You have always been loved, you are loved, now, you will always be loved, more than you know.
I wish you all a day filled with that warmth, and the joy that that love brings.
Come on, enjoy some kissing fun with me:
Kissly wisslys, hearts, hugs and love
NOTES:if anybody attempts to cure me of my Keanu Reeves obsession, i am sending out the dogs.i would like to state emphatically, that i have been intensively studied and pronounced incurable. incidentally, if anybody can match this brand of kissing prowess, my number is…555… :DMORE NOTES: i’m still having troubles with my network. they swear it’s not them, i swear it’s not me. we are thinking that pistols at dawn are the answer.EVEN MORE NOTES: so i’ve been behind with work and trying to catch up. at some point i’ll reply to e-mails too. i’m still trying to catch up on all your blog posts, too. SO irritating. The Beatles said, :Let It Be” was that before computers??
NOTES I FORGOT: it’s taken me SIX tries to make this post. nice.
it’s a many splendored thing right now Ripp. firstly my modem is acting which i mean when i open the dashboard it restarts my pc..clicks off and on etc. it has trouble connecting and staying connected. when it does connect, it can’t load pages or sometimes it can. :hat: the signal keeps cycling up and down. i know i am in a fairly horrid area. sometimes i can’t even get a signal on my cellphone. so…possibly the power failures coupled with the fact it was always a poor provider and when i moved the reception was poorer. i phoned them the other day and the connection was so bad, but i couldn’t risk getting a different person and have to explain all this again…i ended up under my desk talking to the man.i have 8 months left on this contract, but i’ve put in writing (not location related) problems i’ve had since i got the thing and i hope i can cancel it. because i’ve always lived bordering on what is classed as “rural” i’ve always had such problems. once i waited a year for a telephone. this last time 6 months. “we have a problem with the lines, need to install poles, the lines are fully occupied-you’ll have to wait till somebody MOVES OUT” ah yes. i should be well used to it
Don`t worry, I can do it nice and quiet, I got myself a brand new silencer :DOk, I will bring tatami and Vesna to cook some food
I am sorry you are having troubles with your connection. If you need some backup in resolving problems with your internet provider, I will support you with my little sniper riffle :DBtw, if you intended to put a photo in this empty space…. wellllll, it is not there
Now it is there
A video :up:
Michelle, what exact problem are you having with your ISP? Not that I know anything about them :doh: I was just wondering.You are more then welcome to come hang out with me at school. It might be a little cold with all the snow we have been having. :devil:
ripp. can’t be worse than mine right now. i’ll come to your school and feel spoilt, i think. is this just taking a really long time to load or have you all caught the disease? worse. it’s this blog that’s a problem..and not only for me… :frown: oddly for once it’s not taking all that long to appear for me :confused:gdare,
yes because i am very tired of cooking right now. after i eat i will sleep on tatami, while you and vesna….HAYAAAAAA!
ahhh it’s good to have friends from Bahamas who can kick ass.
:doh: I see nothing but empty space :eyes: maybe that is a reflextion of my own mind :awww: hopefully it is the shitty bandwidth at school and I will see something when I get home. :devil:
arrgh! darko. i have enough problems w/out the ones you’re making up! rifleman! LOL! yes come and bring the tatami! *and vesna* and the bahamas cuisine!
i have a “mobile” isp. i.e. cellphone sim. don’t know how you refer to it over there. over here dsl is about the most modern. some of them i can’t get here “no access in that area” i’m still looking in to the cable modem i heard about. the thing is, i hate to spend so much money on a computer. i have other things to buy, things i want to save for etc. i pay R500 now, what i’ll be paying next i have no idea…i am not a millionaire! and if i were i’d buy the company that sells these modems just to burn it down
it works with a cell phone sim card. basically it’s the cheaper option and now we know why
my sister has a similar one and that also is pretty crummy. it’s time to spend more money, clearly :frown: yeah in the US you have nice options at lower prices i guess. the joy of the first world. our telecoms are the most expensive in the world you know. i guess i won’t be calling anybody.
mobile as it works with your cell phone? WOW, that sucks, wish you luck with that. cable modem here is about 50. usdollars a month depending on the bandwidth you request. The higher the bandwidth the more money you pay.
:eyes: :doh: so you use cable isp, dialup, cellphone, dsl? What is the “dashboard” you are refering to? It is amazing to see the differences between areas or countries :doh: I get pissed when my cable modem isnt downloading at 8megs. It was great where I used to live because working for the company I had experimental service and we received between 10-13 megs of download. That made it a lot of fun to game etc…:devil:
I didnt know that, that would suck; I love tv and internet and well I would have serious withdraw or something.I can use my cell for its blue tooth connection but that is way to slow compared to even the shitty bandwidth I get at school. Are there different options for faster speeds with your card. We have those options here as well. :devil:
no, it’s just what it is :frown: the problem is: no competition that would keep prices down
:eyes: just one vender? WOW!!!:devil:
Isn’t 666… your number?
I have adsl here but 512/64 Mbps is not enough always for a proper internet experience. But it is much better comparing to 33.6 kbps that I use to have with my dial up connection. We have a lot of ISP but only one telecom that owe all the links but prices are going down anyway, slowly but persistently. I have to pay about 17 eur per month for adsl. And it is flat rate
No, I know.
That doesnt seem nearly as bad as michelle :(:devil:
Hi Michelle :DHappy :heart: day to u too!!
only one for telephones Ripp. a few for internet, but only one or two good ones.darko, that is not bad, i guess, for Bahamas prices.
the joke isn’t getting old for me. do i have a problem.Rhona! Happy Hearts Day, Puma! whats up with the James and the games??Martin…here have a fist! :heart:
It could always be worse :whistle::devil:
I do. Usually I am friendly person and love to share good time with friends. There were enough serious years behind me, I want to laugh and be in a good mood.:)
darko, do you smile as much in real as you do online?:D

Thanks Michelle!Well, James has ditched the adult game and now gets other games from the library, still with police and chases. But now, everytime I express a view to him he just personally attacks. So, i’ve stopped expressing to him, it makes no difference and I don’t need that.How’s life with u?
Be happy you have a machine that has a full keyboard. This mobile thing aint so great.It’s ironic that vodacom advertiser 3G. I still haven’t found a 3G signal.
darks…me too. :Drhona that is such GREAT news. at least it’s age appropriate. i certainly do understand that sort of person. it really is a better idea to keep the energy for yourself as much as possible. (in these cases)aadil> a friend of mine uses 3G and it seems to work well for him, even on a road trip! i had thought about changing to that…who knows…because of where i am i need a good signal. which obviously means a whole lot more money. right now i’m trying to get this one cancelled first, before i look for another, otherwise i’m R4000 out of pocket, because they’ll make me keep paying.
Hiya Michelle, sorry that you’re having computer problems and b-slap them if you have to to get the problems fixed!
still waiting to hear from them :rolleyes:
Waiting for Godot, maybe?:lol:
Just reach through the phone and slap them upside the head, like in the cartoons!