My mother is a great lady. She taught me how to:
tell the truth
look at the moon
help others
bake apple pie
plant flowers
care about animals
take care of sick people
work hard
put talcum powder in the pin box to prevent rust
have hope
re-use plastic "everythings"
play fair
bake cakes
have compassion
make mashed potatoes
draw pictures in mashed potatoes
keep my stainless steel shiny and new
remember how much i have rather than that which i lack
try my best
give hugs
blow kisses out of the back windows of cars
offer somebody a jersey if it's cold and they're without one
really look at the natural world
give back to those who've helped me
make something out of nothing with absolutely NO money
keep warm and cosy during thunderstorms
take candy after medicine
be physical
sing while washing dishes
enjoy modern musicians no matter how old i get (and appreciate Freddy Mercury and Mick Jagger)
wear sandals
make jam
wear shorts
grow plants from cuttings
whip excellent egg whites
save..everything..because I might need it later (i always do)
remember tomorrow will be a better day
add and subtract
Yes, my mother rocks!
I love you mom, and THANK YOU!
Your mom is a lucky lady :)It’s nice to see that children appreciate their MOMS :):heart:Fati
well I wish my daughters were like you :)I don’t take anything for granted any longerOne never knows
hey GF, as we get older we begin to most appreciate the things we were taught when we were very young…maybe it takes a lot of years to really learn them or to appreciate them. but i bet mothers know THAT too
well there’s some things my mom forgot to tell me too
but that was mostly because she didn’t know them herself. i chose some while back to remember the good things and to also understand how they have ironically helped me to deal with the bad ones. it’s most strange. and it’s funny to realise how good she really was, always in the background keeping things together…like ALL moms do, all the time :)GF, i know they will come around. maybe they must just sort through things in their heads and let things go like i did. where there is life there is hope GF :heart: :heart: :heart:
I’m with Michelle on this one, Fati: your daughters just need time to come around. There’s comfort in knowing that even though it can’t be easy for you. Honestly, which would you rather have for your children: mindless obedience or appreciation from somebody with a mind of her own?Becoming your own person takes time, love, but it’ll be worthwhile for all of you.
Nice one :up:
Miiicheelleeee, ma…:drunk: Nice post!What would we do without our mothers?:confused:
haha, that`s true
and we keep coming back to them
James yep.. :up:Darks…thanks!, that song was such a hit! what indeed!? i remember i talked to my mother once on the phone..then i said: “anyway! i’m older now, so i must deal with it”..she said: “i don’t stop being your mother, ever”

well i try not to bother my mom too much..i always think she deserves a chance to not have to be taking care of people, after having done it all her life. actually i seldom turn to anybody for advice. iif i really need new input get it online :p
My mother once said, “No matter what, James, you’ll always be my little boy.” I’ve been taller than mom since I was eleven years old. Nice to know that that’s only good for so much.I also think that advice is overrated, regardless of the source. Some folks want advice on EVERYTHING. :rolleyes: Then they’re all :doh: when it doesn’t pan out.
hehee, I have never really appreciated advice that hasn`t been asked for :furious: (well, except in very few occasions :p )Michelle, in my case it`s exactly the opposite :PI mean, she calls me A LOT, sometimes probably too much. I think that we really appreciate our mothers when they give us space.
And yes, I too get some input from other sources as well. I respect my mom`s points of view but we are very different in some things, so… I rather ask somewhere else (normally). :rolleyes:
ha ha! i always thought those were the best ones …the advice you don’t really want to hear!!!
those are the ones we need to listen to.i guess she just misses you… 
thanks Nick!
i like to just say basic things sometimes. things as i feel them.
nice ……. in a cool way
Well, I don`t go to her for advice, only to share stuff , we are good friends!:up: Haha! tell me about the advice. SOmetimes when my parents come for vacations, and I go to take a cinnamon bun, (and I have a few kg extra) my Dad will say: you should not be eating that!:insane: :bomb: so, yeah
ha ha! marina, my dad is SO outspoken like that, it’s just not true. that is where i get it from. and why i can be very direct-but i can also take it from mother is a lot less direct in speech. ah ya! but i never worry about anything like that, anymore. if i feel fine then anyone can say whatever and it’s mostly ok with me. when we are parents then we’ll understand how it feels to have a child and then he/she leaves..but some part still sees you as that child :)darks, they do and also sometimes the wrong ones..ha! that is family. we are all the same
:lol:They always know when to say right words
Darko, indeed! ahaha..:lol: Michelle… I learned to be direct like that from my Dad too, but at some point I decided to be a bit more polite (casue I know hoe it feels and it`s not nice :P) Well, at least not for the stuff that can be very hurtful, otherwise, I say things just like that and sometimes people is like :eyes: It`s good that you don;t worry about anything like that anymore. I try to do the same, although sometimes I just can`t.That day, OF COURSE I ate not one but 2 cinnamon buns :headbang: Michelle, do you want to be a mom?? and you Darko??
yes, but i haven’t quite figured out how to align that with the Dian Fossey in me.
by which i just mean…i have some pretty serious conservation-slanted goals for the future and i’m not sure if i can/will choose to try to blend them with motherhood. child services might object 
how about you?
