“Let Me Tell You a Secret”

from: Postsecret

Everybody has them don't they? Here people are encouraged to share them and bring them into the light, in order to help heal their lives. There are now Postsecret books as well.

Some days are better than others on the site, some darker, some lighter..but all an attempt at healing and expression. I can't fault that :heart:

New secrets are added every Sunday 😀

37 Replies to ““Let Me Tell You a Secret””

  1. Wow, those are the morals that you want to pass onto your children. The mom is a slut and the “fake” dad has no balls :eyes::devil:

  2. I am sure you have heard it a 1000 times before: “My sweet, You have been tagged” so so sorry.:devil:Now in response to your comment. Of course “love can transcend imperfectin”, however, I think a relationship formed on lies is doomed to fail. Pure and simple fact is that she lied to the guy she was with. She might be the most moral person in the world but she still lied and she cheated. With that she does not love nor does she respect the guy she is with. There is no room for cheating in my mind. Just break it off if there is a need to scrog another. He on the other hand is so focused on her that he could care less about her cheating. That is lack of backbone, I am surprised he can walk upright. Example: Hillary Clinton, her husband cheated on her. She should have divorced him on the morals alone. No exception!!! She didn’t because it “was better for the country”. What would have been better for the country? Her staying around or her setting the example that nothing is more important then morals, lieing and cheating are not ok!!! Which would serve society more???:devil:

  3. LC, all i see here is a very forgiving man and a woman graphically depicting that she appreciates what he did for her. humans are weak and stupid sometimes, i don’t think there is anybody who hasn’t been or won’t be at some time in a variety of ways.i’m sure what she did wasn’t right or fair or respectful. but who is uniformly right or fair or respectful or perfectly moral? i think it’s rather naive to expect people to never make a mistake, even a big one. Sure it’s not like he HAD to forgive her or that she even deserved it, but he chose to and I think that makes him a very strong man not a weak one. Weak people run at the first sign of trouble or difficulty. It appears as if he looked past her fall from grace and loved her not because of it, but despite it.perhaps he looked at her and saw the woman he loves falling from grace and loved her enough for all 3 of them. i’m thinking i’d not mind my child having forgiveness and compassion as an example. we can’t know. perhaps they’ve a fantastically strong bond now and will pass that love on to their child.that’s just my perspective on this one. 🙂

  4. “Weak people run at the first sign of trouble or difficulty.”Also: there is no rule in war and love. Or something like that….

  5. “all’s fair in love and war” 😀 yeah. i think we can choose what we’ll do you know and there’s lots of different circumstances too. i just think love is not always about getting exactly what we expected. 😀 ultimately this couple can express their love in the way that made sense to them. how it worked for them. i’m not a judge 😀

  6. How many times should I forgive my brother? Yeah, I don’t think the first reaction of most self-respecting guys would be “I love you.” Probably not the second or the third even, but love isn’t about deserving; it’s about giving. Also, love doesn’t mean forget and ignore. There’s a huge gulf between passive resignation and loving acceptance.

  7. no it wouldn’t. i agree.true self-respect follows true humility IMHO which does not denote weakness, but the understanding of our own imperfections alongside those of others.i agree that love isn’t forget or ignore. nor is it divide and conquer.in South Africa we experienced the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which was a chance for those who had committed and were affected by Apartheid crimes to express their feelings and talk about their experiences in a non-judgemental setting. I’ve never seen so much anger and so many tears.I remember (i was much younger) being struck by the forgiveness that came out of those sessions (over time and not in all cases) and how it healed so much more than all that wadded up anger ever could. i’m not saying it’s easy. just possible. forgiveness is also not always about the perpetrator. often it’s about you letting go and healing. thanks for stopping by 🙂

  8. :doh: not when a women is concerned since women are all about size of the willie :whistle: and if it was wrapped in the neat package she wouldnt have gotten pregod :left::right::devil:

  9. I understand the whole love portion of the equation and respect it on that one level. I also respect him for being the better man; obviously, I wouldnt be in this “specific” case. I see it from the other side of the equation. The tens of thousands of times that this behavior has happened, become accepted and how it is now accepted as a part of society versus right and wrong. Perhaps he was so desperate that he felt he couldnt get another women. Perhaps the reason she cheated on him in the first place was because she didnt love him and now she is settling for him because the other guy figured, if she cheated on him, she will cheat on me. No no no!!! this has nothing to do with religion or anything like that. It has to do with the respect you share with the person you love. Love can not exist without respect, understanding, and honesty; acceptance can but that is a poor substitute for love. You are correct that there are no perfect humans beings, but each individual can and should strive for perfection just the same. That is what makes the human mind actually strive for new levels of accomplishment. I will simply agree to disagree on this one because my opinion will not change nor will yours :rolleyes: only because you are far too stubborn for YOUR own good :lol::devil:——————————————————–edited for your new comments. The anger and hate you speak about is truly a horrid thing but it is different then cheating on a “loved” one. Yes understanding is needed in life, but different circumstances have different consequences.

