I think Operaland may need an injection of optimism.
So how about:
1. Letting it go. Letting it ALL go. For real this time. One at a time. I said, for real.
2. Forgiveness – and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of forgetting. Don't forget to put yourself on the list. It actually DOES set you free.
3. Not letting others determine who you are and, more importantly, who you're going to be in this world. You are beauty, you are love, you are faith, you are inspiration. Nothing anybody does to you makes the teeniest dent in that. (But you might).
4. The total absence of competition – with other people, yourself, with the world, with your demons. Let's welcome whatever it is in. Then let it go.
5. Being the change you wish to see in the world (Mahatma Ghandi) (i.e. stop griping, start doing something to make it different – or remain silent and get on with it).
6. Taking care of yourself before others. If you don't get this one yet, then you need to learn it. Make time for the things that make you happy. If the word "selfish" has entered your mind, then you really need to learn this one.
7. Trusting your intuition. Its your inner compass and we were all handed one at birth – encoded in our DNA. If you can't hear it, you're not listening.
8. Treading carefully upon Mother Earth. All mom's can only take so much. Her mascara is beginning to smudge. Don't be of the number that destroy this planet for the generations yet to come.
9. Dealing with your depression, if you have it. Its ruining your life and that of those around you. It really is. Depression can and must be managed, because you deserve a life that is not colored by faulty logic and despair.
10. Taking a break from all of the above when you need it. You're not perfect and neither is anything or anyone on this orb. You don't have to be and neither do they. That's a pretty amazing thing, really.
and last but not least:
11. Laugh as much as you possibly can whenever you can. Spread it around – we all deserve it.
huggles and all the best of everything for the year to come.
HI Michele,WEll STATED :)thank you for sharing nice to see your posts againLoveFatimah
Capey…You’re wonderful! And thank you for reminding me about all of that stuff.It’s easy to forget sometimes.
Hi Michelle,Very nice list you made here, we should all take your advice :up::)MarcusP.S. I pray that you are feeling better and make a speedy recovery
beautifully written Michelle!
:up: say
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Fati: thanks GF! I know that you and i are of the number that love way too much for our own good :)marcus: i’m doing fine actually! thank you friend.D: yeah, we all need reminding – especially me. it is all too easy to forget and start wallowing in negative emotions. but you need to feel sad right now, that’s different. my thoughts are with you Dillon.isabel: thanks for that link girl. and the compliment! i thought this writing too clinical, but i let it sit the way it came out!frodo: we’ve not met properly have we?, but i know we have Dan in common! thank you!
:)joining forces! all hail to female power! :p
:cheers: to that!
alcoholics! all-a-y’all!!!! hee
definitely not! :p
yea, definately not..:angel:
i haven’t had any alcohol since i was 26 years old. i gave it up – just like that!
Michelle: completely???? wow!I do drink wine, beer and other stuff, but only in moderation. occasionally, a bit more, but I always stop before I get drunk.
yeah completely! not even cough syrup! i’m not in AA or anything btw! just decided to stay as healthy as possible!
I drunk to all of your thirteen commandments Miss :cheers: (What they’re just 11? Well I’ll continue drinking to them no matter how many they seem to me.)
ha ha! zerog. have as many as you’d like. they may even eventually begin to make sense!?
Hey there, what a great post.
Honestly, it is easy to write those words, but a person actually doing them is a totally different thing. I really don’t stress anymore about anyone, I feel as if someone doesn’t like what I am doing, saying, etc. then they can basically look the other way as long as I am not doing them any harm directly. I would never set out to hurt anyone and to be honest; I don’t hate anyone enough to do that. About “Operaland” Yes….that is exactly what it is a “land” something that is not “real” in a sense….. just words that are floating out there somewhere…….tiny little 0100101010001000111101010010001010 is all they are. Why someone would let that effect their mood is way beyond me!!! I mean for crying out loud….sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Being selfish creates a sense of disconnection to me, but yeah people should take care of themselves….that is true. :)Have a good day/night,Sarah
hi sarah! sure these aren’t easy things. but still some things in life require work before they become easier.i think people get hurt because on either side of the 0 and 1’s are people with hearts and minds that think and feel. anyway! i think i’ll make a joke post next!
quite right. online and off!
it’s as personal as we choose to make it.
Hi Michelle,You are right, there are feelings out there.
That is whyI have pulled myself from taking things personally. :yes::)
Nice post! I would just add: life is much simplier (hope I wrote this correct, my dictionary is somewhere
) than it looks at a first sight…
great things to start 07 with! i even feel this optimism myself now