If I could have anything I wanted, it would be Enrique Iglesias as my slave boy. That way Iggy (as I'd almost certainly call him) could paint my toenails while he sings to me, with the added bonus of great abs and honey colored skin. I recently heard,however, via the drips on my windowpane that we're not always going to get what we want.
I'm not referring, here, to the things we can change and don't, because we're too lazy, afraid, intimidated or just plain foolish. I mean the desires that seem so much what we need and really fail to materialise, despite our repeated efforts or more interesting, materialise and then fail to satisfy us. Nobody is exempt from this sense of frustration, it's just part of being human. I'm sure you've all had moments when you just stop and wonder what it all means or if it even matters that much to find out. Living after all is about doing and being, thinking and feeling and the melting pot experience that ultimately makes the best sense and yet none at all.
Who knows why we often want what we don't need, need what we don't want and get exactly what we ask for.
It's the wheel and nothing can stop it from turning. Each experience contains within it the tiny seeds of what it could be, what it will never be and what we want it to be. Are these things one and the same? Choices my friends. And if we're lucky, good people to share the ride.
Needless to say we could pick it apart, think about it, analyse it, disect it to death. strategise and streamline and still the sense of things awry. things off centre, that arises at times, ebbs and greets us again one cold morning as we step out of bed and pause for a moment to reflect.
I am not without regrets, but in general I am not unhappy with my life. My mistakes number as many as my successes and my heartaches have been bolstered by tremendous joy and passion. This mixture of experiences has transformed me from a woman who looked at the world and wondered what was in it for her, to one who wondered what she could give back, to one who now just looks and begins to see something more precious than I could ever have expected and yet more painful than I might have imagined.
I am a woman who chooses to live her life with as much kindness, courage and integrity as I can muster But, this doesn't mean I'm perfect or, needless or that I don't have feelings and am uniformly strong-
It just makes me a fighter.
I have feelings, and I won't allow anybody to run over me with a Mac truck. I feel too. I need too. I just often don't ask. It's a permanent flaw in my character.
Still there's BAZ LUHRMANN to help me make sense of it all.
To close, remember: Be kind to spiders, the planet isn't only about you-and if life hands you a lemon-throw it at somebody!
hello you, i’ve been having problems posting to my blog so i just pressed save to see if it was going to work-fifth time lucky it seems!
interestingly i DO love spiders, very much. i think people who fear them or kill them are stupid, quite frankly. even more interestingly i don’t want Iggy for any reason other than slavery. i do not therefore wish to make whoopie. isn’t that strange.
i must visit your blog again-i’m very absentminded at present you know, but not in a bad way.
I wrote my comment before your post… try that!Now I read the “full” version, great post once again. I’m just addicted to this blog for a long time now. “Be kind to spiders” (coming from a girl) It’s a nice way to express what you mean. About “Iggy” well…..
Yes, 38th
This is the wright blog at the wright moment. For me. After, exactly, one more year.I can’t add nothing more, just one of my favourite quotes:”It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was only a dream. It is said that the world we live in is not a bit different from this.”Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
darko> one more year? is it your birthday?the world might indeed be a dream, a nightmare even. or more likely a sitcom.so everybody i’m still having problems with my browser refreshing pages on opera. i had to get here via the archives now.who knows why! so if i’m a bit delayed i can’t see posts or messages or new posts from other blogs.right back to my new book:”If You’re Not Getting the Love you Want it’s Because You’re an ASS!”just kiddinghope the day is going well for everybody.hugsMichx
Congratulations on being one year….BETTER!hug and kissMichelle
Hi Michele,great choice of a man
and yes it’s black in my browserGreat read too always enjoyed your writing LoveFati
yes good old iggy would make a nice slaveboy indeed! just have to make a plan with that tennis playing girl….;)thanks girlfriend for stopping by and reading and checking the page out. hope you’re taking excellent care of yourself as befits a QUEEN!