  10. my opinions change all the time. i’m a very open person. i’m not having it out with anybody here..just talking..”Love can not exist without respect, understanding, and honesty; acceptance can but that is a poor substitute for love”we can’t know what happened here. perhaps he cheated on her first and she got revenge by sleeping with his brother…perhaps he treated her badly, perhaps she has a psychological disorder that she finds hard to control..she may just be a selfish ass…we just can’t know…but maybe all these 3 you mentioned have, in some way, been fullfilled:she respected him and herself enough to tell him-RESPECThe understood why she did it, she understood why she did it. they understood what happened and why-UNDERSTANDINGthey were honest with each other, possibly about their weakness, anger but also that they wanted to stay together, cared about each other-HONESTYit doesn’t always come wrapped in neat little packages.

  11. LOL but i like what you said so…good that you did 😀 it also made me think. all of these comments made me think..which is good…we learn from each other..i once had a boyfriend who cheated on me *with the girls next door-i mean!* i was out of there so fast…but you see that was the extent of my love for HIM..it didn’t extend that far….for others it was different, it went further…that is just human i guess…

  12. That is a great site I seen it a while agoI think Sarah posted something from there and the guy turned all of the site into a book.Wonderful post and thanks for refreshing my mind :)Fati

  13. “Perhaps he was so desperate that he felt he couldnt get another women. Perhaps he was so desperate …”This is easier way to think about it. Perhaps is just a word that bothers me so much. This could be only one of thousand possibilities that may have happened. One in thousand? Hmmmmm…..”Love can not exist without respect, understanding, and honesty;”Perhaps she loved him, respected him and understood everything he`s been through. But then he hurt her. Bad. Slept with her best friend. She wanted to make it even. Then the car hit him and he end up in wheelchair. And it opened his eyes, and he has seen his wasted life. And she realised she loves him despite everything…..”You are correct that there are no perfect humans beings, but each individual can and should strive for perfection just the same.”Define perfection. It is just as personal as what kind of t-shirt colour someone like to wear. For you, perfect one could be just pink with light green stripes. For someone else…. who knows. Doesn`t matter. We all make our perfection, reachable or not….

  14. Michelle, I have just read your comment. If I did it before I wouldn`t waste time and space here, you spoke my thoughts. I need a lot of time to say something like this in english 😀

  15. Perfection for me or the definition of perfection? They are two completely different things. Perfection for me is far to complicated for a simple blog or post and something I deal with daily. It would be nice to think “we all make our perfection” but sadly that is not correct. There are far too many people in this world that are a drudge on society; they simply exist with no urge or desire to move forward, therefore they are not making perfection. :doh: My views might make me part of that group, since my mind is usually not completely open :whistle: At least I will be part of the majority :doh: the majority is more of the problem. Far too many people are willing to accept in this world. Acceptance is not the way to make the world a better place. If acceptance was the way then a majority of the great accomplishments in history would not have occured, YES the bad parts wouldnt happened either. I will take great over bad any day and would sacrafice for it. A society without greatness will never advance or change. The majority will grow and man kind eventually will die from mediocrity.Then again, that is my limited opinion :whistle::devil:

  16. :up: about “perfection” darko. for some it may just be getting out of bed in the morning. if they weren’t able to before, it’ll seem pretty perfect to them. yes i get that 😀

  17. :lol:You are right; I am single for a reason. It is not for my “views on women”; your assumptions of my views are probably further from the true then you know. You made one incredible point but left out something. “who are we to judge?” Isnt that the very thing you are doing right now :eyes:I dont have a problem with knowing I am closed minded, opinionated, judgemental, ignorant, sarcastic, condescending or any other term anyone wants to use :whistle: I have been called worse by far more people :rolleyes::p:devil:

  18. Having children out of marriage doesnt matter if the people are in love with each other. Marriage is just a religious union of two people. If a women wants to have a child and seeks independant ways there is nothing wrong with that either. Even two people who are friends and choose to have a child with mutual respect is fine. Nothing like that deals with cheating. Now if he cheated on his wife then he would be worse! Just add any name you desire. I refered to her as a slut for cheating not for the action of sex. I dont have a problem with a women having sex with any number of guys, cheating is different. No, I have not walked in his or her shoes. I have more respect for the women I have loved then to cheat on them and more respect for myself for that matter.Maybe I should lower my morals, and cheat on or screw over all the women I meet and know. WOW that would make me a great person. It seems that is the common ground here and maybe that is why I am single now. :eyes: :devil:

