salad, and an assortment of other smaller dishes. Just depends on the people in who are coming and the day etc… Not much of a rib and chops griller though, but that might be more of a personal preference.:devil:

  9. then you’ll definitely love it here LC! 😀 no ribs???rhona you and your little one come too. and qlue you too..everything is halhaal! D

  10. oh,I could talk a lot about our traditional meals – sarma (minced meat mixed with rice and onion in pickled cabbage leaves), prebranac (baked large white beans), burek (thick dough with cheese, meat, apples or just empty) or south Serbian BBQ. Mostly it is based on meat and some of traditional dishes came with Turks during their invasions of Balkan peninsula during 14th, 15th and 16th century. We eat mostly pork, beef and chicken meat with various vegetables, cooked or fresh. Dried meat from villages on the mountain Zlatibor and cheese from south Serbia and Vojvodina are excellent… not to mention the wines :chef: :P*thinking of making the post about the serbian cuisine*

  11. 😆 @ LC. how could you possibly know that miracles happened to Darko?darks those sound interesting. i recently discovered how cool beans can be. yes do a post with some pictures 😀

  12. One thing we didn’t mention is the potjie. (Literal translation =>little pot.).Something similar to New Orleans gumbo. :p

  13. oh JA, JA! potjie! lol. i had the best potjie ever once on a trip up the breede river and Malgas. cooked by two men. this is one area where men really do it better than women. can’t say why….?

  14. So the perv I am:Originally posted by Capegirl:I had the best potjie (little pot) everOriginally posted by Capegirl:two menOriginally posted by Capegirl:area, men, do it better than women:doh: maybe I am reading into something here :whistle::devil:

  15. yes we all ate potjie and had a magnificent orgy LC! :devil:actually we were doing jetty inspections. one of the men was my boss the other was a police officer.we “sailed” (powerboat) the length of that river noting every single jetty for legality or infringements. there were hundreds…still we had a fantastic time. we saw tons of birds, snakes swimming across the river…had lunch on the river bank…finally we literally blew into the bay and had a great dinner at the pub there…then we went back and fell into a satisfied and exhausted heap at the police barracks where we were staying. the potjie was on our first night there…afterwards we visited the salt flats and pumped for prawns. i was in love with all the marsh grass that grew there…my girlfriend and i loved walking on that beach and sitting in the little caves 😀

  16. just sitting LC..”girlfriend” as in friend and colleague.well we did write a few things in the sand..:D and talked a lot.

  17. Michelle I didnt know you were so “open” to the corruption of a uniform :whistle::yousexylittlewindowlicker::devil:

  18. Michelle I didnt know you were so “open” to the corruption of a uniform :whistle::yousexylittlewindowlicker::devil:

  19. LOL well now that i re-read what i wrote i just left myself wide open for all that…ha ha!”blew into the bay””satisfied and exhausted heap””pumping for prawns””police officers and my boss”:lol::faint:

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