Say What?

In keeping with my previous post about better communication, here is a good example of just how bad things can get:

7 Replies to “Say What?”

  1. Aw. Poor little bunnies. They should melt their little incomplete selves down and form one big bunny. One big mean bunny, whose high pitch scream could tear the very fabric of the universe creating a hole in the space-time continuum. Big Bunny would leap through the tear into another dimension and terrorize it’s inhabitants by scamming them out of their hard earned money using the shell game. Once Big Bunny gets rich, it will scream its way back to us, and Indian give the money to local charities. Cross-dimensional money laundering is a lucrative affair for unnaturally large evil chocolate bunnies….Long night….

  2. darko> 🙂 back at ya!D> No fair that big, evil chocolate bunnies have a life more exciting than mine. crossing the time-space continuum no bloody less, get some sleep! 🙂

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