  19. “It would be nice to think “we all make our perfection” but sadly that is not correct. There are far too many people in this world that are a drudge on society; they simply exist with no urge or desire to move forward, therefore they are not making perfection.”But how can you tell without being judgemental? I think you underestimate the power of other people ambition to make their perfection. And:”You are right; I am single for a reason. It is not for my “views on women”; your assumptions of my views are probably further from the true then you know.”Isn`t it just my point? :)And, please don`t be angry or offended in any way. This is so complex matter that I would not dare to make judgements. I have just seen a lot of “empty” spaces in your comments and couldn`t resist not to try to break the solid statements you have made. 🙂

  20. Each has their own morals and values and views on marriagesome marry for security and other reasons.Shit happens as they say, and sometimes women do have children fromother men while in a marriage and also maybe her marriage wasn’t a good one and maybe there are circumstances we don’t know aboutor is our business.She wrote this post secret for herself and like I said, ” who are we to judge?” You being single is your decision and maybe it’s your views on women that keep you single.End of discusion since it’s my point of view and also yours.Fatimah

  21. if a man has children out of his marriage what do you call him Ripp?you called this woman a slut who are we to judge have you walked in her shoes?it’s so easy to call names and not understand. there are reasons why things happen and maybe it was meantto be also 🙂

  22. capey, you are right. Your response is one, Fatimah’s is another, gdare a third and mine is a 4th. See 4 different thoughts on the subject :whistle: :devil:

  23. i wasn’t judging you, just disagreeing with you. let’s all go do something more positive for the planet than argue round in circles, huh? guys go get a lapdance or something. maybe i’ll go give one 😀

  24. The empty spaces are what you are searching for. You are seaching for them because you are judging me and my comments. I am never offended so dont worry about that, say what you like 😆 My opinion is my opinion as your opinion is your opinion. Mine will not change because I have a “closed mind”. Regardless of your the words you are using your mind will not change either and it is for the same reason. Gdare, a question for you? Have you thought about other peoples ambition and looked around the world? What % of people on this planet do you think are ambitious? What do you call ambitious? The point of me being single had nothing to do with you nor does it matter for me to comment about a women cheating and getting pregnant. It is an attack on my character in the same manner as I judged the “slut”. It is simply another point of view which will not change due to judgement of others. Which of course, I seem to be the only person making any judgement here, not that any of you are judging me for my opinions :whistle::p:devil:

  25. :doh: I am still waiting for your to post a pic :rolleyes: and there you go being all sweet again. You are my hero :whistle::devil::devil: two for you this time:devil:

  26. I’m certainly not for lowering morals. Clearly what she did was wrong. It seems to me, LC (forgive me), that you look at this woman as though she isn’t worth helping. I think she is. That’s all. There’s a book my sister told me to read, “The Painted Veil” that is somewhat relevant. I’m done. No lap dances.

  27. :doh: My opinion has nothing to do with helping her or anything like that. I simply said she was a slut (ok maybe strongly stated, but since she cheated on her “love” she is lacking somewhere) and that he was spinless for going back to her (she she screwed him over). That is all. It has nothing to do with worth or anything else. I stated what she did was wrong and it went from there to morals, to society and then to how much of a POS I am and my horrid opinions :doh: No need to say forgive me, because your opinion is your opinion :):devil:

  28. Human urge to achieve something, material or not. And you will find ambition even among very poor or very rich people.And I was not judging you. Just wanted to show you that life is not black and white but in a million shades of gray…

  29. NOTE TO ALL:i believe in freedom of speech, which is why i’ve allowed this thread to continue-even though i haven’t enjoyed the way in which some of these opinions are being expressed.I would just like to make it VERY CLEAR that if there are any character assasinations, labelling, name calling or other disrespectful attitudes to differing opinions then i will block comments from anybody who is indulging in that sort of behavior.This blog has always been a positive space for me. I intend keeping it that way. I posted this blog entry to highlight a site which i felt was valuable, since it is a “safe” space for people to share things that, for whatever reason they don’t feel comfortable sharing anywhere else. It is a safe space because of an absence of judgement.I love and enjoy everybody who visits this site. I think you are all good people and free thinkers, and by no means do I wish to control that or tell you how to behave. However, please respect that I have an ethic on this blog.Feel free to talk and share opinions, but steer clear of the abovementioned.

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