Me? Mom? :eyes:Well, I prefer to be a father
Look Michelle, you can use something like this, and then you just carry your baby with you everywhere, No problems! you will be a conservationist and a half. That`s exactly the way indians carry their babies around. I love it. If I ever have kids, I will get one :headbang:
LOL, you silly. Would you like to be a father??:king:
Yes, you can put laptop and baby at the same backpack
hahah! good idea Darko, and the lunch too :cheers:
Yomerita, those things are cool, but what about the floating ghost babies that they attract? I mean, look at this!
That’s a lovely poem! :up:
Wow, that sounds like a great career :love: do you have lots of chemistry, math and stuff? I would love to do something like that but what I have found so far is full of that and I really suck :awww:
Marina, I studied Nature Conservation for 3 years at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology It focuses on academic and practical, but mostly practical. academics are relatively pointless for this job. i have one more year to do, if i want to qualify with BTECH, which is like a B degree but technical. i’m not up for more study right now, though! i love baby slings. i don’t know why more women don’t use them. i like that you can still cradle your baby in your arm if you want to. i also loved that little car seat cosy.
James that floating ghost baby is most strange, but i guess it’s UV protective? it would be perfect for the southern hemisphere i guess, but i hope it’s cool too, otherwise, poor casperbaby! Darks and also the gun
Thanks Adele! 
no not really. soil subjects had some but turned out to be a favorite subject and not at ALL difficult. the botanical aspects had some floral formulas and such, but that also wasn’t too hard in the end. there are a selection of calculations that you need to do in resource management and some for ecology, but by no means is this intensive. some students didn’t enjoy dissection classes, but it was ok all around.there is a lot of emphasis on practical skill sets, like firearms, using chainsaws, mixing poisons, first aid, problem animal traps etc…things like this :)and also field work in all three years, vegetation sampling, marine sampling, species studies, idenitifications, field guide certificates etc…they are far more interested in if you can handle the day to day aspects of the job technically..but of course you also have to do the academic stuff.and they did rather pile it all in in a limited time frame so that was tough.
It sounds so cool!!!! I think here the only thing that we have is environmental studies (at least close to where we live).
it IS cool, but you have to be mentally and physically strong,and unemotional, deal with people who are as “unique” as you are, accept that there is not enough money to do the things you want to do. kill animals even if you hate it. -especially CATS
work 10 hours and then another 10 if need be. accept how little you’ll see your family and the impacts this has…at times etc…it is not riding around in a jeep showing tourists elephants and lions (i always say that because most people think this is what it is :lol:)so these courses come with a few warnings attached! :lol:why not do some more research and think about it. 
Oh, btw, that white gown thingy is for UV protection, Michelle.And, Yom, tu puedes llamarme Jaime.
Yeah, Michelle, unlike you I didn’t have the good sense to stop the scientific studies sooner.:rolleyes: Honestly, though, I wouldn’t trade my education for anything.The thing is, Yom, you love those techie-type jobs or you don’t. I got burnt out, but many of my friends still love doing it.If you really love it, go for it. What do you have to lose?
well i graduated my course of study. the Btech is an extra year on top of that-optional, so i didn’t give anything up really. i just had other things in life that took precedence over Btech at that time. most students i studied with then are only doing it this year or not yet..the job is too taxing!
Hi Michelle
I want ur Mum, she rocks!! The evidence is in her daughter :up:
I know I’m late, but I do love this, thank you for shareing it.Your Mom has got to be one awesome lady.
That’s so sweet :)I think most people would be able to find something to relate to in your Ode to Mothers :yes:Just the other day I was thinking about how kind my mom is – and sometimes I feel like I don’t do enough for her. But I guess it’s thoughts like that, that stop people from taking their Moms for granted.thanks, Cape Girl.:heart:me
JCL, so true…my mother is also phenomenally kind in her way. i think this is the last generation where human kindness and decency was given great importance, don’t you? it seems this way to me. poor us generation x-ers too! caught between two worlds occassionally heard to reminisce while admonishing ourselves to move on..ahhhhh so!
I think maybe once we evolve past our greed and self-servient attitude humankind might actually become a bit more altruistic. Although maybe this will be expressed outside of the nuclear family and more towards a global consciousness. Wow! You would think I just finished reading a new age book?! :lol:J.
nice lessions of the mom. i will follow some, yes. its all good. peace and love always..kiss kiss