OH GF you are the sweet talker aren’t you :DYes I am trying the best I can considering I am being pulled apart by all my companies :(Hugs dear friend
lol i totally mean it though. we should treat ourselves like that-nobody else is going to do it, huh?
you said that right, I don’t depend on anyone for anythingbeen there did that .. We are the keepers of OUR TEMPLES.. I don’t expectanyone else to keep it :DHow is your temple?
hmm.let’s see. my temple has some pretty large, slobbering dogs keeping watch right now, they’re not paticularly vicious, unless you try to get in. and they don’t fall for steak dinners! lolother than the defense system, my temple is feeling pretty placid and centred today. it feels orange rather than pink and its adorned with flowers (jasmine) and candles. there is some silk involved too. :)how about you?
sounds wonderful :)I am re thinking an email I wrote to one companyand will probably tell them to shove their stores LOLI am to nice and this is my down fall.I am also getting rid of a house cleaning jobshe too is taking advantage and my health is moreimportant than her house and the money.My sister would freak out if I light candles even though I have many in my room and never lit them, now they make candles running on batteries and they are nice but no scent.looking forward to my own place SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON !
these things take practice you know, if you’re not used to putting yourself first. lots and lots of practice and slip-ups when you forget you decided to do that once and for all. except once and for all, is easier said than done, but as long as it gets there, right? no candles? why not? aargh. batteries? wowee. but it’s not the same :(i’ve just got home, and going to have dinner. it’s stormy here. e-mail a bit later
It’s hard sometimes after rasing kids to start treating yourself good this is what my 3 daughter is facing now. I am over that period, I treat myself great, only work takes to much out of me.I will see you tomorrow I have to go eat now also.. it’s after 8pm here.:)
my sister too. since her little one started school…
I think women beat themselves up more than men do
i think that’s genetic really-women are programmed to see all sides of things at the same time-so we can better raise children and find good mates. and also social. there is a lot of pressure on women to be good, look good, think well, earn money, do it ALL. it’s ridiculous and why girls of 16/17/18 are having boob jobs to be “good enough”.aargh.
Cape,I used to hear that song every single morning while living in America.That song and its words gave me a sense of simplicity and motivation that nothing could reach that level.Great post. I’m trying to improve myself to get there, exactly where you are. Loving everything and eveyone the way they are – no need for changes.Love and thanks,Dan
I know but I think the tv and magazines have so much to do with their minds. .My grand girl Carly who is 12 she is showing signs of this alsoshe thinks she is getting fat and she isn’t and she needs this and that to look better and she doesn’t.I am going to have her work with me next week so I will have time to talk to her and give her postitive reinforcement :)Got to go eat dinner now.. Love youFati
Hi DanYes I agree, it’s saying hey we won’t get it all right and good all the time, but trying is the good part. That song reminds me of my time at University of Technology, here in Cape Town. Well I don’t love everybody: if you kick my dog, I definitely won’t like you or tolerate you. I’d probably understand you, though, understand that you’ve been raised a weirdo about such matters- but be warned about my dog. :lol:you’ll get there Dan :)Fati, I think that’s really sad. i hope i’ll raise my children to think they’re pretty damn great no matter what they look like and to focus on who they are, what they bring to the world, instead. x.
I know but I think the tv and magazines have so much to do with their minds. .My grand girl Carly who is 12 she is showing signs of this alsoshe thinks she is getting fat and she isn’t and she needs this and that to look better and she doesn’t.I am going to have her work with me next week so I will have time to talk to her and give her postitive reinforcement :)Got to go eat dinner now.. Love youFati
girls of those ages feel no self worth, they think they are to fat or ugly and worth only if they have big boobs
that sounds like a good thing you’ll be doing for her. carly is a lovely name
i’ve seen shows where girls as young as four and five think they’re too fat!? i wasn’t conscious of my body that way until i was about 16. my thinking is if we can get young girls to like who they are, how they look will just be about how they look after themselves, keep fit and healthy as much as is possible… and how they feel inside or if they can’t be they’re still GREAT!i’m off to bed too. working all day 
Wow, Michelle, you’re deep! And if you can crawl over here so I can whisper it in your ear: “I bloody love that”. And somehow I’m sure you laugh loudly and dance passionately. In short, I like you. I’m gonna add you as my friend now. And then I will have breakfast :-)Have a nice day!Eivind
:lol:i do both of those, you know. i really do.sure i’ll add you also.