Rugby World Cup 2007

How much do you know about the animal life in South Africa?

If you've watched a nature documentary or two you might think that these are Springboks:

Of course we, South Africans, know that THESE are Springboks:

See? The horns? We know. We know.

CONGRAULATIONS South Africa! You've brought the cup home for a second time!

It has been so enjoyable to join in the celebrations at home and on the roads. Everybody had a wonderful time rooting for the team and sending as many positive vibrations in the direction of that stadium as possible. Having fun, reaching for a dream and believing are also very inspiring ways to spend ones time. Sports have united us, if only for a moment…but that's what life is about…moments.

Go Bokke!



25 Replies to “Rugby World Cup 2007”

  1. Hey M!I’m very glad to see that your country is so good at sports!I’ve heard of the springboks’ win at Saint Denis/France last week!Congrats, once again!Dan

  2. Hey Danny Boy-long time no see over here! glad to have you back, honey. Thanks for the congrats to the boys who run after balls for a living! imagine? Generally we’ve been doing badly at sport, so this was a woo-hoo moment for the country! and tremendous fun to watch and be a part of.

  3. hello, mickey, how do you do? i am fine, thank you.tommorow i am comming to see you! and granny ina is also comming. love cassandra.

  4. I know how SA people felt. 🙂 We lived the same here with our national sport -hockey- ! The nirvana would now be “Team Hearth” beating the Martians I guess… :rolleyes:

  5. CASSY! awwrh! hello baby girl! not that you are a baby anymore cassy! i am very happy that you’ll be here tommorrow! (but i have no chocolate milk this time):( love you, kiss kiss(that’s my niece everybody)already on the blogs! :)martin> we’ve been the same with our cricket-just can’t get anywhere. but come close-torture!

  6. Well, I will have you know that even I, MOI was wearing a Springbok shirt for the final :lol:I was very glad that they won. It actually made me think of 1995. Do you remember what you were doing on that day? We had a big debate about it amongst my university friends about where we all were on that day. No-one could quite remember. This time around we took photos so that we wouldn’t dare forget :wink::heart:JCL.

  7. wow. i just took a trip down memory lane (there seem to be a few blind alleys)I believe in June 1995 I was working at the Two Oceans Aquarium, where i was mostly likely poking a kid with my pointer or feeding the fish. quite possibly I had my eye to a microscope or was discussing the merits (or lack thereof)of literature and film based on marine topics with my friend Mark. Mark wore a shark tooth around his neck, and liked to discuss what “Jaws” did or did not do for sharks. I was definitely not watching the rugby. I don’t even think I knew there was a game going on. :faint:good to know that you were wearing the green and gold. why are they so expensive? i bet they’re worth a fortune now, if anybody would DARE sell theirs 😆

  8. Sounds like great fun. Thinking 1995, wow, that was an interesting year. I can remember coaching but that was about it. I dropped out of school and got a DUI the year before. Lets just say that 1995 is a year that was good but bad. Hid away trying to forget the embarrassment of the last couple years of my life at that time. :devil:

  9. well life hasn’t been boring! (evidently). what did you coach!? are there years that are all good? or all bad? perhaps. 2007 has been incredibly strange for me, but also very enriching. can you believe it’s almost Christmas again?Oh Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday friends in the U.S. 🙂

  10. For 10 years I was a USS coach (United States Swimming, competitive swimming). I would say there are definitely blocks of years that are better then others. It might just be a negative mental process that makes it appear that way though. It is beyond scary that it is almost Christmas. :doh: Just not sure what to do with myself and the Christmas spirit. :devil:

  11. did you swim competitively yourself? i feel rather less exuberant about Christmas than I did last year. I think a festive season spiritual retreat sounds good :), but i guess that’s not practical. and yes, it’s all how we think, isn’t it? or a lot of it anyway. will you travel to see your folks?

  12. sperm is a terrible thing to waste :devil: and of course all the deluxe stuff goes into making women :devil:10 years is a good run though. do you miss it? aren’t all humans in some way hypocritical? perhaps a rare few escape it. parenting. hardest job i can think of. throw sports into the mix and….wow…i can well imagine….earth is a very complicated planet to be human on :)still, flowers and rainbows might well make up for all that.

  13. Yes, I quit, I mean retired in 92 after US trials. I started coaching about 6 months later when I gave up my scholarship. I thought the only thing I would do is coach, loved it. THEN I decided after 10 years I couldnt stand the hypocritical parents. Had some incredible parently support and some other people that were a complete waste of sperm. :devil:

  14. “sperm is a terrible thing to waste :devil: and of course all the deluxe stuff goes into making women :devil:”WOW now that is a real quote. You kinky girl!!!I miss the sense of worth in coaching; there is an incredible amount of fulfillment and accomplishment in coaching. It is not like a real job that is work and go home. It follows you, guides you, and is a true measuring stick of your ability to do your job. Managing a multimillion dollar contracting company was nothing close. Almost embarrassing to compare the two. It did however pay a lot more. :rolleyes: not sure the money was worth the choices I had to make in charector. I was lucky enough to coach some very talented swimmers. Some of whom will be competing in the 2008 US Trials in June-July 08. It would be nice if one or more made the team and was able to compete in Beijing. Not likely to happen but one has an outside chance.As for the world being full of hypocrats; you are correct, but the level of hypocracy isnt always the same. Too many parents allow their judgement to be thrown away by their personal pride. I can only imagine that parenting is a difficult job; however, anyone can be a parent. It takes one prick and one puss and a couple minutes of fun and a person is a parent. It takes a strong moral, ethicla and intelligant person to be a mother or a father. The second takes pride in knowing that they are teaching a child how to be a positive part of society in the future and for the future. Too many times the parent doesnt see the whole picture and what their role as a parent involves. Those selfish parents are the hypocrits I was mostly refering too.Of course mother, father, parent can be interchanged depending on which term you value as more important. :devil:

  15. i’m not sure any amount of money (or other currency) is worth the changes in character that may be asked of us. but i am a maverick and quite strange.”It is not like a real job that is work and go home. It follows you, guides you, and is a true measuring stick of your ability to do your job.”i really do understand this sort of thing.i completely agree with what you said about parenting. it’s easy to be a biological conception vessel but not easy to notice who your children and cherish that rather than imposing your own will on them-i would think. actually i know-i’ve been a child. and yes also nurturing a skill set, which of course is hard to do if you yourself were never party to one. arrh we just don’t listen enough in general. how could we over the sound of the tv, the computer, the cellphones? it’s a wonder we haven’t actually lost the ability to hear voices that come from humans. or have we? :devil:

  16. huh? you say something? I didnt hear it. :devil:I am glad that you understand what I said. Too many people look at me with weird eyes and do not understand such things. :devil:

  17. Really? I hope only in a few senses. :doh: It would be bad if you got that all the time. You dont have two heads or something do you? :rolleyes::devil:

  18. :doh: what are you talking about going to bed? Dont hide your true feelings now. I wouldnt want you to hold any punches. :rolleyes:Just to clarify things, complicated people are usually more interesting then people who are simple. Simple usually means simple minded which in turn isnt very exciting. I would say that I understand where you are coming from; however, I wouldnt want you to think I was trying to sweet talk you. :rolleyes:Is there a special hearing aid I could purchase that would help me undermastan wha yu be sayin? :devil:

  19. i told you i was komplimakated. yes of course complicated people are more interesting…to US. but to simpler minded people (who are, incidentally, equally worthy-in my book) we can be irritating, even dreary. far too deep for some folks to bear. which is fine. since i in turn might feel the same about them, on any given day. i was, of course only joking re: your other post about the sweet-talking :lol:we currently do not have the michelle-demystifier 2007-PR. hearing aid in stock. we’ve received so many orders that we just cannot fulfill them all. keep checking back with this website where we’ll notify you of any new shipments that may or may not be in the pipeline-such stock is always dependant on ocean currents and moon phases.

  20. i assure you i’m quite complicated. and i’m not wearing it like a badge. it would be easier to fit in more smoothly. complicated in the sense that i don’t hold many views or perspectives that are understood very easily or more accurately the motivations behind them are often quite layered and very complicated and not easy to explain to an untrained ear. i find it difficult to find relationships that fulfill the type of intimacy and/or wavelength i gravitate towards. friendships and other.”I doubt you are that complicated, just interesting”I’m not going to bed with you.:lol:

  21. Ok, well I did a little research myself about the hearing aid. I understand that the michelle-demystifier 2007-PR is the model that will allow me to understand the deeper you. However, I did find the ultimate=bullshitmax 2008. Which if you know anything about hearing aids it is by far the better product. It has the ability to decifer all BS (I mean all methods of complicated thought) that pass through it. I will purchases that at a much reduced price and am sure I will get the message. :rolleyes:I never sweet talk, I am just sincere. Since you are complicated you should understand the difference between the two. :devil:

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